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Seeking info regarding the Medicinal use of Herb in California.


New member
Hey all :)

I'm from little old New Zealand and in 2006 the Misuse of Drugs (Medicinal Cannabis) Amendment Bill 58-1 (2006) was passed and long story short the Govenor General can grant a person the ability to grow their own pot or if by chance they are too sick they can nominate a person to grow for them.

Sadly there has only ever been one case of this actually being granted and it's hush hush although I am aware of the case and the Anonymous Male was found not guilty of cultivation and possession for supply after presenting evidence from his long time Doctor who could confirm both his reason for use and his exscuse for doing so....

NZ has some of the highest Cannabis use and sadly arrest rates in the world - we're not big we're only four million people and there's a hell of alot of people who get done for pot and only one licence exists..

The case mention above is great in precident however I personally do not want to ever have to go and defend myself in court to then go through the process of trying to get a Govenor General Permitted Licence.

About me.... I'm what Howard Marks would call his ideal smuggler, a person of above average intelligence with utter contempt for the law. I don't think that the Pot smokers of New Zealand are recieving the kind of representation they deserve and I basically just want to do something about it.

I have a few questions and I'm sure I'll forever be wanting more answered on the subject so I'll just add them as they come to mind if you have any for me I'd love to answer them :) Thanks for your time in advance and remember it's all for the greater good...


!. Is there a person or group that could claim a really key role in the passing of the Med Cann. Act in California and if so os there some way of contacting them?

2 -What are the most common symptoms leading to prescription.

3. How strictly is it (medicinal use) regulated in California, and who undertakes these duties? All aspects really from Police raids to filing a tax return with growing cannabis as the form of income.

4 - How much money has the Medical use of Cannabis given to the Californian economy and what is the population of the State.

5 - What are the requirements sought by a Health Practioner before a Licence can be given in California?

Thanks :)


1) Denis Peron is generally cited as the author of Prop 215. CANorml or the ASA could probably get you in touch with him.

2) Common symptoms include paper cuts, bordem, lack of quality TV programing, annoying siblings, presidential debates, and other serious illnesses.

3) Mostly unregulated. Varies from county to county, city to city

4) Income from Prop 215 growers is highly debated. Some authorities claim thousands, some millions, others billions.

5) Some are vary strict, others vary lax. To quote Doug Benson "It hurts me in my back....hundred and fifty dollars please."

The text of Prop 215 is very vague. You should read it. Its very short.
The Americans for Safe Access or NORML will have all the info you what.

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