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Secret Stash Furniture & Objects.


Here is a link to some new, novel secret stash objects.
- http://yitingcheng.webs.com/psecretstash2010.htm
I do like the desk that has the slide out (locked?) hidden tray in it.
The paper stack would be pretty easy to make with an exacto knife and a few glue sticks.

I have also seen various soup cans and spray bottles to hide your stash. Also magnetic, waterproof otter cases for attaching to your car.


I found one of those very very thick leatherbound journals that came with a leather strap attached and it had a small lock on it. Used glue and an exacto knife. I made a small insert for the inside of it too so that when it is picked up the glass bowls and stuff don't bang together making noise. I'll have to snap a picture of it sometime.


got some more secret stash objects? this could be a GREAT thread

Im super interested in this topic....imagine a raid (god forbid) but you could skate away with a good amount of cash and medicine and you could keep genetics safe too...im liking this ideal

Dr. D

Active member
got some more secret stash objects? this could be a GREAT thread

Im super interested in this topic....imagine a raid (god forbid) but you could skate away with a good amount of cash and medicine and you could keep genetics safe too...im liking this ideal

Exactly man, its the difference between coming away with nothing or going home to something. Hopefully more people will chime in with ideas and/or more cool stash products, that table is ace...


Well-known member
used to have a wood stove. took a stick of firewood & cut it in half. hollowed out one piece, drilled a hole in each piece, & glued a dowel pin in one chunk as a swivel hinge of sorts. kept stash & cash inside, 2 layers down in wood pile outside back door. just gotta be careful feeding the fire... LOL!
used to have a wood stove. took a stick of firewood & cut it in half. hollowed out one piece, drilled a hole in each piece, & glued a dowel pin in one chunk as a swivel hinge of sorts. kept stash & cash inside, 2 layers down in wood pile outside back door. just gotta be careful feeding the fire... LOL!
That is genius. I used to cut tennis balls at the seem and squash em to open. Now I just use a safe.


the police,enforcement,and army have actual theorys on how to find stashes.
one theory is called the sir windthorp theory,basicly gives you a break down how
to find wepon/drug stashes outdoors.
basicly they work off human beings being creatures of habbit and how we use a prime
marker such as a tree on the skyline and then move either direction to a secondery
marker and then posibly a couple more,so never use the same stash and keep it mixed up.
i dont know how they go about it indoors but im sure they must have some simmular tactics.
Well, there's always the electrical outlets, baseboard trim, window when open, fridge door, cabinet bottoms, step panels. There are hundreds of ways to stash shit one would never find. Just look around and be a little imaginative.

Oh, and keep it the fuck out of your freezer and fridge. It's a big fucking myth that it degrades very quickly at room temps or higher.


Active member
I think a big obstacle is the dogs. Even if you keep your money seperate from your stash, there is a good chance the dogs can still smell your stash on your cash.

Hundred Gram Oz

Our Work is Never Over
I think a big obstacle is the dogs. Even if you keep your money seperate from your stash, there is a good chance the dogs can still smell your stash on your cash.

Contaminate your whole area, rub buds all over your properties walls floors, ceilings, and whatever else you think fit. That will set the dogs bonkers....Thanks for that Barry Cooper :bigeye:

Hundred Gram Oz

Our Work is Never Over

here is that sir winthorpe theory and im sure there are others like this.
i have used this theory in practical applications and i can tell you it has a very good succes
rate,im sure this must have came from tracking and observing as when you try to apply
it you find yourself looking for tracks.

Nice article, in this day and age though all one has to do is go to a random out of the road field out in the sticks with a GPS device, mark a location and bury your stash....Just write down the location lol.

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