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Seedlings falling over!


Hi my seedlings look like this now:

They haven't been overwatered, they were kept in a propagator till they sprouted, Is this Damping Off? Can anything be done about it?


ya, i'd definately bet it was a lack of light or the light being too far away. Had very similar looking seedlings when I started some black domina next to a window ontop of my computer case... which wasn't up flush to the window... stretched like motherfuckers.

what sort of lights do you have going?

by digging in he meant covering up part of the stem with more dirt, basically just turning maybe the lowest third or less (don't know how deep is too deep, I'm sure someone else has ideas) into 'root' by treating it as such and planting it deeper...


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
You're stretched out from low lighting. Get them under a legitimate lamp. These things are designed for the Sun! They blow their nose on your puny 2,000 watts.

I use Rockwool but see no reason this wouldn't work for you. Wrap the tap root around the puck and replant. Growth will stall for a week or three as new roots sprout towards the surface



The only thing I don't like about that idea, FB, is that I didn't think of it first. Leftright, it's important to not have stretch like that because your plants will never support buds if your stems are weak.


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Obviously, you never screwed up as badly as I. Panic and desperation are the true Mothers of Invention.


I giggled a little bit at the pictures.

These guys got you going in the right direction, be very gentle though, you break it you buy it at this point.


Okay, I put the plants from the jiffy cubes into peat pots (they had a small fall too). As you can see in the pics 4-5 look good, 2 okay and 3 completely done for. 3 out of 10 gone already and I've barely started... Ah well, coulda been worse, thanks a mil!
Off topic question/thought: would infra red from night vision security camers on the plants in veg upset the photoperiod?


I'm surprised you lost 3. Next time, you have to move your light closer or use a stronger light.

I have no idea whether or not IR light will screw up your plants.


light disturbances in the veg dont really count. The only problem in veg is if the lights stops, not if ya turn it on during the dark period. Remember, some folks don't ever turn their lights off in veg. In flower it means everything (bad) to disrupt the light cycle.


follow your heart
ICMag Donor
trash your light right now, your bulbs might be really worn out from using it for along time now. remember you have to switch out bulbs every so often. I would using nothing less then a T-5 for seedlings, the normal floros are to weak to me. as someone stated, the seedlings normally grow in full sun so even a T-5 is crap compared to the all mighty

you need T-5 floros to do any damage. save some money then buy a 2-4 bulb T-5 for clones / seedlings. place the light light 1/4 inch to an inch from the seedling and let them eat up all that light.


Hi again!
One month on from the first seeds been placed in their Jiffy pellets so here's the update:

Of the 10 seeds that germinated 5 have survived and are in peat pots and looking good (I think a little fall they had was more to blame for the demise of the others than anything else).

About a week ago I started another batch of Euforia seeds but this time when they germinated I put them closer to the lights (two T5s) and about two days ago moved them under a 600W HPS. Before the move a couple were starting to bend a bit like the first batch but now under the HPS most are starting to bend. AND... The leaves are doing some mad curling downwards!

There's plenty of ventilation in the room, temperature is about 23-24 celcius (75-77 F).
Plants are currently about 50cm (20 inches) from light.

I'm unsure about moving them closer for fear of burning the leaves.

Also, found out today that my water PH was 8.5
I've treated 20 litres of water with PH down so it's now 6.75

And... (does it never end?) I've just realised that the HPS has been on 24 for the last 2 days (3 by the time you read this). Will I mess things up by switching to 16/8 tomorrow?

On the plus side, the five from the first batch are going strong and as you can see, little roots are starting to pop out of the peat pots. Ah bless...

Think that's about it for now. Thanks for the previous help and looking forward to some more!!!




Hi, batch 2 has gone the same way as batch 1 with all plants' stems drooping and them all having to be repotted!

i have a third batch on the way - some are just starting to germinate - how do I prevent this happening again? The batch 2 seedlings were practically licking the T5s before I put them under the 600W HPS but still the same result.

If batch 3 goes straight under the HPS then what temperature/distance from light should be maintained?

Please help with as much info as quickly as possible!

Thank you thank you thank you!


Active member
Get them in pots and bury the stem so they will stand up .they look too tall for there age .Put em under fluros or move yer hps way up 3-4 feet above them .I hear ya say they were lickin the t5 but picture shows some lanky ladies GL


Hi, thanks for reply, sorry I still don't understand too well did I give them too much light too little light, too much heat too little heat?
What's the best distance from light should they be and
What's the optimum temperature?
(My first grow here)
Thanks for reply!

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