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Seeds HALP!


I harvested my crop with some homemade crosses recently...the problem im running into is outdoor season is soon and i want to use them outdoors.

I understand the seeds need time to dry before germination ratios improve....I harvested on the 30th which is around 7 days drying so far...

How much longer until i get atleast 60-80% germ rates?? I tested some and only 1 out of 10 germ and another batch maybe 3 out of 10...

Karma G

Well-known member
I just planted some seeds straight from the living plant, and all popped.

are they propper ripe ?

I would let a few dry out on a litle plate , then 48 hours in your fridge, then try again, should be good if they ripe.


Interesting...I always thought germination issues happen without a proper "dry" ....

Yeah, I usually keep my seed stock in the fridge but didnt think of it for ths....I will try to put 10 in the fridge and see the resulting % of germd...

Thanks Karma!