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Seeded Bud Shots!


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They look really nice with that bit of purple yes; some smell too.

This Time


Always nice looking seeded BB;big round chunky seeds.

BTW, As this thread is about seeds, when I harvest this crop, I´ll explain with pics how I do all the process of harvesting,drying,cleaning and storing the seeds.


Discovery Requires Experimentation
Appreciate the offer to document seed harvest and processing :)
Next we gotta crowd-fund you a ring flash and macro lens for your camera!!

Thanks for always sharing your seed shots here.


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Durban Poison pollinated by an A-dub bx1 male


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Beautifull colours there leadsled; no experience with Romulan but I have always heard nice things about this strain.
if I´m not wrong body Stone/narcotic effect? Looks chunky.

Well, the thing is that I have on the window a BD X BB.

This one.
Looks like few seeds on the tips of some buds.

Looking nice.


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Glo F2

Glo F2

The Seed production is coming to an end, many ripe seeds can be seen.
I´m going to do another seed run.
Basically same females, but this time pollinated by my BB male.
I´ve got cuttings growing allready.


Active member

KushBerryX GLO F2 Many seeds popping and calyxes going Brown.
After ensuring the next generation,the plant starts to wilt...

And we will start allover again....germinate the seeds try to select somenthing, pollinate to produce new seeds......the circle of life going on endlessly.

And they want to understand the circle of life with their square science. And they keep going with this heavy burden:

A square brick on the head!!!!!!

PD: Early morning rant lol:tiphat:


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The Circle of Life

The Circle of Life

You have noticed that everything an Indian does is in circle, and that is because the Power of the World always Works in circles, and everything tries to be round...

The Sky is round, and I have Heard that the earth is round like a ball, and so are all the stars. The wind , in its greatest power, whirls.
Birds make their nests in circles, for theirs is the same religión as ours... Even the seasons form a great circle in their changing, and always come back again to where they were. The life of a man is a circle from childhood to childhood, and so it is in everything where power moves.

Black Elk ( 1863 - 1950 )

Oglala Sioux Holy Man


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Seed Crop

Seed Crop



I have harvested some of the plants,
Glo F2 X Glo F2
Kushberry X Glo F2
Still going
BB F2 X Glo F2
Mistery X Glo F2

Will go down soon in 1/2 weeks.

I try always to harvest the plants quite dry, I don´t wáter may be the last 4/5 days before cutting them down.
I take off all the big leaves and I cut the side branches from the main stem over a plastic tray just in case, some seed falls down.

I place each plant in a different paper bag ( the ones you´re given with the bread lol), and I hang them in a "dry room" ( around 50% humidity). I make small holes in the bags.
This is the reasoning:
Each plant 1 bag to avoid mixing seeds (in case you do a run with different females).
Any seed that drops from the plant, stays in the bag.
The paper helps the drying process ( I don´t smoke that weed, may be ice-hash) and comes for free.
This bags are great to keep sinse buds also.

I let the plants there around 10/15 days.

This would be Step 1.


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BBf2 X GLO F2 seeds

BBf2 X GLO F2 seeds

I have taken 5 mature seeds straight from the pod.

I think this cross can give nice colourfull/aromatic phenos and my hope is that Flowering time will be shorter than with the pure BB.

I´ll germinate this 5 in some moment to do a micro-test.


Active member
After drying

After drying

Ok, This ones have been around 10 days hanging.
I place everything in a plastic tray carefully.
Some seeds allready fallen in the bag.
I break down everything a bit with the hands, taking away branches& stems.
Next step.........

Made of Carboard& plastic.

Trays in.

Deshumidifier on.


The basic concept with most seed crops is:

One side the hay
the other the grain.

If we dry it properly, we will do this quite easier.
I first place the deshumidifier like that to suck.
After a while I turn it to blow the dry air straight into the seeds to let the Green matter as dry/crispy as I can.

The thing is to let the Green matter as dry as you can.
A good alternative option would be a hand hair-dryer.


A web page with many seed cleaning machines.
Most of them use the same principles.
Blow air to make the hay fly.


Active member

Grain& Hay KushBerry X GLO F2

Nice Looking


Smaller size.

I´ll let the seeds still drying overnight as they are still a bit humid

They don´t have a smooth touch, a bit sticky still.
I have done it a bit quick.

Tomorrow last step.


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Last step

Last step


After letting them drying a bit overnight, I have made a last hand cleaning. After this I calculate how many seeds there are.

I take a scale and I weight how many seeds there are in 1 gram,Let´s say 3 grams 1 by 1:

GLO F3 was 55 seeds, 56 seeds and 57 seeds,
The average is 56 seeds.

After this we weight the total stock, in this case 12,8 gr.

12 gr X 56 = 672 + 0,8
This is a bit more that 700 so more or less 700 seeds.

The average for Kushberry X GLO F2 was 35.

Notice the difference in 1 gram.

The total weight was 8,3

8 gr X 35 seeds = 280 + 0´3 gr.

More or less 300 seeds.


Active member

The seeds go in bags with sillica gel sachets
name / data / quantity.

Into the fridge, more sachets outside and a termohigro.

The average humidity stays this way around 30%.
Temperature around 6/7 C.

And That´s All Folks.

I hope that someone will find this info helpfull.