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Seedling Watering Protocol?


Active member
Everyone has been so patient with my little threads with basic questions, and I hope the group can indulge me again.

After following the excellent collective advice of the group, I have nearly 100% germination. :dance013: Seedlings are up and some are open with leaves. Basically poked above the surface 24 to 36 hours ago and are under fluoros and a light fan breeze.

I started with what I believe to be a properly moist Promix, and have only been misting the tops of the Promix.

Now that roots are being rapidly established, I'm wondering when to water a bit more aggressively. I've killed my share of seedlings from damp-off so I'm very concerned.

Is there a rule of thumb? Like when serrated leaves appear? I plan to leave them in Promix for 1 week before transplanting into prepared soil (not hot).

Thanks for any opinions.
I have starts in Promix and they are 4 days old.
I wait until the soil is dry and the container, there are in 4" square pots, feels light then I water with plain pH'd water approx 4oz/120ml. Then repeat as needed until I transplant into 1gal bags at approx 2-3 weeks of age or when roots first appear through the drain holes.
Disclaimer: this is what works for me!!

Good luck.


Active member
I like the Wolverine there, Scrappy. Thanks for the advice

Darkstar, how have you been? So you wait for 2-3 weeks in promix? You must feed them a little something in the meantime?


dirty black hands
ICMag Donor
ditto, its not rocket science, its a plant and it will grow by itself with minimal care.


Active member
ditto, its not rocket science, its a plant and it will grow by itself with minimal care.

Tell that to my numerous dead seedlings from my past two soil attempts. Something this simple and intuitive to the larger group doesn't guarantee anything to a newb.


dirty black hands
ICMag Donor
ive killed thousands of plants/seedlings/clones of all types of plants and lots of cannabis seedlings. but its ok that's how you learn, how you adapt. it is that simple, just give them soil water and light and they will grow. try and make the plant do your bidding and youll get problems.

how old are your seedling when they die. how many true leaves? photos? if you can get them germinated your well on the right track. do they fall over and die, do the stems rot? you have them in just promix?

smoke a bowl and relax, gardening is supposed to be fun not frustrating.


Sativa Tamer
It is probably easier to kill them with too much love than it is with neglect. When they sprout they don't have lots of leaf material (so they don't transpire much) and they don't have developed root systems (so they don't go trough a bunch of water). I don't monitor these types of things, but I would be surprised if I need to water seedlings within the first 5 days (if not a week) from sprout.


mad librettist

Active member
I noticed you are misting the top... I would hold off on that until the plant is a bit more mature. Then, use it only until you figure out a mulch to keep your soil surface moist, then just do it occasionally.

Water them from the bottom if you are having trouble, and follow the advice to let the pot get light between waterings.

Later on, even moisture will become an asset, but for a seedling in a little container you want to let things dry out a bit.


Active member
Very good. I have this fear of drying, and consequently have tended to over-water. I have learned a great deal from these various opinions on my recent threads. So far this germ has been about perfect, so thanks so much to you all.

Right now some seedlings are still just under the surface. Others are up with leaves not open yet. Still others have serrated leaves open now. All have strong stems.

Promix with perlite added is what I'm using right now. I planned to transplant them to 1 gallon soil bubblers in a few days (1 week total in the Promix). After 2-3 weeks of veg, I'll sex them all, and take the best 6 females and transplant to 5 gallon soil bubblers to finish.


follow your heart
ICMag Donor
yeah, pics might help to see top moisture..

but number one rule of new growers.. to much love.. let the pot dry out.. not fully dry dead as a bone dry, but let the plant search for water as the top dries up

another thing to go by as I said, is never water if there is the slightest moisture on the top surface. not sure how big your pots are, but in 1 + gallon, stick half your finger in the peat and if you feel any moisture, it's still to wet..

best thing I would say , if your worried ( which fear, worry and anxiety is not gonna help you get results.. ) plant one extra seedling, and do a test. see how long it can go without watering.. work backwards for say. when it droops you know you've gone to far, take a day back and that's when to water..

you don't know now as you haven't done it enough, but there really is no magic, it is really all by feel and that comes from experience, being around the plant a long time


Active member
Too much love... I'm guilty. Clearly I've overblown the water needs.

I realize my newb questions can grate on nerves, so I appreciate the replies. This has been most helpful to me, for whatever that's worth.


follow your heart
ICMag Donor
^ no worries man.. this is what this site is created for, questions.

we are all learning like you are.. the journey never ends


Living with the soil
If you have good medium that holds water well you won't need to do much watering until the plants get a few sets of leaves. Again,high intensity lighting will give you much better results. If you can put them in the sun right away from the sprout things will be good.
If you haven't let them see sun at all...don't do it unless you can manage a gentle introduction. Temps should be under 80 inside.
If we're still answering your questions then they aren't that annoying rogg...you'll be alright here.
Peace CC1


Active member
Thanks much. I can see I would have been heading down a road over over-watering and damping off... again...

I've got the fluoros maybe 6" from the plants right now. Most seedlings are showing green. I should work to get the lights lower I think. I have a gentle fan going also.


Active member
FYI out of 16 seeds, 13 are up and have green leaves exposed. The other three still look good if you just barely shift the Promix away. Looks like they got turned around and need to figure out which way is up.

Seeds were started in water Thursday PM. Planted in Promix Friday PM. So they've been in Promix almost 4 days total. I hope it will be OK to leave in Promix until Saturday when I plan to transplant to soil.


Living with the soil
Thanks much. I can see I would have been heading down a road over over-watering and damping off... again...

I've got the fluoros maybe 6" from the plants right now. Most seedlings are showing green. I should work to get the lights lower I think. I have a gentle fan going also.
Sounds good...I'd wait until they are at least a couple weeks old to transplant. Not saying it can't be done,but they are fragile things at that young age.


Active member
Another bullet avoided... Thanks.

OK I was under the impression that they would only last a week in the straight Promix. Should I add anything to the Promix nutrient-wise?


Living with the soil
I grow seedlings in their original seedling mix until they start looking hungry...at that point it's EWC for lunch.


I like to water seedlings from the bottom. IF they need it. bring the fluoros closer. to avoid that seedling stretch.

and i like to top with EWC after a bit.

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