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seed/soil grow topping question?



I have some plants growing from seed that are two weeks old from breaking soil and I would like to know what is the earliest time I would be able to top or fin my plants. Since they are still immature, should I wait a little while before I start pruning/top/fin etc.? I tried to find the answer to this question in the FAQ's (with no luck) Any help is appreciated...



If and when I do it is either at the 5th node. Or right before I flower. Depend on what technique you will use. If just topping, I say at the 5th node. This is my way, I'm sure you'll get many others.



When you say "right before flower" do like top on the way to the flower room 12/12? or Do you top and veg a couple of days to week and then go 12/12?

What is the difference in yeild?

What about topping or trimming in flower to control height? is that basically the same thing? How does that effect yield?

If I top, I like to get at the fourth or fifth node or about 6 weeks from seed. But I like to veg a bit right here to train the canopy, to bush it up, and to let it mature a little(from seed not clones). I like to train the canopy flat like a scrog kind of with no screen. So for me when I get a decent flat halfway even canopy, I toss it in flower 12/12. It will stretch pretty uniform most of the time keeping a realatively even canopy. Your overhead light is more effective because it is hitting more surface area of the plant.(like scrog). The last Mazar I did like that had 23 or 24 killer budsites right on top kickin. You can add side lighting to hit the lower area to kick up yeild also.

Some strains perform better as a single cola style but most I have seen benifit greatly in overall yeild from topping.



When I say right before flower I mean a couple of days before 12/12. Just to let things heal up some and start to form new shoots. Then 12/12.

The difference in yield can be considerable depending on strain. Like Blueberry. I did it with some Mango a year back. Them Bastards grow like crazy. Instead of one or two main colas it evenly bushed out. The stalks grew stronger and all. It dwarfed my untopped Kush X Black Domina next to it.

I dont reccomend topping in flower. It can stunt growth or rob the plant of needed energy to create buds while its mending itself. I do take off fan leaves that are blocking major bud sites but only like 3 or 4 at a time just so i dont shock it. Then a few days later do it again

if needed. Training is the best way to control height in flower. I think any other thing cutting wise takes from the final product.



"I like to get at the fourth or fifth node or about 6 weeks from seed. " tk

thanks Texas Kid, you seem to always to come with the answer I'm looking for...not to forget Blatant...



I read an article by Kyle Kushman a few days ago...the topic was pruning,supercropping and topping in High Times...good reading.

In it, he says that at the second set of leaves...cut a leaf off and continue this process anti-clockwise on the next 3 sets of leaves until you've done it four times. It promotes lateral growth instead of going tall and lanky and allows more light to penetrate the lower buds. He also went into supercropping...im to wasted to go into it...and topping. If i remember right, he say's he likes to top at the fifth node. Im going to be trying his tips....he da man.


Every one does it different I think so no answer is right nor wrong but in general I have topped plants at different times any where from 2 weeks old to 2 months old. Topping will allow the plant to bush out and slow top growth. Topping 1 time young will allow you to decide if it will bush out the way you wont it. Topping early will show how fast side branches will grow.

Fimming..I fimm differntly to each plant/strain some get fimmed 1 or 2 times other 20 times if I can. Depends on veg time.

Topping at the 3rd to 6th node is a good place to start. After the plant grow's out 2 new nodes I fimm then allow 1 node to grow out and fim the next one and so on...

My experiences are some take to it, some don't ..finding out as much info. on your strain will help.:D