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Secret Banking Cabal Emerges From AIG Shadows- Bloomberg News


Active member
Its funny how they get us pointing the finger at this country or that country vs. this country...

When really its the multinational corporations that live outside the laws of any country that are making moves to dominate


I am who I am coz I is who I is.
And too bad the amount of people who believe the finger pointing at countries,
whatever you wanna call them, it all starts with the private bankers :(.
Funny how something fake made such a big fucking impact on the world.
bring back the barter system ditch the paper monies!,
The problem with the human race is that we are too attached to the material world.

As buddah would say, Detach yourself from the material world, its just an illusion.


Active member
I'd like to open up a business.

My business will be open 9-5.

I will have no product.

You bring me money.

I keep your money.

You can ask me how much money of yours I have as much as you want.

If you want your money back I will charge you.

Who wants to go into business with me?


Living Organic Soil...
ICMag Donor
What i hate about this shit is, when the dollar hits the floor, what do people do then? do we all just become bums on the streets because know1 can afford to pay bills,
In aussie here, the PM is bringing in the new carbon tax now(load of crap not needed)
Why do we pay for something that cant be fixed, the manufacturers should be paying because of their production, not the households that are gonna be paying 800$+ more per year.

People are to blind and silly, and dont understand enough to realize whats going on, its probally gonna be to late before the spastics catch up with the game plan.

I like to dribble shit about all the crap thats happening.
But at least i no whats happening and am willing to try to get people to open their eyes and ears.

I also dont understand the stocks and whatnot so much, but i no enough to connect A-B.

Sorry if i sound like an asshat, but i just hate the way the world is turning out it just makes me absolutely sick.

Our Aussie feds have a fight on their hands with the carbon dioxide tax. The general public are smarter than people give them credit... especially in rural areas.

The NSW labour party were wiped out and while this was apparantly inevitable the carbon tax was foremost in lots of voters minds...

What makes me sick is the support from greens leader Bob Brown for the new war in Libya!

If the dollar crashes in Oz and people default on their mortage there wont be enough cops to kick everyone out. It will get very interesting... one of the advantages of living in such a large country with such a widespread population. Also the reason it would be almost impossible for an army to march on us....



I am who I am coz I is who I is.
Yeh power to the people :D haha, im in perth, its like a fucking police state over here,
So much different from back home in Christchurch.

You gotta remember with the political leaders, even counting the greens, they are all just puppets, and generally they side with whatever benefits their career more, which at this time is, carbon tax, and wars... Let libya fight their own war, the rebels will eventually take THEIR city back. the revolution seems to be happening in the middle east,
To bad fuck all is happening in the western world at this time.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Portugal finally capitulates. They were able to hold out longer than I thought, but they too have finally sold their people as debt slaves to the EU and IMF. Next up on the global consolidation banker buying spree list. Spain. Everyone knew Portugal would have to come begging to the table, but the MSM is still down playing Spain. Their inevitable admission of insolvency will be the Euro's Black Swan IMO.

"We Don't Need A Bailout... We Don't Need A Bailout...Uh, We Need A Bailout": Portugal Admits To Needing EU Rescue ZeroHedge
Update: It's Official. Portugal is Bankrupt: Portuguese finance minister says the country will have to use European Union mechanisms to resolve its debt problems, to make announcement at 8PM.

In the biggest shocker to come out just hours before the ECB's announcement tomorrow, which many see is a guaranteed rate hike, Journal de Negocios has just announced that according to the Portuguese Finance Minister, the country needs a bailout, after weeks and weeks of Greece-style denials. And yes, nobody could have foreseen this, and all that jazz.

From Negocios:

The Minister of Finance considers that Portugal has already asked for help. In a written response to questions raised by the Business, Fernando Teixeira dos Santos said that "it is necessary to refer to available funding mechanisms in the European framework".

and more:

Fernando Teixeira dos Santos believes that Portugal needs to ask for help, a set of questions in writing.

Business: Portugal must now ask for help as they appeal the bankers and economists in general? The debt that you have to pay in a year do not worry you?

Fernando Teixeira dos Santos: "The country has irresponsibly pushed a very difficult situation in financial markets. Given this difficult situation, which could have been avoided, I think it is necessary to refer to available funding mechanisms in the European context as appropriate to the current political situation. This will require also the involvement and commitment of major forces and political institutions."

Greece...Ireland... Portugal... Hello Spain.

In the meantime, the Greece short end is trading inside Portugal.


ruger 500
alex jones reported today that j p morgan is going down hard ,its all over silver prices,and urges every one to purchase 2 silver oz coins as jp cantrt cover it as they are running a major ponzy on all us holders


Living Organic Soil...
ICMag Donor
According to the expert dude on the last video i posted Italy are in just as much trouble as Spain... if not worse. He claims the Italians are just much better at cooking the books lol :smoke:

Quite incredible...i have visited Portugal many moons ago and found it a great place with cheap food and wine that was all really yummo. Now you can legally (kinda) carrry small amounts of illicit drugs.

Where will this all end?


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Don't worry it's all about the wealth effect. People look at the stock market numbers right now and think we are BOOMING.

Here's an interesting correlation. How the "wealth effect" of monetary stimulus is actually the final destruction of the working class. Dependency is slavery. Correlation or coincidence you can decide.....

91.3% Correlation Between Foodstamp Usage And The S&P, Or How "Wealth Effect" = "Poverty Effect"
Or how in kleptocratic America wealth effect poverty effects you.



Orwell was right IMO. Beware of double speak.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

a very very old and wise man known to me many years ago back in NY claims that Yiddish is the world's secret banking language.......

just sayin'



Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Looks like another ex-PBOC (People's Bank Of China (The Chinese Federal Reserve)) Official woke up from his Neo-Keynesian normalcy bias acid trip......

Ex-PBOC Official Wakes Up From The Acid Trip: "U.S. Treasury Market Is A Giant Ponzi Scheme" ZeroHedge
After years of being the primary supplier of funding to the US credit-money shell game, one more ex-PBoC member wakes up from the "great normalization" acid trip, and in a Caixin editorial says what virtually everyone now understands all too well: the Treasury market is one "giant Ponzi scheme." Oh, and it wasn't obvious when China was the biggest holder of debt for years (until the Fed became the biggest monetizer of US Treasuries late in 2010)? Sounds like a rather serious case of buyers remorse is creeping into the buying mindset of America's formerly primary enabler. The $64 trillion question now, as always, is whether China, whose holdings have been flat for a year will follow in Pimco's footsteps and actually commence selling longer-dated paper. If so, and with QE3 now expected to end even if temporarily, the aftermath will not be what Congress wants to see.

From MarketWatch:
A former adviser to China's central bank said on Monday that China should have retreated from the U.S. government-bond market and instead allowed the yuan to appreciate more freely, warning that U.S. sovereign debt was akin to a giant Ponzi scheme, according to a newswire report that cited an editorial on Caixin Media Group's website. Yu Yongding, a former member of the People's Bank of China monetary-policy committee and now a member of a state-run policy group, said allowing appreciation of the yuan against the U.S. dollar under a free-floating currency regime would have reduced China's need to acquire U.S. Treasuries. He likened the U.S. Treasury market to a "giant Ponzi scheme," arguing that Federal Reserve buying of Treasuries has artificially kept bond prices high, but that they would eventually fall to levels which reflected fundamentals of the U.S. economy.
FYI the real fundamentals of the US economy are shit. They collapsed in '08. Unless you consider a house of cards built on a foundation of sand and trillions of worthless paper "fundamentals." There is one thing about a Ponzi Scheme. It ALWAYS crashes. Our day of reckoning is coming.


Active member
Looks like another ex-PBOC (People's Bank Of China (The Chinese Federal Reserve)) Official woke up from his Neo-Keynesian normalcy bias acid trip......

Ex-PBOC Official Wakes Up From The Acid Trip: "U.S. Treasury Market Is A Giant Ponzi Scheme" ZeroHedge
FYI the real fundamentals of the US economy are shit. They collapsed in '08. Unless you consider a house of cards built on a foundation of sand and trillions of worthless paper "fundamentals." There is one thing about a Ponzi Scheme. It ALWAYS crashes. Our day of reckoning is coming.

unless we can come up with a new, better ponzi


Living Organic Soil...
ICMag Donor
Iceland Rejects Bankster Shakedown

Iceland Rejects Bankster Shakedown


Kurt Nimmo
April 11, 2011

Unlike Americans, the people of Iceland were allowed to vote on bailing out the banksters. They voted overwhelmingly against the proposal on Saturday despite the intimidation tactics of the globalist loan sharking operation, the International Monetary Fund.

For a second time, Icelanders rejected a scheme to “repay” – as Reuters deemed it – $5 billion to banks in Britain and the Netherlands following the engineered looting and crash of the Kaupthing, Landsbanki and Glitnir banks. The crash all but destroyed Iceland’s economy and swindled thousands of European bank customers.

60 percent of voters opposed the shakedown while 40 percent said the country should give in to bankster intimidation.

Iceland did something unthinkable in the United States – it went after the banksters and their minions. In early March, Sigurdur Einarsson, former chairman of the defunct Icelandic bank Kaupthing, was arrested in London. The the Special Prosecutor’s Office in Reykjavik ordered the police to raid the homes of other bank principals. Ivar Gundjonson of Iceland’s failed Landsbanki bank was also arrested.

Predictably, the corporate media has under-reported Iceland’s efforts to arrest and prosecute bankers.

Following the outcome of Saturday’s referendum, Iceland Prime Minister Johanna Sigurdardottir warned that the banksters will declare war on the tiny island nation. “We must do all we can to prevent political and economic chaos as a result of this outcome,” she said.

The court of the EFTA Surveillance Authority, the European trade racket overseeing Iceland’s cooperation with the globalist European Union, will now take up the issue. “My estimate is that the process will take a year, a year and a half at least, Finance Minister Steingrimur Sigfusson told a news conference.

“Ever since Iceland decided to stop pandering to banker interests, and transfer its country’s wealth to banks from Europe and Holland, its economy has in fact been on a constant upward trajectory,” Zero Hedge wrote on Sunday. The website provides two charts to show how telling the bankers to stuff it has benefited the country.

“And so a nation of 320,000 once again takes the baton of bankster liberation, while a country of 320 million continues to refuse to care, even as with each passing month another $150 billion in debt is added to the public debt total.”


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
I saw that. Congrats Icelanders to giving the big fuck you to Fascism. Ireland, Greece, and Portugal would do well to do the same. We all would before austerity is imposed on us all.

Austerity is beginning to be enforced on the citizens of the world to protect the banking globalist elite from taking haircuts on their malinvestments. Austerity is taking the last penny from the serfs. Around the world the proles are getting restless.

We shall see how long it is before the camels back breaks.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Looks like after all the bailouts, kicking the can down the road, denials, and bullshit Greece is finally going to fail to pay it's obligations. Just like every other insolvent country out there it is going to have to default on it's debt. To any non Neo-Keynesian this comes as no surprise. We all understand bailouts do nothing more than promote moral hazard, kick the can down the road, and make the final day of reckoning that much more painful.

Fears grow over Greek debt default despite bail-out

Fears that Greece will default on its debts soared on Thursday as the German finance minister admitted that a restructuring may be needed, despite last year's €110bn (£97bn) bail-out.
Investors' flight from Greek government debt left 10-year bond yields at a new euro lifetime high of over 13pc and yields on two-year bonds at over 18pc, after Wolfgang Schaeuble said "additional steps" could be necessary if the European Central Bank concludes that the country's burden is unsustainable.

Greece is implementing spending cuts but concerns have mounted in recent days because tax revenues have disappointed as the austerity programme squeezes the economy.

Although it can tap the rescue package backed by Europe and the International Monetary Fund as the Mediterranean nation's debts come up for refinancing, traders reckon Greece will be unable to escape its vast borrowings. Market caution means it now costs €1.1m to insure €10m Greek debt for five years.

Although Greece is not expected to default officially on the principal amount, holders of its debt may agree to reduce the interest rate and lengthen the terms of the loans. The effect would be largely similar to a default, as the value of the debt would fall.

Any restructuring before 2013 would have to be on a voluntary basis, as new rules that would force private creditors to shoulder some of the burden do not come into effect until then.

With the ECB apparently quitting being the buyer of last resort of Greek bonds they are in freefall and about to go bidless IMO.

In other news. Ireland continues it's slide into insolvency recognition.

Moody's cuts Ireland by two notches, euro falls
(Reuters) - Moody's cut Ireland's sovereign rating by two notches to the verge of junk status on Friday and kept its outlook on negative, pushing the euro lower and adding to renewed pressure on the euro zone's weaker countries.

The move sent Ireland's borrowing costs up and cut short a rare spell of good news after the government said on Thursday it had passed a review of its economic progress by creditors and ratings agency Fitch upgraded its outlook.

A soaring of Greek borrowing costs to new highs has turned up the heat on fellow strugglers Ireland and Portugal this week after Germany said for the first time that Athens may have to restructure its huge public debt.

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