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seed pods or just seed bracts?


Have a bogglegum plant that is 3 weeks into it's 6 week flower period and I noticed what look like pods at the nodes. The are all over the plant. Some of them have white hairs coming out, some do not. I'm trying to determine if they are just more buds forming or are these seeds?

I pulled one off and opened it and they are hollow inside.

First pic is the buds of the plant and second pic is 2 of the pods on a node right below some growing buds.


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You are obviously new to this so I should of added, its completely normal and nothing to worry about.

That is where a seed would grow though if she was knocked up, thats called a calyx and the two hairs are pistils. Its like the marijuana version of a vagina and vagina "lips".

Time to smoke up, I did my good deed for today :D


You are obviously new to this so I should of added, its completely normal and nothing to worry about.

That is where a seed would grow though if she was knocked up, thats called a calyx and the two hairs are pistils. Its like the marijuana version of a vagina and vagina "lips".

Time to smoke up, I did my good deed for today :D

You are correct, this is my first grow. I was just suprised to see these after 3 weeks of flower. Obviously from the first pic you can see how far the buds are coming and then I see these little pods all over the plant.. Honestly I don't remember them being there a few days ago so I got worried.

It's good to know that these are normal and that my plant didn't go hermie. Are these more predominant in certain strains?



Every strain Ive grown the preflowers swell up before the buds. Your buds are gonna swell just like those preflowers did when they are almost done. Your buds are made of clusters of those calyxes.

On my outside ladies sometimes I pull those things off cuz they turn yellow and shit way before the buds are finished. Flowerin is a slower process outside.

Tell ya one thing, Id smack my Grandma for some Bogglegum in my garden. Helluva first strain! Should be awesome


Every strain Ive grown the preflowers swell up before the buds. Your buds are gonna swell just like those preflowers did when they are almost done. Your buds are made of clusters of those calyxes.

On my outside ladies sometimes I pull those things off cuz they turn yellow and shit way before the buds are finished. Flowerin is a slower process outside.

Tell ya one thing, Id smack my Grandma for some Bogglegum in my garden. Helluva first strain! Should be awesome

The Bogglegum is actually left over from my first attempt at growing about 8 years ago. That attempt was a miserable failure and the seeds have just moved around with me from house to house. I had 5 seeds and only 1 germed and that is the plant. I did take 3 clones though so I'm hoping to keep the strain alive.

I've never had any of it. Have you? Taste good? How was the high?

Thanks again for the info!

Bumble Buddy

Active member
Keep that Bogglegum pumping tommithy, every one I've grown has been a winner, very frosty variety. I've seen so many growers comment that they wish they still had their fav bogglegum pheno...
I'm smoking some now- sweet honeydew melon pheno- bright happy day :smile: wonderful euphoric high. Other pheno I've got is skunky-sour bubblegum, laughy head vice high. I've heard the best pheno has a grape soda aroma (hard to imagine it being better than the honeydew!), haven't seen that one yet though.


I've heard the best pheno has a grape soda aroma (hard to imagine it being better than the honeydew!), haven't seen that one yet though.

Funny you mention grape as that just happens to be the pheno I have. Right off the seed packet from BOG it clearly says "Tastes like grape bubblegum!"

I'm glad you folks told me those "pods" as I called them at the nodes are normal swelling of preflowers. A buddy of mine saw them and immediately said the plant went hermie and those were seeds and to chop it down.

Only 3 weeks to go and she should be ready for the chop.
I know this thread is pretty old but the pictures really helped me. I thought I was gonna have to pull one of my OD plants that is a fairly good size. I thought it went hermie on me but I guess its just maturing cause I have those large swollen calyxes as well. Thank you! And yes I am a newb.

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