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Seed depot closing

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do you really think that he did this on purpose? I think that the entire company grew too fast and the guy didn´t find stafff who met the requirements and then such shit happens.

Finally, I can calm you down, I´m not JB, but I judge over people not before all the facts are on the table. I know that Jorge Cervantes had business relationships with JB why I would appreciate it if he could comment the current situation and bring light into the dark
The facts are there, he knowingly sent out fake beans so he is a lying thieving conman and the fact you have read this and reports of breeders being ripped off yet are still defending him shows you are either JB or one of his buddys ,either way you are a fucking idiot :moon:
And telling me your not JB is not going to calm me down because i still have 4 packs of Chimera beans in my fridge that were meant to leave me stocked up but with recent events there more than likely budgie feed ,so i think i have every right to be angry like many others who have been ripped off and to then read some fuckwit defending him really boils my piss :jerkit:


Well-known member
I have a question about the faked seed situation.... Was he also replicating original packaging of these seeds? For example, he sent me some Bodhi seeds for one of their screw ups in the past. Was he making fake gold labels for example? So... technically could all of my Bodhi I got from there be suspect? I think Bodhi and Classic seeds were the only things I got from there that were't completely sealed.

Did the RD fakes come with the cardstock and things that the legit ones do?

Steele Savage

Active member
Boutique Breeder
I know JB quite well, and therefore I don´t think that he is a conman. On the one hand he was undercapitalised, on the other hand he faced legal problems. Imho his greatest mistake was that he still ordered beans from breeders, although he must had known that his business would get bust because of his problems.

I would like to mention in this context that all seed selling platforms walk on very thin ice, if they ship to the US. Look at Colerado and Washington. If any licensed shop shipped to other states where the recreational use is still forbideen the DEA would bust them. Or have a look at Gypsy´s case. It´s clear that the seed business is legal in the UK, but he must have known that shipping seeds or teaming up with illegal breeders in the US is dangerous and that Federal authorities would catch him if they have a chance to do so.

Finally, this enormous outcry here on ICMAG is also understandable, as JB was fishing in the same pool. That was a mistake, because smart entrepreneurs set up their on thing and do not acquire customers from shops they have worked for. But this behavior does not justifiy to call him a conman or something like that as long as we do not know the genuine truth.

What a crock.... I'm pm'ing the emails from this thief to OP. It appears he's run the same game on others saying the same shit... And though I'm no more special than the next breeder/vendor, this douche bag ripped me off, knowing that I just had spine surgery and was depending on those funds. I STILL havent been contacted by J.b to set things straight, something he claims he's doing; and dont think I ever will.

Your delusional flowery, and anyone else who comes to the ''theiving con man's'' defense. The writings on the wall and with this many people saying virtually the same thing, you are either in on it as I suspect hippy420 is, or you knew about it. Far as I'm concerned, you should be banned...


lost in a sea

really anyone who is referred to as a conman, then goes on to blowup in everyone's faces has to be called a conman surely..

I got in touch on behalf of a friend that has some rare seeds to find out what the deal was with the auctions on there and i must have received a message from them about 4 or 5 times saying that they would love to sell them.. that made me suspicious by how desperate they seemed and i didn't have any dealings with the site after that.

JB seems to have been better at running a website and internet presence than a business and it fooled alot of people, or took advantage of their trust.. either way more people are responsible for this mess than JB himself..

Storm Shadow

Well-known member
At the very least...from all this drama there is a bit of light at the end of the tunnel...

Look how much closer it brought the community together...look how many cool people are all on the same page compared to the few scrubs that try and ruin it for everyone...

#'s are most definitely on the side of the good guys... JB will get his... Karma is Mutha P and will catch you slippen when you least except it.. This scumbag will get his dues


Active member
As I have said elsewhere, it is completely unethical not to mention unprofessional, to steal your employer's (Gypsy's) business plan, vendors and customers. In most cases this would've been handled by a no-compete agreement.

But you should also know that JB left Gypsy with a screwed up Seed Boutique website, and apparently banned all the search engines bots from icmag to keep out traffic, while he grew TSD.

That's when I stepped back in here, cause it was obvious to me that someone had tried to screw icmag. It took many months for me to find out how badly JB had screwed over Gypsy.

So for anyone to claim JB was upstanding and ethical has been conned from the start, like Gypsy was.


