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Secret Jardin Dark Room DR120 REV2



hey guys finally got the new tent up and running and i am amazed at the quality of this tent compared to the last one .its the dogs bollocks im loving it .anyhow on with the grow this time round the beans are from female seeds all feminised and also a big thanks to female seeds who sent me 12 fems instead of ten so respect to the packers cheers... germed the beans on the 5th may today we have 7 showing and the last one just splitting its shell so 8 outta 8 is sweet. the pics show what nutes and additives will be getting used through this grow .nothing else nothing more. wish me luck lads.:tiphat:
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quick update and a few photos.. things are looking A ok..ph is at 5.9... ppm is in between 300 to 400.. they would of looked better but my bad. as i had the watering schedule coming on 8 times a day but dropped it down to 6 per day now and they are loving it also have my lights on 17 hours instead of my normal 18 hours so thats the way it stays for the time being... these wilma systems up till now are so much easier than the previous dwc i used. ie .bubble buckets. no daily checks of as yet im loving it anyroad thats it for now so happy growing to all:tiphat:


looking great! I hope Atami starts to import the Wilma to the states, it's great for tents.


Nice! I just got the newest version of the DR150, it was about 330 shipped but hopefully is worth the investment

Guest 147054

They look really nice man. I love my tent too....wish i had the wilma setup. Looks like you could even fit 2 in there.

In the last 2 pics I noticed the leaved are pointing up a bit, what are your temps at cause when this happened to me it was from the light being too close.

I could be totally wrong but its just an observation


looking great! I hope Atami starts to import the Wilma to the states, it's great for tents.

thanks stonedar yeah im loving this wilma system perfect fot tents:tiphat:

Chris1.......... Nice! I just got the newest version of the DR150, it was about 330 shipped but hopefully is worth the investment

cheers chris... the dr150 was my first choice but was an issue with space and deffo worth the investment you wont be dissapointed:tiphat:

dr.euforia ..... They look really nice man. I love my tent too....wish i had the wilma setup. Looks like you could even fit 2 in there.

In the last 2 pics I noticed the leaved are pointing up a bit, what are your temps at cause when this happened to me it was from the light being too close.

I could be totally wrong but its just an observation

thanks for the observation man and youre spot on i did have the light to close now sorted tent temp now 28c:tiphat:

thanks for comments guys.:tiphat:


quick update smallest plant 12 inch largest 16 inch another couple of days then its down to 12.12 thing are looking ok ph is at 5.9 ec is at 0.8 no deficiencies at present have been giving them a spray with liquid silicon once a week and they seem happy enough with that.. ive noticed my tapwater has gone up in ph this week fooking waterboard ..anyhow with the summer here i treated the girls to a new extractor with a built in thermostat comes on automatic when temp hits certain degree im loving it and decided not to pull any leaves of at present just being tucking them down anyhow heres a few photos happy growing to all :tiphat:
hi there firefox, great stuff, i pleased to see the results so far as i got a 2.4x2x2 tent on the way with x3 8 pot large wilma kits!
I also gone for the temp controlled fan!
Can i ask where your extracting to? bit hot here at mo and i wondering if i can get away with circulation in the room and open window rather then vent into the loft which is hot as it is anyway, or buy a portable air con and leave that going in the room for the system to circulate through.
Well i will keep peeking at this tread, i awaiting my delivery of all equipment then fingers crossed it all goes as well as yours
Good luck its looking great

Dr. D

Active member
Looking good firefox, nice grow, just been looking at these tents myself i use the Budbox tents at the mo they are ok but i like the look of the Secret Jardin tents they also do a reduced height one which may be perfect for the basement i have as a 2m won't fit.
Edit, do those tents have duct holes at the bottom can't see any in your pics?


