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Self's increasingly self-sufficient, local, organic perpetual medical mini-room.


anyone ever meditate in their grow rooms, or with their plants in general?
I smoked a taster of my white widow (which is actually in its eighth week, I'm pretty sure)
and had some nice moments with my plants.
They are very happy these days. radiating good chi. lovely ladies!
one more week I think to put on bulk, then chop.
good vibes.


speaking of crabs...anyone ever tried to extract chitosan? I'm not sure its entirely necessary, as I've crushed and fermented them anyway, but somewhere I was reading about using HCL and lye to isolate the chitosan...
Extraction and Evaluation of Chitosan from Crab Exoskeleton as a Seed Fungicide and Plant Growth Enhancer

They sell chitosan as a clearing agent for homebrewing:

If you didn't want to go through the trouble of self extraction.

heady blunts

prescription blunts
haha yea 22.5" but i'm only 6'1" so with the proper shrink ray it would totally work.

although on second thought i'd much rather have an enlarging ray pointed at my grow :D :D :D




here's a little update with some white widow bud shots. We're in the eighth week now, I'm reasonably certain.

One of these phenos smells sweet, but the other two are really skunky/musky almost rotten smelling, like rotten cheese or something. My taster last week was quite psychedelic high-wise, as I love white widow to be. Holding out till next weekend to harvest, but then I need to make room for the last burmese kush and the first of my DGS Select mix :jump:
bigger and better, every time is my goal.
I also just picked up some peyote purple:jump:
keep it green
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update time!
I installed an inline fan and carbon filter running off a lux thermostat. Now I'm not constantly subliminally reminded of my grow by the odd waft around the house, and temps are right on target. I'm sure the plants are enjoying the fresh air too. Widows have all been cut and dried and are now curing. Yield is a little on the low side, but I should have vegged longer, now I know.

also a few rooting clones and aurora indica seedlings.
more later,


I'm past overdue for a little DGS mix spotlight. I've culled three males so far. Four have just been transplanted into 2 gallon pots and gone into the flower room after about six weeks from seed, two I put in 6 gallon pots to veg for a few more weeks, one went outdoors. I'll try to post some pictures tonight...


welllll...I'm going to let those dgs ladies spruce up from their transplant and light flip before I show 'em off.
I did take my first two dgs mix clones today...


checkin' in...
some action taking place in the flower room, some stretch from the dgs girls, nice budding on both kandykush, and a thai hybrid i've been working with. should be a nice month...

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Thanks Heady!
In my seedling chamber I've got 100% germination from 5 aurora indica, 3 black widow, and 5 peyote purple. I also just took clones off some outdoor monsters, purple widow and mandala x bc mango.
I'm still trying to get the hang of the perpetual thing.
so far my yields haven't been quite where I need them to be to supply my patients consistantly and with variety, but I'm vegging longer now and mulching with dried horsetail and comfrey. I vacillate between thinking I have WAY too many plants started and worrying I won't be able to keep up with demand...
as long as I'm learning every cycle and the medicine is improving, its all good!


little update...

little update...

here's a few shots of individual plants as I shuffled things around in the flower room.
Here are three dgs mix girls. They got a light nute soil mix, and I'm paying for it through the stretch...gave them what I think was a (relatively) strong dose of nettle and comfrey fpes yesterday, but I'm still figuring out just how concentrated this stuff is.

I have three other dgs ladies, but two are in larger pots and heavily lsted, and the other is outside, so no pics of those at the mo.
Here's this crazy thai hybrid I'm working with. I call it tuktuk

It's an f1 between a bag seed of something my friend called "mind boggle thai", which I've never heard of since, and a dank and stocky unidentified, but maybe bc mango, male from a pack of bc bud depots outdoor mix, 2009.
I grew one of these seeds outdoor in 2010, and it was my favorite smoke all year, smelled and tasted like sugary kerosene with a hint of lemon, had a nice chocolope-like bud structure. Clear eyed and motivated high, pretty much perfect. I hope this turns out similar, although the budding from this pheno is the best in the room so far, and better than what I remember of the outdoor version.
and heres the kandy kush, she wants a richer mix too, I'll give it to her on the next run.

well have a good one,
I'll be anxiously awaiting this rez drop...
and puffin' some blueberry :smoke:

emerald city

Thought id take a minute this a.m and check out your grow..Looks like you take pride in your work.....Couple quick questions....Why organic vs ionic solutions??Ive found the art of fertilization so much easier to dial in useing chem type ferts.Hard to quantify and assign a number [ec/ppm] to an organic mix.Hard to know what nutes are available at what time....2nd ??Would it not be easier to pick a couple breeds to dial in rather then skip around trying many types of seeds.....
Not givin you a hard time just seeing how the otherside rolls.If i can ever be of any help give me a shout...:tiphat: E/C

heady blunts

prescription blunts
self, looks like those ladies are pretty far along, but dont' forget about top dressing when you're feeling like your soil is getting hungry.

very effective.


thanks heady, some of these ladies have a dried comfrey and horsetail mulch, but I think I'm going to mix in some ewc too to aid the herd breaking stuff down. Others I've gone just guano, to compare, and to use up my guano. I also foliared everyone last night (except the two furthest along) with comfrey, bracken, and nettle fpe. I think things are getting better, a little less red candy striping on some of the stems, less yellowing leaves, etc.

Emerald City -
Thanks for stopping by! lets see...
Why organic vs ionic solutions??Ive found the art of fertilization so much easier to dial in useing chem type ferts.Hard to quantify and assign a number [ec/ppm] to an organic mix.Hard to know what nutes are available at what time
The first and simplest answer would be because its what I've always known, and I know it works. But definitely another practical reason would be the cost of feeding my plants, which will soon be absolutely zero. Then there's everything about trying to have a smaller footprint, and use everything sourced as close to oneself as possible, cutting down on packaging and freight and all that costs the environment. I also just like the idea that I have the knowledge and ability to find and prepare all the ingriedients necessary to grow top-shelf medical cannabis within walking distance of my home. It means a lot more to me to feed my plants good compost from last years garden, or seaweed harvested in a fall gale, than to pay $$$ to someone else for a chemical concoction. I respect anyone growing ganja who respects the herb, and I've smoked plenty of dank, delicious chem-fed bud (also crap chem bud too) but to grow any other way for me just wouldn't be me, nawhatImen?
....2nd ??Would it not be easier to pick a couple breeds to dial in rather then skip around trying many types of seeds.....
It definitely would! lol, I always give myself a challenge when I get serious about something, and my patients have varied needs I'm trying to provide for. I do plan on narrowing things down and fine tuning, I'm honestly very new to growing seriously indoors, I've always been more of creeping-through-the-swamp-at-the-crack-of-dawn grower. The speed of the perpetual and fast repetition of the cycles is teaching me a lot more then many seasons outdoor could. I feel like I'm gaining on the learning curve lately though. Any input is especially appreciated!
sorry for r/ant/amble.
have a good one!