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Secret Jardin DR90 II. What else do I need?



I want to run a 600hps. Please suggest excellent hood, inline fan, scrubber etc.


First you should be slightly more specific you have DR 90 II that I understand. Do you have a 600W HID or you want one suggest with the rest of the gear... If you already have a 600W HID what brand is it? Is it Digital or Magnetic Ballast?

Anyway my assumption is you only have the tent so I'll make a list of suggestions to include lighting as well.

I personally own this and can only say wonderful things about it. Very Reasonably priced
In that space I'd personally chose this hood option on the light:
For a Scrubber Exhaust this will do the trick:
If stealth is a priority for you and sound is an issue couple that scrubber kit with this
and this
I personally owned and use that fan/filter kit w/ that controller and it was a pretty sweet setup for the price it did it job however I will say that fan wasn't by any means silent I plan on using that muffler in my 3'x3' tent when I get it.
As for intake pretty sure if you open one of your vent flap at the opposite side of the tent as you filter this will do the trick if you want to do passive intake pretty sure negative pressure should take care of you if done right tent users correct me if I am wrong... keep in mind this would also depend on climate in the area in which you live...
If you want cheap active intake this will get the job done
you would just need to use that controller on the exhaust to dial it down a bit as the exhaust fan is 170cfm this intake would be 160cfm not a ventilation expert but i did the same thing in a closet made tent with the 4'' 80 cfm version of that fan and it worked... just gotta find that sweet spot.(FYI those inline booster fans wont work on speed controllers)
Say you want more control over the environment than that could go this route:

Honestly you don't give enough information on how you'd specifically like to grow and how simple or complicated of a system you want...So your responses may seem vague or unhelpful.

Hope this was able to help you out...


If I were building out the rest of that tent based on what little info you have already provided, as Hippie420 pointed out, I would go for this:

6" In-Line Sunleaves Windtunnel Fan - This is the only brand I've ever owned. I have a 6" and a 10" and they both work flawlessly. I have heard Vortex's are good too.

Variac for speed control rated for at least 2 amps. I strongly recommend using a variac (aka variable auto-transformer) over a fan-speed controller.

6" insulated ducting for inside the tent. Having insulated ducting outside may or may not matter to you. In my experience, using insulated ducting for at least 2 feet on either side of the in-line fan will significantly cut down on noise.

Phresh 6"x24" carbon scrubber. Once again this is just a brand that I have used which worked well for me.

Whichever hydro system you think would be easiest to maintain. With a 3x3 tent I doubt you're going to be crawling around in there. You want to be able to do as much as you can from outside. You could even rig up a hydro system with the rez outside the tent.

Chain instead of Yo-Yo's. Yo-Yo's just never go high enough for me. Chain feels stronger and is more versatile. I get the thickest kind I can that I can still bend apart with my channel-locks and pliers.

GFCI - safety first. I recommend using GFCI's for all power if possible, especially around hydro. Think about what is most likely to trip and consider putting that on it's own individual GFCI.


thanks guys. just got back from local hydro store...i wrote everything down but i left the piece of paper in my car

blockbuster 6inch air cooled hood
4inch vortex fan at 172CFM
phresh filter 4x12 200 cfm
nextgen 400/600watt digital ballast

my thought is to run the phresh filter inline with the air cooled hood. do you think i have enough juice or will i need a seperate fan for my filter?

i am getting both a 400watt MH and HPS for veg and flower

i will be using all soil but will have an airator for my water resvoir..

digital ph wand and a truncheon tds

am i leaving anything out?


Blockbuster 6
that outta be a tight fit in a 90cm tent with ducting

I'd rather use a 4 in side vented Air cooled hood, like the super sun or the lumesun


I take that back, I was confusing my GL80 size tent with a 90cm tent like the one you mentioned. I'm sure the blockbuster will fit, 'scuse my stoneded-ness


