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Seeds from 1972 what should I do?


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ICMag Donor
Yeah, Im trying pretty much like 4 differnt ways. I already started some more using superthrive some H202, and I have them on top of a heating pad. I just discarded this first batch. I have like probably 1000 seeds. A lot of them are whitish and a lot of them are just dried up. This is what Ive mostly noticed. They are very brittle and dry. Actually pretty easy to crack. I like the idea of slowly introducing moisture.
There are a lot of great germ. methods being added and inputted into this post, very impressed with all the collective knowledge. Good luck with those 36 yr old seeds!
If you get one winner it will be worth all the hardwork, itll be like willy wonka and the golden tickets. :D


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ICMag Donor
I think there is more to be said for an H2o2 soak than just for it's ability to combat bacteria in the area. It also provides a free radical Oxygen molecule that, when kept in check from natural anti-oxidants, can be very beneficial. For one thing, the free radical molecule can help to dissolve the epithelial layer of the seed, which will help it to germ faster. Not to mention it's delivery of elevated amounts of essential oxygen.

el gordo

Active member


i totally agree with hoosierdaddy, i highly recommend the h2o2 thing, but have to add another positive aspect of the H2o2, it makes the seedshell much more softer in less time than plain water, i highly recommend the h2o2 thing, i always done it mixed about 10% of H2o2, moist the paper towels with them, this will keep your germination medium sterile and oxigened. after the seed cracking of the "weak" seeds i found also important in order to get the max amount of seeds into plants, to put it in coco fiber rather than do it into a plain soil mix (the loosines of it will have a perfect humidity-air ratio and its lack of nutrients will get you a relative "sterile" growth medium. good luck!
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ICMag Donor
el gordo said:
i totally agree with hoosierdaddy, i highly recommend the h2o2 thing, but have to add another positive aspect of the H2o2, it makes the seedshell much more softer in less time than plain water, i highly recommend the h2o2 thing, i always done it mixed about 10% of H2o2, moist the paper towels with them, this will keep your germination medium sterile and oxigened. after the seed cracking of the "weak" seeds i found also important in order to get the max amount of seeds into plants, to put it in coco fiber rather than do it into a plain soil mix (the loosines of it will have a perfect humidity-air ratio and its lack of nutrients will get you a relative "sterile" growth medium. good luck!
Thanks, Im going to pick up some coco coir today as well;)


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ICMag Donor
I for sure can't vouch for the method, but you may want to investigate some on electricity and it's effects on propagation. There are scads of white papers and even patents, many predating Mendelian studies, on the topic.
IMO, those jewels deserve every attempt they can get until you find something that they like.


ICMag Donor
If someone didn't say it already..." Sow them,, grow them,, smoke them. ,,, maybe even clone them,, or breed them unto themselves"

All the best :canabis:


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Sorry about your Dad.

I'd build a trough bed for any towel seeds that don't crack right away. Early this year I had two seeds sprout at 25 and 33 days. They were my freebies and I have to assume fresher than yours. When they failed to pop after a week, I started to put them outside, got distracted and didn't spot them again til Mr 25 showed up.
you should definitely try to scuff a few. take an empty matchbox (the stick match kind not the paper kind) and a small piece of sandpaper (you can use a few different grades of sandpaper to see if a rougher one might work better or vise versa.). tape or glue the sandpaper to the bottom of the matchbox and put a few seeds in and shake it. this scuffs the outer hull a bit and allows moisture into the seed quicker. then soak them for 24hrs in either distilled water, reverse osmosis water, or water and superthrive (my personal fav). i would also suggest freezing or refridgerating them overnight before the scuff. i really, really wish you the best of luck. even 1 male out of a group of seeds this old could be invaluable so to get a female...sublime! best of luck. maby you will find a silver lining to this grey cloud after all.


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ICMag Donor
Thanks for all of the advise. I have alot of experience with hard to germ seeds. So Im confident I will get something to germ.


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ICMag Donor
Nothing, nothing, and nothing. No luck at all. All of them seem to be dead so far. I still have a butt load of them, so Im going to keep trying.


Sorry to here about your loss. MAybe try using some superthrive when germing them. Look forward to seeing sprouts. Lets hope. Im sure you got something viable in there.

Edit: Got to page 5 i realize your using superthrive maybe try upping the dose how many drops are you using i normally use one.
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ICMag Donor
Yes, its quite sad. Im trying everyway possible, but I just think they are all dead. I still have lots left, but its not looking good. Ive pretty much used more than half of all seeds that look good enough to make an attempt to germ. I will keep trying.


i say put an ass of them in soil and water it in good, im sure something will happen, keep watering for as long as it takes.

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