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seed sprouts dried up HELP

started seeds in paper towels, sprout started but the paper towels were completely dry along with the sprouts. are my seeds dead or is there still hope. rewatered today to see if they come back. any sugestions.


Dont let them dryout next time

better yet dont use paper towels next time.

Other than that I think you have done all you can do


try reviving them in a cup of water , I think they could be gone . But you can try to revive them . I germinate in a cup of water allays never in paper towels , then once they crack/sprout i put them in the medium of choice .


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
You have just witnessed the major benefit to paper towels. Others include starvation, rot, root breakage, and mold.

If you can't grow in it (and you can't grow in paper towels) don't germ in it. Whatever good you think paper does, a legitimate media will do better, faster, safer and, added bonus, you'll be planted. No handling of roots required.


Active member
i like paper towells .but u do have 2 check a couple times a day.once they sprout thogh put them in whatever quick.it woulld be a good contest though.i think freezer boys wrong and u could grow in the paper towell nft?plants dont grow in hydrotron alone do they?

Mr Whoopee

New member
You might be too stupid to do this

started seeds in paper towels, sprout started but the paper towels were completely dry along with the sprouts. are my seeds dead or is there still hope. rewatered today to see if they come back. any sugestions.
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You might be too stupid to do this

And you might be a jerk.

I guess you've never made a mistake? Give the guy a break.

I once turned off my DIY aero cloner while my landlord was doing a walkthrough, and I forgot to turn it back on until I went to check it the next morning. The cuttings went 16-18 hours without any water at all and were completely bent over wilted.

I figured I just killed them all but turned the pump back on and went about my business. Went back that night and every last one was standing up again and looking fine. 95% of them still rooted, albeit a couple days later than usual.

Everyone makes stupid mistakes sometimes.





I think i used paper towels LAST---back in the 60s..."And NO im NOT OLD", just experienced.

PS: You gotta admit whatta a DA. "We nominate for a DA award every friday---Im nominating YOU, youngman.) STILL LMFAO

(But more so that you posted it)-----SURE your not trying too get a laugh or two???.

DPS: In the future just throw yer beans out the window like Jacks mother did......(Still LMAO)
(No just kidding---shitcan the papertowel method, and throw them in a glass of about 8 ozs of water and put them up in a cabinet or out of the way. They should germinate in 24-72 hours.


I have germed in paper towels for 30 years and have great success(bounty). the difference for me is I put them in a plastic baggie and then they do not dry out.
I have germed in paper towels for 30 years and have great success(bounty). the difference for me is I put them in a plastic baggie and then they do not dry out.

Same here and just as long til clones hit me 15 years ago. Did do some for breeding a while back and just never ever considered another way. I thought going directly into the medium was a no no til I came here. Unheard of within my circle of old school. Clean wash towels work too but ya gotta get 'em before the tap threads thru the towel (with baggie).


Put em in your pocket

Put em in your pocket

If it works, it works. I've used paper towels with success. Squeeze-dry the towel, add seeds, put in a ziplock and put em in your pocket. You probably wont forget to check them then. Nice warm dark place. I've got some high-dolla AI seeds coming. I'll probably start em in small rockwool cubes then transfer to hydroton for grow and dirt for mothers. peace.
Hey guys, Freezerboy is spot on. Why use a paper towel when you just have to end up handling a precious and super sensitive seedling that is prone to bacterial infection? Paper towels are dead with no good properties for growing. Just plant that little bean in the medium of choice, keep it under the 18 hour light, (I use T-5 for beans) and put it on a seedling mat or a warm surface. I use rockwool. It acts as a great "wick" to control the water intake to the seedling. Once i see the beans pop through to surface of my rockwool, I spray it twice a day with bottled or R/O water, (cause tap water is not good for plant leaves directly), and set cubed rockwool trays inside another tray with about 1/2" of tap water. Change the tap water out once a day and slowly introduce your nutes with a shot glass size of 1/4 strength veg water along with about a cup or two so that the rockwool is submerged in a THIN layer of water. NOT too much! you never have to handle it again. Dont let it get too dry and dont allow it to remain soggy. Too dry and "Jacksprout" saw what happens. Too wet and you end up rotting out. I just sprouted some C-99's and am excited to see what all the hype is about