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seeds from the gambia



Got 3 seeds(can get more)up and running,got them from a mate just back from gambia,anybody any experience with gambian bagseed??




not to sound disrespectful, but, im not too sure i even know where gambia is :biglaugh: Africa? either way gotta be some exotic shit

id definitely keep it around till after a long cure if its pure sativa, as, landrace sallies usually shine after a long jar cure..

keep us updated man

good luck with em

O, and, just where is Gambia again?:biglaugh:

be well


Jack,quick reply mate,cheers, --id definitely keep it around till after a long cure if its pure sativa, as, landrace sallies usually shine after a long jar cure..--an i shall take your advice on board cap,n :yes:


Yo Cap,n,will get a couple of photos up later,tell me mate,am i doing right by flowering the week old seedelings,put them in last night,would keep them vegging longer but im seriously down on space at the mo :wink:,any info on landraces would be appreciated mate,have realised i know F/A about them.


Active member
hey nice score by your friend man. what a souvenir eh!


last african i had was durban poison, an that was a pure sat from south africe... stellar sativa smoke i tell ya what! oughtta be interestin ta see what happens with yours. dunno how the stretch'll be with those, but flowering after 1 week if pretty soon, perhaps keep vegging and just train/top them. remember you're DEFINITELY gonna wanna take a couple clones, easier to do that in veg yknow ;) good luck man, any questions, we're here ta help... n watch hehe peace n green thumbs j.


Active member
I read alot of those african threads religiously over at ol' OG and don't remember ever hearing of Gambia being a producer...there's always the possibilty it was imported.

Farmer John

Born to be alive.
They do grow there, a frined gifted me some seeds, they were really old, most of them didnt even sprout but I still have some hope left, he's bringing me more, should be a pain in the ass to control them indoors, but it should be tasty..:D


Active member
That's good news FJ. Did they need high heat that South Africans need to germ? It will be interestin to see some pics of this.


Aeric,the seeds are 100% "wild",guy i got them offa is gambian 100% too,even has the colour to prove it.Was given about a dozen,half were green immature,so "yikes" i threw them out.But can get more if a want,it5s just am busy with other seeds just now.And guys,you all are gettin me a wee bit excited here,thanks for replying.ps,theyre now into day 2flowering,and looking fine,get photos up 2nite


the seeds are 100% "wild",guy i got them offa is gambian 100% too,even has the colour to prove it

you can shorten the photoperiod whenever you like.
just note that plants stretch in the dark period,
so if you hav height restrictions be sure to keep an eye on them
aas they wont finish stretching till they are ready to flower
which could be now could be 2 months from now im not familiar with the race

in my experience flowering landrace/equatorial sativas,
they wont show sex for weeks, even months,
dependin how close they are to true sexual maturity.
in other words,
unlike indicas or their hybrids these plants flower on a maturity basis,
not a photoperiod induced thang

again tho,im not sure which category this variety falls into
not too 'up' on my african geography :p

hope this steers ya in the right direction,
sorry i couldnt be of more help

be well and keep us updated:yes:


and also,
if you can get more i highly suggest you do so
im not sure of where YOU are,
but in los statos unitos
you cant find african landrace genetics ANYWHERE

get more, grow more, make final selections based on smoke reports

and no need to do it all now!

if you store your (mature,viable,fully dryed out) seeds in the proper manner
you can keep them decades with little or no decrease in germination rate.

use an iso. alchahold sterilized black film canister
or UV light-proof orange pill bottle (again, iso wiped clean)
let this sit out to dry, the iso needs to evaporate before loadin the canisters

clean your seeds of any 'husks' or other plant material (shake etc)
the calyx and green seedcoat the "husk," of a mature seed
need to be removed and not be in contact with yer seeds in storage
as to avoid decomposition of the plant materials over time
which can and does eventually lead to attack by harmful fungi
the seeds themselves, once fully dry, are fairly resistant to molds if kept dessicated*

*dessicating - removing all the moisture from the seed and preventing
moisture/breakdown by keeping the seeds bone dry in storage.
this can be easily accomplished by storing with equal parts (dry,uncooked)white rice
with yer beans in the vials/canisters/containers/bags/whatever
store with lids firmly attached and as airtight as possible.

keep them at a steady temp, this is the most important factor
no need to freeze but if you want to make sure they are stored air-tight,
in a tupperware, on a raiser (like a microwave pizza hehe)
or the rack in the freezer, so its not sitting on ice (which can cause anything 2 freezer-burn)

i keep most mine in a custom cedar box i made with foam padding,scissors, and a cigar box,
which i keep at room temp in a dresser with a 'Damp-Rid' in the drawer with it to keep humidity down just in case...definitely overkill hehe..

damp rid is also a 'dessicant' :)
and works great on the bottom of your drying box -
watch yer colas dry in just 4 days from cutting!
with an indirect fan and some damprid in the enclosed area you are hanging in
the faster you dry, the less opportunity mold has to strike

be well homes


Active member
big j: I would be very excited to get rare (to the rest of the world) landrace genes.

Nice advice CJ

im not sure which category this variety falls into

That's what I'm wondering also. It's obviously not SA, but wonder how similar the growth habits are.


Jack,your some guy :kissass:ta much.Aeric,i shall ask the guy exactly what name they go under,fotos coming soon..


secretion engineer
ICMag Donor
I think that they are close to the Senegalese Jamba.In fact,most of the senegalese comes from the region of CASAMANCE,which is very close to Gambia IMO :joint:


I now know that putting them into flower was a effin big mistake,dunno what a was thinking man.Am now on a mission to get every damned seed he has. Big bj gives Raco this much respect { }.


Now all i have tpo do is get the fotos from my downloads onto this page........be a while.