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Seedlings growing really slow

Hey all. I have some seedlings that are 4 weeks old. They seem to be growing really slow and there is some yellowing on the lower leaves.

It's just seedling mix with some coco for drainage.

The strain is blue cheese feminised from barneys farm.

Any ideas? Cheers.:tiphat:



Feeding the ducks with a bun.
I've never grown in coco of any sort but it looks like they have a deficiency , maybe cal/mag and possibly a PH issue.
I dont know what the temp is where you are at but it may help to get the plants off the cement floor.
Cheers for the replies.
Hmmm, two different answers.
I posted a thread a couple of weeks ago about this. And a guy said that I was overwatering. I switched from watering once a day to once every 2 days. It's made the problem worse so I stopped doing that.

I haven't been feeding them anything other than water. I have some miracle gro should I use a 1/4 strength of that? I heard you shouldn't feed seedlings.

I'm going to transplat them tomorrow into 5 gallon pots. I will then water them once every 3 days. Does that sount good?

Once they are up and running I'm going to use the Lucas formula.


Active member
I'm going to have to say looks like root zone isn't getting enough o2. So overwatering is my verdict. And there's nothing wrong with giving your seedlings a little nutrients. I feed my plants .6ec Up until one month and then 1.2 until harvest time.

Maybe try making a few more holes in the bottom of the pot for better drainage.


Senior Member
good morning soil master. now first things first.
1. Are you using water straight from the tap? RO system or letting it sit for 24 hrs+ to evaporate all the hard minerals and chlorine with a air stone?

2. Do you know the E.C. and PPM (Parts Per Million) of the water your using before and after nutrients are applied?

Now i have run into the same problem during my DWC days and it was because the water i was using was way to hard for my plants so it decayed my leaves just like yours but worse. For sure let you water sit out from 24hrs+ before next watering and see how much they perk up. You can apply nutrients in your next watering but go light on the mixture. The lower leaves wont get better just because there are way to damaged so they will go about there course and die off. DONT FORGET TO SUPPLY YOUR WATER THAT SET OUT WITH SOME CAL/MAG since it is no longer in the water from sitting out. Try it for a few waterings and see how everything goes. just be light and go half on the nutrients for the next few waterings. Hope this helped

Have Fun Be Safe


that's the darkest heaviest looking seedling mix I've ever seen. maybe it's just the pictures, what kinda potting soil is it?
Hey guys, thanks heaps for the replies.
I don't have a working PH metre so I really can't tell you the waters PH. However I have a soil testing kit and will test it tomorrow.

It's tap water I'm using. But if I can afford it I'll get a RO filter. Should I?

Also tomorrow when I get the soil I'll try and pick the best brand I can get in Australia. I reckon that potting soil is crap.

As for the nutrients, I'll add some 1/4 strength miracle gro from now on each watering.

:thank you: :tiphat:
Next time start you baby in a solo cup they will be good in solo cup for two weeks. Your mix would be 60/40 coco perlite. When you pop your seed you should water them with not much water. I give my babys about 50 mils of water 4 mils of micro and 6 mils of blooms for the first week. This is a GH mix I use. I mix 4/6 with 4 mils of Hygrozyme 1 mil of Root Excel and 3 drops of superthrive with 1 gm of epsom salt per GL. Then after the first week I go to 6/9 mix. PH is 5.8 After they have a good root system up your pot size to 1 gl then up to 3 gl And use the big chunck perlite # 4. And one more thing run drip clean at .4 mils a gl to. You can finish in a 3 gl pot with coco. I use 3 gl smart pots to finish in.


Are they outdoor? if you are in the norther hemisphere that is typical.



that aint nothing but 10 cent lovin
I had a friend who had plants that looked like that. He used to be an obsessive waterer. I kept telling him "all the soil must be dry before you water" and I would see his plants and they were always soaking wet. He went away on vacation and asked me to water his plants every other day. I never watered them once. He was gone for a little over a week. When he got back he thought I had done something amazing to his plants like give them a special soil or fertilizer. The plant bloomed these huge healthy leaves from the top of the plant and the old ugly looking plant was quickly looking lush and green.

You should be able to water you plants more like once a week Im guessing.

Also, tap water PH will screw you up in the long run, unless you check it to make sure its 6.5-7.0, but Im willing to guess its not. You should at the very least let the water sit out for 24 hr, to release volatile chems, as somebody else suggested.
Hey dudes.
Cheers for the replies.
You guys were correct, it WAS overwatering.
Started to water every 2 days instead of 1. Instant improvement.

However they needed repotting and a friend screwed me over. So I transplanted them into 8 gallon pots of coco. I'm feeding 1/4 strength nutes and they have really taken off.

I'm watering them every 2 days now. I've got a PH metre arriving in the post, but for now I took a reading with my soil metre and the water is PH 6.0

This is the last time I use soil ever again. I'm just too noob for it and the growth is just too slow.

I'm using Cyco Grow A&B at the moment. I notice they have Potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen, calcium and magnesium.
But what about micronutrients? Should there be anything I should be adding.

Anyway, plants are doing great, I'll get a picture up soon.


Active member
Two tips from me would be that coco sometimes needs to be flushed with water, it has like a salt build up sometimes. The best starter soil if available is promix, never had an issue with it or coco coir for that matter. Both allow for good drainage and oxygen flow.

I can't remeber where I was reading it but I thought I read people aimed for 6.5 ph in soil, I could be mistaken though

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