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Secret stash spots


There is no real one 'best' hiding spot...

Really it's dependent on the house/room/environment. You work with what you have. What comes to mind is Julian's philosophy that 'spot dictates the method.' Same deal here.


i shure wouldnt tell anyone my hiding spots on the internet. find your own

One of the chapters is on hollowing out a spot behind any of the molding in your house. How many acres of molding does the typical house have? Around your doors, along the floors, under the windows; it's everywhere. I don't think this one idea is quite like letting the Coca-Cola recipe out!


drug-dogs are pretty effective for finding drugs

No doubt, but hiding stuff is not always about drugs! But I'm like supermanlives I won't tell my hiding spots & if it's on a web site it's not a secret, but use your head bro look at where is good spots to hide then find a less likely spot & put it there !!!!!!!!!?????????????:laughing::wave::plant grow:


Well-known member
Years ago I had this pipe I made out of an aluminum document tube that was about 16 inches long and about 3 inches in diameter with a huge brass bowl. We called it the Super Pipe, and clearing the chamber without hacking up a lung was a challenge. More than one person choked and blew the contents of the bowl all over trying to clear that bad boy. I tucked an eighth of some local sticky into the tube one day for head stash and completely forgot about it.

Weeks later, I was out of smoke and picked up the pipe and took a wishful pull. Damn near choked to death when I inhaled the baggie, but what a happy surprise.

Back then, there was a junkyard adjacent to our property that was full of cars from the 30's and 40's and overgrown with trees and bushes. There was an old Willys coupe that had been there so long there was an oak tree growing out of the engine compartment. I'd stash my pipes and weed in the car and would climb up in this huge live oak tree and get high. Stashed stuff way up in that tree too. Had to hide that shit good or my dad would find it and smoke it up.

rick shaw

A few years back I had some people over,before I went to work I hid the money and drugs under the bar of soap...I figured it would be the last place they look.


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
Inside a frozen turkey :bigeye:

Heard they are great for stuffing :joint:


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I have that book. The best hiding places are the ones you come up with on your own. The ones in the book, and other well known places are..... well known. Look around your house or yard, might take a while but you can find a really good spot if you try.


Throbbing Member
So how far can you reach up your own pooper?? I have to visit a friend in prison in a week or so............ ;)


¨The real question should be " how far can the prison gard checking you reach up there?
where i live now, i am blessed for hiding places, but since i dont live in the USA. i tend to just leav it in a box in the shelfe. its easyer that way.

Tripp Inmiasov

On the issue of drug dogs...many years ago I watched a guy constantly sprinkle fresh, black pepper on the entance area of a certain building in which he worked. Nobody ever found his stash.

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