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Seen the new MARLEY film? Wadya think of it ?


Saw it twice last night. Enjoyed it for sure but was a little dissapointed. Seemed a bit sanitised, more of a film for family viewing. Not what I had hoped for. Long sections with no music.
Cant remember much though - Hah !

headband 707

Plant whisperer
No haven't seen it was it like a documentary? ,, Interesting he is big in Jamaica I would like to see it though.. peace headband 707


Headband - Respect to you but I think the absolute worst music in the world is hiphop. If I was like a spy, all they would have to do is
play that music and I would tell them everything if they said theyd turn it off. Why does it make me feel like that ?
Reggae makes me feel happy mon !


breathe deep


I thought this was an important film paying due tribute to a saint.

As mentioned it is not filled with performances, and rightly so, as his performances are widely available in every format.

I have been very familiar with his-story and music for many many years, and the film still had a few surprises for me.

I strongly disagree with the assertion that the film was sanitized. Not only do they touch on the fact he had many different woman, smoked huge amounts of cannabis, and occasionally fought, but yeah, how is that sanitized? Also with the comment, "Interesting he is big in Jamaica I would like to see it though", though i am not sure I really know what it means.
He is worldwide and makes thousand of people a day live a happier and more inspired life. For real, listen to Bob Marley.

It was tragic he passed at age 36, but surely he lived more in 36 years than most folks do with more... Myself included.



Lifetime Supporter
ICMag Donor
I thought the movie was fantastic! I love his music and really enjoyed seeing how he came up from such dire poverty to the great music man that he was. His music will last through many many more generations, I'm sure. I did find it sad to see so many people, in Jamaica, living in such terrible poverty. It was an awesome flick and would recommend it to anyone.


Active member
jamaica is nice in the tourist areas . go over a few blocks it gets ugly . i never had a bad time there myself.

Hemphrey Bogart

Active member
I've seen other documentaries and read a few books on Marley and I would recommend this movie to any Marley fans and/or fans of reggae music/history.

Rita's take on Marley getting cancer because it was the "white blood" in him was interesting, but not totally surprising. Bob had it rough growing up in a poor neighborhood and being half caste. No wonder he had to fight so much while growing up. A truly "tuff gong," but still had plenty of love for everyone. I think it was bob's strong desire to be a musician and his drive to spread the message around the world that lead to him becoming the success he was and the movie did a good job of explaining this, imho.

I liked how the movie also went over the whole political atmosphere in Jamaica and the implications of that in the story. Marley could have completely left Jamaica after hitting it big, but he didn't, which speaks volumes to his character and fearlessness.

I wish they would do a movie about Peter Tosh next.

Great movie! Two thumbs up!



that aint nothing but 10 cent lovin
The movie is great for a few reasons, one of them is that the cinematography is breathtaking. There are some amazing shots of the Blue Mountains and other parts of Jamaica. The production value is high, you can tell this was made to make money and sell.

Lots of good new interviews with insiders.

Overall a good movie if you are a fan, but nothing too mind blowing.


breathe deep
Blue Mountains

Those were really interesting fly-over shots of the Mountains. Looked like they went on for miles upon miles, and they were really rounded on top. Hard to access some of those locations i bet. Its plain to see how so much ganja is grown on that island


Active member
The movie was very good. I really liked his children, Rita, and attorney's observations on Bob. The rich family he was related to, but did not reap any of their riches, goes to show how much more powerful he became without their priviledge. His message and songs do make people happier and should make them think about the injustice in all societies that is still present today. We still love you Bob and you live on every time we play and listen to your wonderful songs. Peace and respect.


breathe deep
I thought his daughter was a bit on the complaining side. I understand she had a bit of an absentee daddy, but sacrafices must be made to reach the amount of people Bob did/does. Just seemed everytime she spoke, it was with a tinge of anger...
Funny hearing Ziggy's take on growing up with Bob. Agreed i learned more about his battle with cancer than ever before. I was under the impression he did not seek treatment at all, but he did. Sad that nobody could advise him to get check ups after treatment. He could still be alive today.

teemu shalanie

WeeDGamE StannisBaratheoN
great film , however I wonder why Damian jr. gong , tha gongzilla ,... did not appear in film, prob being the most talented of his children IMO, kinda strange ?. ,but on the film , I loved it dont see how it wuz sanitized ?, what else did ya want ?
great film about a great man ,

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