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SEEDLINGS problems confusing me BAAAAHHHHH


Garden Nymph
Hey solace

I cannot see the pics for the life of me! You gotta upload them to an album or something.

I don't think I could help much without seeing the pics. Sometimes they will take some time to recover, especially if there was damage to the roots. After all, it's all about the roots!


Garden Nymph
What kinda lights are you using?
How far away from the lights? Or how close?

Usually we do not give our seedlings a high dose of P. We try to find them some good bat guano with lots of N. Sunleaves makes a nice organic, all natural bat guano with NPK of 10-2-1. We give about 1/4 of the recommended dose at any time to make sure the plants don't burn.

I do not know if that's the cause of your problems, but sometimes if our plants are not getting enough light they start bending kinda weird. I noticed that with a couple of my recent seedlings. We keep em as close as possible to our lights (they are T5's) and usually they grow up straight.

We also try not to water em too much. We water maybe every three to four days, sometimes even after five. Make sure all the soil is completely dried up. I think it makes the roots expand more, searching for water.

I would suggest waiting a couple more days to see how they go. They don't look all that bad, actually.


Garden Nymph
Yep we use CFL's too, the 42W (200W) equivalent "Daylight" spectrum bulb. It works really good but not as good as T5's. The daylight bulb is in the 6500 K spectrum so it gives plenty of blue light. "Warm" light will probably lead to slow growth.

I would say you probably need one more of those bulbs for all those seedlings.

Good luck! Lemme know how they do.


Active member
Is it ash that is a good natural source of N... or somethin else i'm thinking of?

I know urine is good but... i'm not using that. and i don't want to use the old vegging solution I have (its like 3 years old....).. i'm kinda stranded here for the next 4 days cause my car broke down... so shit. can't go to the store (10 miles away). No sire


Garden Nymph
I've been searching around and I can't find any definitive statement that says that ash is a good source of N.

Pee is good, but if you don't wanna use it.... :D

Once you're able to get out, you should think about getting the bat guano. There's a few choices for either vegging or flowering, so make sure it says its got lots of N.

I've also heard about Thrive Alive being really good for roots, too, even though it's a foliar spray. It has seaweed kelp which I think is supposed to be good.

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