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Seeded Plant.



Can this be controled if caught at a certain point. I belive a male flower developed on a plant and polinated the nearest few others. I can see the hollow empty casing for a future bean. Once the pod is cracked open a very very very small white bean is present. I've used an exacto knife to remove all the visable spots on the plants. This exposure to the male flower was about two weeks ago. Is this more like a cancer or a problem that can be beat with attention and removal? Let me know. Later OH

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
I know that will work just don't know if it's worth it. I remember back when when Ed Rosenthal suggested speeding the maturation of your buds by pollination and a prompt, three to four day, removal of such. This caused more than a few high grade bags sold with the smallest just starting to be papery seeds all over the place. I wish you luck in your hunt and peck! LOL


LMAO lol lol lol

LMAO lol lol lol

you said, "I've used an exacto knife to remove all the visable spots on the plants. This exposure to the male flower was about two weeks ago. Is this more like a cancer or a problem that can be beat with attention and removal? Let me know. Later OH"

..a cancer...ROFL (homer simpson face/lchuckle heeheeheeheehee)

You're a mad scientist lol How far into their cycle are they? Better yet, how much longer do they have to go?

MMM thanks for that info, kinda makes ya think hmmmmm lol happens ALL the time!

peace & pot



I meant more like ; Is it something that can be removed or does it spread throughout the plant. I haven't determined if whats done is done or if it's gonna get worse.

I hope I didn't underscore cancer when using to compare what is going on with my plants. I hope I didn't offend anyone. LAter oh

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
I think if you find seeds on into fresher flowers that open up later then the whole plant will probably try to form seed in all the pollinated tips versus producing new flowering growth. :2cents:
PS--they would be female with a slight tendency to hermi tho....might wanna keep em!


Hey OH :smile: How long have your plants been flowering? How much time do they have left? Basically if you're near finish your crop shouldn't be seriously compromised.

If on the other hand you still have a ways to go, you could have problems...Unless you did a major cleaning of your growroom, wipedowns with bleach/water solution etc., you more than likely have pollen still flying around in there. Depending on how much pollen was released you might find a few seeds, or your plants may fill up with seeds. I had two male flowers open on my Puna (hermie). She was squashed in the middle of three massive Mangos. The Puna was shot to hell and back, so seeded I had to put her aside for hash, on the three Mangos I haven't found more than three seeds total. I was sure my entire crop was shot...but happy to report that's not the way it happened.

My advice is to wipe down your grow. Its always possible that a few stray grains of pollen were floating around in there and pollinated a few budsites. In any case whatever damage there was to be done has already been done. Now all you can do is keep an eye on your plants to make sure you're hermie-free in the grow. :wink:

Best of luck!



Cannabis Helper
kill the plants now and start some better genetics...

sorry to be crude, but hermies must die!

and do some cleaning as xxbluevelvetxx said...



New member
Slightly Hermaphroditic? How do you know that? They could be fully hermaphroditic. They could be all female. Label them as such and CAREFULLY continue if you value the strains involved. If you don't care about the genes then pick the seeds out and eat them. They are very healthy you know. All rich with Omegas and such.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
I just rely on my experience in the way of the hermies resulting from the pollination. I have seen the next generation off one pollinated bud result in females and fully hermaphroditic females as well. The tendency is what I was referring to when I said slight...

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