To Have More ... Desire Less
like the saying goes..... " I'd LOVE to spit some beechnut in that dudes eye".....


Active member
floweryfield said:
I know that Jorge Cervantes had business relationships with JB why I would appreciate it if he could comment the current situation and bring light into the dark
As a friend of Jorge, I've contacted him a second time now over this matter. I've asked him to come here and let us know if JB conned him too, and to come clean on his relationship with JB so we can all learn from it.

This thread has become the "Truth and Reconciliation" thread for former members of TSD. Similar to what Nelson Mandela setup in SA to deal with the legacy of apartheid.

So former members & mods of TSD can tell the truth here and accept responsibility for their actions. As people come clean they can be accepted back by the mj community so it can heal and people can get back to the subject at hand, cannabis.


I have a question about the faked seed situation.... Was he also replicating original packaging of these seeds? For example, he sent me some Bodhi seeds for one of their screw ups in the past. Was he making fake gold labels for example? So... technically could all of my Bodhi I got from there be suspect? I think Bodhi and Classic seeds were the only things I got from there that were't completely sealed.

Did the RD fakes come with the cardstock and things that the legit ones do?

All my RD gear from there just came in a plastic baggie with a sticker on....im pissed.

mack 10

Well-known member
@cox, that sucks bro. I too wanted some sour bubz but as I never went over there(tsd)
I didn't know they had any, which they didn't...man i'm still shocked at all this. =T%he one time I met him he seemed sound. Crazy shizz.

At the very least he sold fake Moonshine and Bog gear,...

mack 10

Well-known member
i wonder how many packs of fakes he sent out altogether?
Anyone know what sort of turnover he had?

Sativa Dragon

Active member
Apple turnovers are the most popular.

I am glad to have never met him, and to have never done business with him.

Has anybody posted his details yet?



Active member
Apparently Jorge Cervantes went into a partnership with JB and had him create his new forum and blog (among other things!).

If you go this page:

You will see quite a number of admins listed on his site. However, the admin accounts were all created on the same day 9/9/2013 and never used again. Multiple admin accounts? On the same day? Ah, yes, backdoors all setup! :)

I've already warned Jorge that his site may be compromised by JB as he has multiple ways to screw Jorge now. I'll bet Jorge has been blackmailed by JB and that could be why he's not responding at all... Jorge might've been screwed over too.

If George doesn't delete all the accounts setup by JB (and check other things out), then you take your chances over there, security wise. Just remember JB as an admin can see everything going on.

Don't say we didn't warn you!

Blue Socks

How does a person with this kind of a character make it so far into the canna business? Are things really that desperate that the only people that can "make it" are crooks and thieves like JB? How was this one guy able to fuck so many people over? Did he just pop up into the scene one day and gain everyone's trust, or has he been working with people for many years? If it's the latter then why is all of this just now starting? Nothing about this is making any sense to me, and it seems this is a recurring theme in the cannabusiness industry, some supposedly long trusted person just turning into a complete POS at the drop of a hat and nobody ever sees it coming.

Well IC Mag saw it coming but they were apparently the only ones...
hopefully this bullshit will help the seed biz come together

maybe a standard can now be set for packaging, like
1. all packs tamper proof
2. lot numbers or batch numbers
3. dates they were produced

something has to change for the creditability to be there
as it stands now the new phrase is going to be... "hey bro are those beans real?"


Learning the rules well,so as to break them effect
ICMag Donor
This thread has become the "Truth and Reconciliation" thread for former members of TSD. Similar to what Nelson Mandela setup in SA to deal with the legacy of apartheid.

So former members & mods of TSD can tell the truth here and accept responsibility for their actions. As people come clean they can be accepted back by the mj community so it can heal and people can get back to the subject at hand, cannabis.

Wow.. That's deep....:respect:

Man, The ICmag community ROCKS!!! :smoke out:



Invertebrata Inebriata
If I was asked, "hey bro are those beans real?", I might reply, "I got them on seed bou/bay, and that would mean "yes".

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
hopefully this bullshit will help the seed biz come together

Yeah, right when coke and Pepsi become best buds, Judaism and Islam merge to become one religion, based on a shared love of bacon, and when pigs start to fly(police helicopters do not count)

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The TRUMP of SKUNK: making skunk loud again!
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
welcome to

the new world haorder,

where ic dominates and dictates what is really true and righteous to all the other inferior sites.

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