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Self Employment


i am starting a 2 year "safety" program at a community college for a career in the medical industry while simultaneously upping my grow. I want to do the latter, but the former is my safety net.


So what's the difference between "Licensed", "Certified Residential", and "Certified General"?

"licensed" which is the lowest is more for a Trainee. Certified Residential up to 999,999 value and General skys the limit.. The pay is better on the million $ homes. Up to 1000 $ for a couple dayz work...lol.. Your average house pay is 250-450 depending on the company.... I average 5-10 a week.....


Active member
Its cool hoss...dont get pissed. I like your idea, and I'm gonna research it more. You got any insight into what is involved as far as training, equipment and such. I wonder how much I would have to invest to get involved in such an occupation. Sounds pretty interesting. I like the idea of working for myself...no more crazyass bosses. I have had some real characters pulling my strings in the past. Also...my lack of respect for authority complicates things for me....Thanks for the ideas all of ya!
Who's pissed? Check into "HERS" rating. There are a few different schools that do the 1-2 week certification process. Equipment is expensive, but you might be able to find some of it used. But when a 10k investment can turn into a 100-150k+/year career it is a small price to pay.

Sam the Caveman

Good'n Greasy
You could be a poop ninja and contract weekly animal waste removal services. 10 houses per neighborhood at $15 per visit is $150 in about an hour. A few neighborhoods like that in a day and your looking at some good money for the amount of time and money invested.

Look on craigslist for businesses for sale, vending machines, coffee route supplier bread delivery routes, fed ex routes, etc...

When spring hits, you can start a lawn mowing service, just print up a ton of fliers and spend a few days door knocking in new neighborhoods.


Freedom Fighter
Go fish buddy. Green consultants do stuff like energy efficiency rating. You like wasting money on heating in the winter b/c you have leaks in your house's insulation? If not, do something about it and hire a green consultant to come in with equipment that can tell you where the leaks are and how to fix them. I have a buddy in Tahoe who started doing this a year ago and has more business now than he can keep up with.

Go have a political discussion elsewhere I don't give a crap about entitled hippie douche bags, greedy conservative douche bags or the bumper stickers that divide them. Pretty sure the global warming thread is still going, try trolling there instead.

Don't bust a hemorrhoid there Big Fella!! lol
I am a General Contractor...my house is fine thank you--
I ain't talking any "Hippie" bullshit...you are--
You gonna make a million from showing ppl how to insulate and weather strip their houses?? LMFAO!!!
C'mon man...I expected you to come back with something better than that--
I don't Troll...and never been in the Global Warming Thread--
No Hate...but dude...that is a very minimalistic approach to the Worlds problems--
As far as what I was saying...is that (not all) but a lot of the "Green" labeled things right now is just a bandwagon for the Sheeple...it isn't doing anything close to what needs to be done, and ppl in general will not change their habits until forced to--
I do not disbelieve in Greenhouse Gases...I do think we all need to do our part...I also, however, believe that the Bulk of the new Companies and other Opportunist that are sporting the "Green" label, are nothing more than ppl trying to make a buck (and that is ok too!! Make your $$!! but call it what it is--)...oh shit...maybe that is what you mean by "Go Green"--:whistling:

B. Self Reliant

Really depends on what your skill set is. It's tough to start with nothing and say, "I want to be self-employed and financially comfortable."

I work for myself, but I worked for others within my field first, and then I gradually tapered that off until I no loner relied on others. I saw how things could be improved within the field and made some critical changes to how things were being done. I think that's how a lot of people end up working for themselves.

There's one thing that's unavoidable with self employment, and that's the fact that you have to offer something that no one else is. It could be an existing product for cheaper, which is tough to maintain long-term, but more than likely it's going to be a new product or service that no one else is offering.
Don't bust a hemorrhoid there Big Fella!! lol
I am a General Contractor...my house is fine thank you--
I ain't talking any "Hippie" bullshit...you are--
You gonna make a million from showing ppl how to insulate and weather strip their houses?? LMFAO!!!
C'mon man...I expected you to come back with something better than that--
I don't Troll...and never been in the Global Warming Thread--
No Hate...but dude...that is a very minimalistic approach to the Worlds problems--
As far as what I was saying...is that (not all) but a lot of the "Green" labeled things right now is just a bandwagon for the Sheeple...it isn't doing anything close to what needs to be done, and ppl in general will not change their habits until forced to--
I do not disbelieve in Greenhouse Gases...I do think we all need to do our part...I also, however, believe that the Bulk of the new Companies and other Opportunist that are sporting the "Green" label, are nothing more than ppl trying to make a buck (and that is ok too!! Make your $$!! but call it what it is--)...oh shit...maybe that is what you mean by "Go Green"--:whistling:
Yeah whatever, you just go ahead and keep putting up crappy, poorly built houses so my buddy in Tahoe can make more money than you insulating and sealing them.


Now in technicolor
"Going green" is here to stay because it's a buzzword that can be used for increasing profit. It's what people want, and therefore what entrepreneurs and businesses will provide. It will "work" not in the sense that we will babysit everybody to form green habits; It will work in the sense that the market (demand) will force businesses into going green and/or providing greener products. Whether this occurs because most people are brainwashed by TV or not is irrelevant.

It's an industry - a huge one. It provides jobs, makes money go around, and results in interesting political and philosophical debates. Green Chemistry is a legitimate and rapidly growing college major, and the buzzword alone provides grants for scientific researches into improving efficiency or finding alternatives. Things keep moving along. That's what we need.


after working in a hardware store for 20+ years I have many ways of getten $$$...
here is the easiest with the least amount of training /practice/

lamp repair and screen window and door repair ....no shit.....old ladies want there lamps fixed
and in the spring and fall when people open there windows and doors they need the screens repaired ...
both of these things are very easy to do.... but its the kind of things people always need someone else to do

advertise ,pick up and deliver...easy,easy money
holla at me if you wana know more


New member
please let me know if you find something i was a truck driver and got busted with plants growing in my barn and got a drug record now and i live in north carolina a bible belt state and now no one will hire me thinking of moving to cali