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Sell All My Belongings and Live Out of A Van?


Active member
Should I sell all of my belongings and buy a Chevy City Van to live out of in San Francisco? My income is only 750 a month so I don't have many options. I could put a couple solar panels on top to run a fan, radio, and computer.

I am on disability. I take three different types of medicine once a day that could probably be substituted for cannabis. But I live in a nonfriendly state in my parent's nonfriendly house.


Well-known member
Yeah, at least just to get out of your parents house. Plus who knows you may take a trip up to northern California and become a trimmer. Not sure how bad your disability is, but anything is better than $750 a month.


Well-known member
It's a good life ,if you know how to hustle up a little extra cash. There's parking at the golden gate. Free campig in mt. Shasta city up north , also at joshua tree . No car camping in Cali .
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Active member
No car camping in Cali .

do they enforce this if I don't leave the van in the same spot longer than 24 hours? I was thinking of just parking on the street and going to a store to buy food when I need to use the restroom. I would try to get the van with no windows in the back and just sit back there so no one would see me. not sure if this would work.


Well-known member
Yes in a lot of California. They will bang on your window and give you a warning , then you get a ticket. . There are not many places to park in San Fran. But like I was saying mt Shasta city has all year camping ,till it snows .look for blm.
We like to do a couple of seasons growing in siskiyou , on blm .then a couple of years apartment living ,
I'm just Finnishing up 2 years in an apartment and I can't wait to get out west to do some more growing.

Im also disabled and making about 750


Active member

It looks like those are about people who don't move their vehicle. I would move it at least once a day if not more unless I walk somewhere instead of driving. I was thinking I could even take trips to Washington State or Colorado or Vegas if I felt like it. I have family members in San Francisco and like it there but I haven't been in 15+ years.


Active member
You'll have plenty of time for rollin dubies when your LIvin In A Van Down by The...well you know the rest!

Matt Foley: Van Down By The River

Yeah, its an option

I know people doing that and it can be cool...

Do some research if youre on Disability you may be eligible for discounts on camping at state or Federal Parks

https://www.recreation.gov/marketing.do?goto=/ATBPass/Access Pass Overview.html

Check that out it could end up being useful

I would say plan well and be organized and set up some places to crash along your way

Could be good maybe a RV or truck with a camper might be better Van could work You may want whats known as a conversion Van that has seperate electric and heat for living

I would say plan well and do not burn your bridges with unfriendly parents

You might want to wait before substituting anything with cannabis ...Add cannabis

Get a good 3 months of maybe something strong like Simpson oil under your belt get stablized and get reliable supply set up in front of you

I would do a bunch of research that way youll be comfortable
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Well-known member
We've done this for many years , San Fran is a pretty tough spot . San Diego, is real do able you can sleep feista island , you just have to find a place to park between 2 and 4 in the mourning.

I like California because I make about 400 extra compared to any other state , assuming you get ssi.

You get 180 supplement in California, and you will get an extra homeless benefit 200 for living out of your van , assuming you get ssi

St. Phatty

Active member
It's a matter of learning where to park, and being discrete.

I lived in the back of my truck for 5 weeks once in SF.

Only glitch was one Saturday morning, on the little side street I was parked on, this woman came out and was sweeping her sidewalk at 7 in the morning.

I didn't want to upset her by emerging from my truck un-shaven etc. Dying to go get some coffee. Waited a half hour for her to finish.

If you do choose to live there, I suggest a van. Partially so you can get from the driver's seat to the back area without going through the camper shell door.

As long as you keep to a schedule, find places to shower etc., SF on $25 a day was very doable. Might be more like $35 or $40 now.

I suggest keeping near the ocean, on the West side of town.


ICMag Donor
Check out some you tube vids concerning the subject. There are tons of folks doing exactly as you propose.
I’ve been considering something similar but I’ve got a trailer instead of a van.

Also, consider what you’ll do if your van breaks down. There are probably some statutes concerning vehicles that are unable to move on their own in some places & I believe SF is one of those places.


Active member
I guess it is possible; but is it worth it. I have a place to live now with my own room, tv, internet, air condition, food and I would give up everything to essentially be homeless.

St. Phatty

Active member
I guess it is possible; but is it worth it. I have a place to live now with my own room, tv, internet, air condition, food and I would give up everything to essentially be homeless.

but you would have access to Clement Street Barbecue.

Their barbecued pork is almost worth being homeless for.

Actually, SF was much a much nicer place to live 20-30 years ago, before all the tech companies moved in.
I guess it is possible; but is it worth it. I have a place to live now with my own room, tv, internet, air condition, food and I would give up everything to essentially be homeless.

The trade being, your security and a comfortable home for some independence and possible adventure..

I have a friend that lives like this. It's a low budget shitty way to live. But could be fun if you could afford to tour around the country. Might be alright for the short term...I never had the balls to do anything like that as a young fella, Was too busy living in a small country town wrapped up in hunting and fishing. In one regard, I regret it, every time I see these sweet back packing chicks parked up in there vans...

Could be fun for the short term...It's your call.


Id rather find a willing female partner and go live in the wilderness. Build a camp, fish, hunt, forage, and fuck. No police, no neighbours, no bills, no bullshit. I can't because Britain has no wilderness

Id love it, learning the old knowledge of survival and clean living. Id take a gun, cell phone, medical supplies, solar panel, led lights, thermal gear, water proof stuff etc. I aint crazy.


Indicas make dreams happen
I'd say if it's something you're interested in doing than go for. Better to live with something you wanted to do and not have it work out in the end than to wish you would've but didn't. I'm sure you will make many great friends and memories that will last a lifetime. Just my 2 cents.


Do it.. Sounds like you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

I traveled all around years ago in vans and trucks. It is harder now days they have closed down lots of camping spots but I am sure it still can be done.

If you have a clean looking vehicle move it around and don't bother people you should do fine. You can get gym memberships from places that have them all over and have hot tub and shower for $30. a mo or so.

St. Phatty

Active member
Id rather find a willing female partner and go live in the wilderness. Build a camp, fish, hunt, forage, and fuck. No police, no neighbours, no bills, no bullshit. I can't because Britain has no wilderness

What about the Forest of Dean ?

All that means is, I'm a Harry Potter Head.


110 square kilometers and it comes with a forest.

It doesn't mean you'll find a frozen pond with Gryffindoor's ruby encrusted sword, but at least there's a river with hopefully clean water.


Might even have enough sunlight for a 2019 Cannabis crop.

Are northerly latitudes like Britain a good place to use auto flowering genetics ?

Seems like it might be.


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What about the Forest of Dean ?

All that means is, I'm a Harry Potter Head.


110 square kilometers and it comes with a forest.

It doesn't mean you'll find a frozen pond with Gryffindoor's ruby encrusted sword, but at least there's a river with hopefully clean water.

View Image

Might even have enough sunlight for a 2019 Cannabis crop.

Are northerly latitudes like Britain a good place to use auto flowering genetics ?

Seems like it might be.

No its a tourist attraction and far too small an area. sounds big in square kilometres but its the same as a 6 miles x 7 miles.

Yeah if id had autos in the ground 10 weeks ago Id be harvesting decent plants by now. ITs been great weather so far this year.

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