blockbuster 6inch air cooled hood
4inch vortex fan at 172CFM
phresh filter 4x12 200 cfm
nextgen 400/600watt digital ballast
I think maybe you should consider stepping up to 6" fan and filter, this is why: I think 6" is the most common duct size for our hobby. 8" and 10" seem to be more commercial oriented. 4" is much less common IMO. You already have a 6" hood, so you're already either going to be using duct reducers somewhere. Unless you use them right off the bat then you'll also need some 6" ducting anyway. Buying and working with 2 different sizes will increase your startup cost. Stonedar recommended dropping the hood to 4"; I like to run things as big as I can, but for now just using matching duct sizes on all your equipment is probably the priority. There's a saying that applies to a lot of things "your system is only as good as the worst/slowest part". You don't want the cooling or the air-scrubbing to be the weakest link. 6" is a good common size, and your tent has 6" ports too right (otherwise I would say consider 8"). In my limited experience, larger fans are generally quieter. You'll have more noise from increased air movement, but you will have a lot less motor noise.
my thought is to run the phresh filter inline with the air cooled hood. do you think i have enough juice or will i need a seperate fan for my filter?
You should be fine going filter to fan to hood and out with either the 4" or 6" in-line. I don't think you'll be wanting to turn down the speed on the 4" if you're doing that. You may be able to turn down the speed on the 6" a bit.
i will be using all soil but will have an airator for my water resvoir.
My first thought is "unnecessary". Having never run soil I can't say for sure, but I don't think you need to aerate. If you do then all you really need is a cheap aquarium air pump and hose. If the glug-glug noise of the big bubbles doesn't bother you then you don't even need an air-stone. You will still have to stir your nutes before use, since sediments will still fall out and rest on the bottom or in corners.
digital ph wand and a truncheon tds
Digital pH meter is a must in my opinion. The paper is inaccurate and is more work, which usually means you will check the pH less frequently. I have 2 digital pH meters, a cheap Milwakee one, and an expensive temperature compensating waterproof one that looks way sexier. The price difference is $50 and they pretty much work the same. The cheaper one is actually a lot quicker to calibrate. I don't think you need the truncheon, and that's just my opinion there. When you're in hydro and you need to monitor the ever changing ppm of your rez, I see it's utility. Even then, I did my first 3 runs in DWC hydro without the use of any kind of ppm monitoring. With soil it seems like if you mix the nutes up correctly in the first place then there shouldn't be any problem. I've never run soil, so take that for what it is. I think those things are ~$100. You could probably spend that money more effectively on something else, or just set it aside because things will come up. You can't foresee everything, there will just be some things you're going to need that you never thought of until their absence creates a problem.


thanks for the response guys

so you think i can run the presh>duct>aircooled hood>duct>6inch vortex?

money is not an issue as far as saving money with the truncheon. i think i would rather be safe than sorry.

as far as the airator, when i sit the water out for atleast 24hrs to de-chlorinate i will need to aerate before i water my ladies. correct?


do i need a 6inch fan or a 4inch fan with a reducer coming from the hood?

i dont want to bow the sides of the tent with too much negative pressure but i also dont want to have heat issues by going cheap and using a four inch fan

so far i am thinking:

6x16 phresh>6inch duct>aircooled 600watter>6inch duct>6inch vortex

is that too much in a dr90II

or this is the other setup in mind:

4x12 phresh>4inch duct>6inch air cooled hood>4inch duct>4inch vortex

what are your thoughts? i am going to going to a local store this weekend needs everyones thoughts. i want to only buy stuff once if i can manage. last thing i want to do is buy all 4inch stuff and then find out its not enough

also, its going to be in a basement 65-70 year round...thanks so much guys


Active member
Do you have the DR 90 set up? if so could you post some pics of it. I have a dr120 and use a 400 watt and a 4 inch vortex pulling through the filter and the hood and out the top. I have the fan one a speed controller and its set on low and temps have really never been a problem. I have always kicked my self in the ass for not getting a bigger fan.. so if i were you i would go with the 6 inch and a controller.. never know when you will upgrade.. go with the 6 inch and use the controller and dial it in.
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so you think i can run the presh>duct>aircooled hood>duct>6inch vortex?
That shouldn't be a problem. Whether to push from fan to hood or pull from hood to fan is a matter of debate. I think it depends on the temperature of the air moving through the fan. I pull and I have a thermometer stuck into the duct between my hood and my fan. I haven't yet seen the temps exceed 90 degrees. We'll see how hot it gets in the peak outside temps of summer...

money is not an issue as far as saving money with the truncheon. i think i would rather be safe than sorry.
It is a useful tool.

as far as the airator, when i sit the water out for atleast 24hrs to de-chlorinate i will need to aerate before i water my ladies. correct?
I don't think so. I think merely the act of watering will add enough agitation to sufficiently aerate it. It's not like hydro where your roots are going to be underwater all the time. I think you would have to really be drowning your plants, like a ridiculous amount, to run into an issue with oxygen content. I've never run soil but I'm running coco right now, and I don't aerate my nutes at all, unless you count stirring up the bucket before watering, which probably does actually aerate it to a good degree. An air pump and a small run of hose into the rez is not going to cost very much, if you feel it would help go ahead and do it, it won't hurt anything.

do i need a 6inch fan or a 4inch fan with a reducer coming from the hood?
I would go with 6" for everything.

I dont want to bow the sides of the tent with too much negative pressure but i also dont want to have heat issues by going cheap and using a four inch fan

so far i am thinking:

6x16 phresh>6inch duct>aircooled 600watter>6inch duct>6inch vortex
That would work. Alternatively you could place the fan between the filter and the hood if you wanted to push instead of pull. I have run a 6" fan on full speed in my DR150 and had only passive intake. I had all of the mesh vent holes closed, but I put short runs of 6" duct in all of the unused ports, with a few bends in them to make sure there wasn't too much light leaking in through them. If your basement is dark enough during your dark time you might not have to do that and you can just leave stuff open.

is that too much in a dr90II
Secret Jardin's brochure recommends 400 watts for the DR90. If you're going to get a dimmable digital ballast, you can try running 600 watts and if you experience heat or light bleaching issues then turn it down. If you wanted to future proof you could even get a 1000 watt ballast and just run it lower from the beginning. I think Galaxy makes a ballast that can run 400, 600, or 1000w lamps, or dim any of those to a lower level. If you're going to do that and mix bulbs and ballast levels make sure the hydro store employees explicitly tell you that they'll work together, that way if something goes wrong you can bring shit back. Basically you just can't push more watts through a bulb than it's rated for (excluding the Super Lumens feature on some 1000w digital ballasts).

or this is the other setup in mind:

4x12 phresh>4inch duct>6inch air cooled hood>4inch duct>4inch vortex
If you have a mix of 4" and 6" stuff I would try to run 6" duct for as long as you can. Example: My DR150 can only accomodate 6" due to the size of the ports. I run all 6" inside, then expand to 10" as soon as the lines leave the tent. It may not make much difference, but I think the less resistance the better.

what are your thoughts? i am going to going to a local store this weekend needs everyones thoughts. i want to only buy stuff once if i can manage. last thing i want to do is buy all 4inch stuff and then find out its not enough
I reccommend 6" everything. The price difference shouldn't be that much. If you're going to try to push 600 watts inside the tent, I think that you'll want to be running insulated ducts inside there. Also maybe insulating your hood with something. The guy at my local hydro shop said that ironing board material can be bought from the local fabric+craft store and is pretty much the same as what they make hood insulation out of.

Do you have the DR 90 set up? if so could you post some pics of it. I have a dr120 and use a 400 watt and a 4 inch vortex pulling through the filter and the hood and out the top. I have the fan one a speed controller and its set on low and temps have really never been a problem. I have always kicked my self in the ass for not getting a bigger fan.. so if i were you i would go with the 6 inch and a controller.. never know when you will upgrade.. go with the 6 inch and use the controller and dial it in.
Yep. Go with the 6". I think you should look into getting a variac for speed control though.


Active member



150$ for Melon Head reflector 8" and 160$ for ballast.


i will post pics of the tent. i have it set up in the basement but have everything else on order...i am pretty sure i am going to start with the 4inch vortex and see how things go. the shop said i could return it if need be. also, would have to get a new phresh to accomodate the cfm of the 6inch fan.

as of now, i am going to be running the 4x12 phresh into 6inch duct into a blockbuster 6inch hood into more 6inch duct into a 4inch vortex....

i am afraid a 6inch fan will be too much power and bow the ten badly


my friend that works at the grow store has been consulting with me through this. he has been growing indoors for 9yrs. he has a really great strain of strawberry cough. i will more than likely begin growing that. but i want to eventually buy beans and try other strains.

what is the best way to acquire beans. i live in ky so its not exactly a friendly state. i luckily have friends that work with a few differnt strains but i am limited. will i have enough room to introduce and try new strains?


got the blockbuster in. its looks like its going to be too big. once you put the reducers on and run duct it is extremely too big...anyone have any recommendations on a different hood that will fit a three by three and duct work?


Well there are the site owned sponsors seedbay and gypsy nirvana seed boutique... I can't like the site I order through due to TOU but use good and type in Attitude Seed Bank honestly it's the best in the world IMHO stealth and optional guaranteed shipping options and best selection I have seen on the net also best prices and customer service...however I've never use the bay/bou and heard ppl say you get like 1/3 orders too me for the money thats poor service but to each their own..

This would work perfectly for you and is equipped for 4'' ducting meaning no reducers



this might give you a better example of what the blockbuster 6inch looks like in a dr90 II. its huge and literally provides the best light cover. no dead/hot spots. its perfect. but, it doesnt have enough space to put the ducting in without mega bowing the sides out.

also, the filter up top with the 4inch vortex is huge and with the monster fan and the hood in i cant take advantage of the full height of the tent.

does anyone know of a good aircooled hood but one that is very low profile. that is what i am going to have to do...oh and running temps last night just to see how hot it got with out any air movement at all. just side vents open

it got up to 82 inside and that is without an plants in there, just a bare floor...i need help!