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Seeds Direct - NRS - Papaya


I just placed an order for Nirvana Seed's - Papaya, and i am sending out the money or check tommorow to get the seeds asap. I was just wondering what kind of stuff i will need to grow it outdoors. I am living with my parents and we just bought a new house which is where i am gonna grow it (in the back yard) and i was just wondering also how i might go about doing this without them finding out what it is that i am growing ( i dont think they know what weed looks like). One last thing...approx. how much weed do you think this plant will grow, there are 10 seeds:


Thanks :canabis:

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
Dude, do ur folks smoke weed, are they cool with u smokin it, and using THEIR back garden to grow it?? Without meaning to sound horrible to u, u must think about this, u dont have any right to put ur folks at risk in that way. How old r u??? this really isnt a cool thing to be doing, if ur in the us, theoretically, ur folks could have their home taken away by the government for u growing weed, even if u say they knew nothing about it. If u r determined to grow, u need to either find ur own place and get a closet going, or find a secluded spot out in the goonies away from prying eyes. As i said before m8, u have no right to put ur family at risk in this manner. Please dont think this is me attacking u, i am trying to help u not make a mistake.
:wave: Once u take these things in2 consideration, and set up a SAFE SENSIBLE place to grow, u will be looking at piles of :canabis: in no time. As to how much weed fom 10 seeds, that is like asking how long is a piece of string, as there are many factors involved that are individual to the grower. Three ppl could buy the same beans, and all have very different results, this all depends on what type of system u use soil, hydro, if hydro, what sort of hydro. I honestl;y think the very best advice i can give to you, is to buy a good book about growing dope, which covers ALL factors, especially SECURITY. , as i never bought a growing book, i cant recommend one, but there are loads out there,
C'mon, sum1 else recommend a good book for him plz


Anita Bonghitt
Harry's right , Don't grow on your parents property unless you have permission.They could lose thier house and all thier belongings (worst case senerio) Odds are they know what pot looks and smells like , most people do.

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
Ye, dont just assume that ur parents are green, dont forget, many many generations bfore us have been smoking the "Erb"


Yea, well i know that they dont want me to grow them, but i have some great places to grow them in our backyard that are very very hidden behind trees/shrubs. I live in BC Canada, so i dont think itl be that bad, our cops here suck. If u still dont think that i should do this, where should i plant them after growing them in my room for awhile?


Active member
It's damn sure one way to find out if your parents have ever been cool or not! lol I would definately not grow them in the back yard. A lot of guys around here that grow try and find a place in the woods that is secluded. Do you have many hunters in the area? Being a deer hunter myself I can tell you that when I am scouting a hunting property I leave no stone unturned. Believe it or not briar patches are good places to hide yer plants. Nobody likes briars, and they usually only grow in areas that recieve lots of sunlight. Good luck.


we dont have huge forests like that here, people dont hunt in west van. But by my new house i have a little park which is like a forest almost which may possibly work!

uhhh..keep searchin' dude, generally speaking, parks are places where losta ppl go....and even if there is a forest there u need to find a spot in that forest where ur plants will get lots of light.

and dude, u definitely don't want to be plantin' those right now......its almost rain season in van. wait till next spring. spend the winter looking for a perfect place. if u plant 'em now, ull almost literally get nothing off those plants. But if u wait till like march or April and read up a lot about growin' the stuff then next October ull be SWIMMING in it :)

Good luck,


Ok thanks Tropical high, i think ill do that. I'll find the perfect place, but i might try to grow 2-3 plants indoors while i wait!

Thanks Again



Make sure you think of every possible situation that could go wrong & try 2 regulate the outcome with preventive measures...Be careful b/c u sound nieve like i once did ust know: GROWIN IS MORE ADDICTIVE THAN SMOKING!! 2me :canabis:


Does the 89 stand for the year you was born?
As others have said,you should not disrespect y/parents.Im not gonna ride y/ass because your 15 and on a potgrowing site :biglaugh: Infact I grew my first good crop @ the age of 14.But you should ASK your parents first,Wich you prolly wont.So wait until ALL the others in canada is planting.Save your seeds:wink:.Because you will lose them when your folks find them growing in y/closet.
When i was growing my parents told me to throwi it. Then i found a great spot near the forest. They didn't knew about it and I was happy. So you just have to find a great spot. BUT it can't be near the place where you live !!
Back yard,,park...get up off your ass and head into the bush...hell you are in BC...lot's of places to grow...and I don't mean Stanley Park...I noticed all the places you wanted to grow in where right near your home...no drivers liecense??? and also if this is your first grow..try some bag seed..if you screw it up you're not out anything...stay safe..

I put mine in a secret place near a park and school. I just water mine every other day and put maricle grow plant food once a week.

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