hi there firefox, great stuff, i pleased to see the results so far as i got a 2.4x2x2 tent on the way with x3 8 pot large wilma kits!
I also gone for the temp controlled fan!
Can i ask where your extracting to? bit hot here at mo and i wondering if i can get away with circulation in the room and open window rather then vent into the loft which is hot as it is anyway, or buy a portable air con and leave that going in the room for the system to circulate through.
Well i will keep peeking at this tread, i awaiting my delivery of all equipment then fingers crossed it all goes as well as yours
Good luck its looking great

hi alfie moon nice of you to stop by. that setup of yours sounds sweet so give me the heads up when your up and running you will have fun with that. as for my venting and im in a south facing room with temperatures nearly always 80plus fahrenheight even as we speak with windows open.. i vent under floorboards ..upstairs bedroom.. in between two walls with airbricks and since putting that new thermostat control extractor in and have also added a inline fan things are going sweet temp never goes above 28c best of luck on your up and coming adventure..:tiphat:

Dr. D Looking good firefox, nice grow, just been looking at these tents myself i use the Budbox tents at the mo they are ok but i like the look of the Secret Jardin tents they also do a reduced height one which may be perfect for the basement i have as a 2m won't fit.
Edit, do those tents have duct holes at the bottom can't see any in your pics?

hey Dr. D nice of you to drop by my advice if its worth anything is get one of these tents massive difference to my last one in lots of different ways mind you the last one i had was an unknown brand done the job but wouldnt thank you for one now not after buying this one. yes there are duct holes at the bottom much bigger than my last one i cant fault this tent you wont go wrong with one .it has lots more ducts than my last one once again thanks for stopping by and good luck :tiphat:


hey up guys and gals getting lonely in here so thought i would add more photos for my references at a l8r date anyhows my ph is at 5.8 my ec is at 1.0 and my babies are bouncing ..bouncing that much the fookin light fell down after i took these photos. no major damage but it scared the shit out of me.. well put these girls on 12.12 on the 15.6.11 the smallest was 12 inch the biggest was 17inch and they are well passed that mark now haha. gave them a full water change on the 14.6.11 and gave them the lucas full feed on the 15.6 11. but added a extra .60.bloom just trying new things as yer do and they love it anyhow thats it for now so stay safe all you happy folks and you miserable ones too haha.:tiphat::wave:


thanks for popping in darksider and paulo73........... i had a go at that lst thing last night and it looks scraggy as at the moment. but the light difference to the bottom of the pots is unreal plenty light now so heres hoping for good things to come.:tiphat:


Nice work man, i see that new tent is serving you v-well. G'Luck bro! ;)

:thank you: for stopping in m8 yeah the new tent is mint compared to the other one cheers........ forgot to upload these pics of this lst thing what everyone seems to be doing so here we go .happy growing to all.:tiphat:
Hi firefox,
Well my set up is giving me grief, i got a acoustic box fan, supposed to be silent, fooking thing was nosiest thing i ever heard, so i got to wait till monday when store open and change for somit a bit more quite,
Also couldnt fit the 3 wilma big 8's in tent i had to go for 2 big 8's and a big 4 in middle so i can get in there,
duckting is really thick, aucostic stuff, i got it round the lights and i thinking i going to have to cut more holes in the tent so i can suck from 1 end of tent through the light to other, it giving me a headache cause i cant seem to get the job completed.....
hope to change the fan monday and get a couple of other bits, as for venting i going to have to suck into the room then open the window, i will only have on in the day hours if possible, i got a bit of time as my seeds only hatched a week ago, so still small,
sorry ui just read back an i hijacked ya thread mate!
I let you know when i up and running, maybe another week


Hi firefox,
Well my set up is giving me grief, i got a acoustic box fan, supposed to be silent, fooking thing was nosiest thing i ever heard, so i got to wait till monday when store open and change for somit a bit more quite,
Also couldnt fit the 3 wilma big 8's in tent i had to go for 2 big 8's and a big 4 in middle so i can get in there,
duckting is really thick, aucostic stuff, i got it round the lights and i thinking i going to have to cut more holes in the tent so i can suck from 1 end of tent through the light to other, it giving me a headache cause i cant seem to get the job completed.....
hope to change the fan monday and get a couple of other bits, as for venting i going to have to suck into the room then open the window, i will only have on in the day hours if possible, i got a bit of time as my seeds only hatched a week ago, so still small,
sorry ui just read back an i hijacked ya thread mate!
I let you know when i up and running, maybe another week[/quote

chin up m8 you will get there in the end we all have probs to begin with when setting up a new system anyroad good luck with your new venture:tiphat: