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SecondAttempt's first attempt at PPKs...


Active member
Didn't order My Jack's yet... I have 2 large seed orders in the mail. Waiting on those, I haven't decided where to have the Jack's sent. I usually have orders sent to my grandmother's house, but I have a growbro now who's house is clean.... kinda. His grow is at his parent's place... WE ARE ALL LEGAL, STATE COMPLIANT. But still a box that says Jack's professional hydroponic fertilizer on it shouldn't show up on any of our doorsteps.


No Jive Productions
Didn't order My Jack's yet... I have 2 large seed orders in the mail. Waiting on those, I haven't decided where to have the Jack's sent. I usually have orders sent to my grandmother's house, but I have a growbro now who's house is clean.... kinda. His grow is at his parent's place... WE ARE ALL LEGAL, STATE COMPLIANT. But still a box that says Jack's professional hydroponic fertilizer on it shouldn't show up on any of our doorsteps.

the bag comes in a box labeled "water soluble fertilizer" not a word about hydro on it anywhere. these people are very smart and i'm sure they know the market for this product.

and, this is the start of the growing season and people are getting their stuff together for their gardens.

they are not a "cannabis nutrient" company and sell direct to many types of specialty growers.


Fuck Entropy.
he bag comes in a box labeled "water soluble fertilizer" not a word about hydro on it anywhere. these people are very smart and i'm sure they know the market for this product.

Not always true.

A long time ago, I received it in a box that claimed that it was a bloom booster... something even more ridiculous on a front step than 'hydro fert'.

real ting

This is impressive watching your progress! Got me itching to go on my next run. I'll be following along.

Don't do it!

2x4's, orca, and pond liner are all you need. Much more solid, and you get to custom design your space.

I dunno, I've done both and for a room within a room I kinda like the tents if you get one with a decent design. The 2x4s, orca/pond liner setup took way longer to build, was a huge pain in the ass with just one person, and tearing it down and hauling everything to the dump was more of a hassle than it would be with a tent. Plus the tents are reusable, theoretically.


Active member
Thanks for checking in Real Ting, I'll update tomorrow. got a lot of wrangling to do. These girls are all up in the lights.


Do whatchas gotta do to maintain harmony in the grow area Bro.......

Adapt or perish.....

Good luck....DHF.....:ying:....


Active member
Confidential Cheese behind the bulb

The donut is closing up, not good

I need to open the center back up for the light

Getting better

More to come in the next few days

I know the defoliation debate has started back up, what the hell am I supposed to do with these though? Before I netted these girls they were inches from the light... no burning though.

Remember the light will be on a mover plunging down in that hole, picture it, just in and out, in and out. HA!


Fuck Entropy.
Go slow. Feel it out. Take your time.

It seems to me that there is a 'debate' over 'defoliation' due to the fact that there is no easy answer.

To some degree, it is strain dependent.

To some degree, it is environmentally dependent.

To some degree, it is gardener dependent.

Aside from the hormonal issues, 'defoliation' allows for light penetration and air circulation through the canopy.

Remove what you think you need to to get light where you think it will be the best for the plant.

Remove what you think you need to to get air flow throughout the canopy so that it is the best for the plant.

Go slow. Feel it out. Take your time.


No Jive Productions
"plunging down in that hole, picture it, just in and out, in and out. HA!"

"Go slow. Feel it out. Take your time."

you might have to shorten your stroke to avoid hot spots!


Active member
I wasn't even reading IF's post that way, then D9 comes in and makes it all sexual and stuff.

Yeah Billy donuts are great if you don't want t run a bunch of lights... I'de rather straight up trees but this just isn't the place for it.


Learning the rules well,so as to break them effect
ICMag Donor
"plunging down in that hole, picture it, just in and out, in and out. HA!"

"Go slow. Feel it out. Take your time."

you might have to shorten your stroke to avoid hot spots!

Last edited:


Active member
That looks just like... what's the word?...

A STEAK, a nice juicy steak, I like my on the raw side, nice and pink.

I'm going to finish pinning these ladies down with netting tonight, I've decided I'm going to pull the reflectix when stretch stops so I can get airflow through the canopy. These ladies are so thick I don't think I'm going to lose much light and without airflow all I will be growing is mold.


Active member

I may be the first person to kill a plant in the PPk yet.

So my lights go on at 8 pm eastern time off at 8 am.

I was working this morning at lights off just now, and I noticed one plant is terribly wilted, this plant hasn't stretched much (smallest plant in the system) and I assumed it was just getting choked out by the larger plants. I looked it over and the only thing I see out of the ordinary is the base of the stem is fuzzy (mold?) some of the larger plants have this fuzz too though and have been healthy. Am I over watering? Pulsing 45 seconds every 1.5 hours. Eleven of twelve plants look amazing, but this fuzz has me worried now.

I plan to snap pics at lights on tonight, I didn't have my camera just now. PLEASE COME BACK TONIGHT and SEE.

I think I'm going to pull her tonight from the system because maybe she shouldn't be tied to everyone else's res?

I really need to bring this run home.


Active member
I got antsy after that last post, put on my green LED headlamp and yanked that bitch from the system. Upon releasing it from the screen it fell forward, there is no strength in the stem at the soil line (it's not soggy) just not enough roots to hold it firm.

I have two options moving forward.

I can throw a 175 MH over it and try to nurse her back to health hand watered PPK style, I'm going to need help though ICMag...


I can go on record as the first person to kill a plant in a PPK, a true testament to my lack of skill. I will however autoposy the victim for the good of the community... we'll call it a teachable moment.

What should I do?

Pics tonight...



No Jive Productions
it's probably just a weak plant. i've had them before and i just yank them and move on. there is little point in trying to turn a severely damaged plant around.

even with clones from a proven robust producer you will get one sometimes that doesn't root right or is just weak for some reason.

check every other plant in the room for it. it might be a fungal infection such as fusarium but they typically can't get a foothold on a healthy plant.

i've never had it in a ppk but several times in hand watered pots.

you might need the better air flow you mentioned.

what is the air filled porosity of your medium? approx.

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