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SECOND GROW ATTEMPT - 4x4 - 315W 4200K GREENBEAMS CMH - 2x Green Crack Afghani - RDWC


3/3/2016 Update - Was hit with a stinky smell when I went downstairs this morning! Girls are getting a little bigger still and bud sites forming nicely @ Day 15 today :) Lucas formula for flower (current PPM about ~880 @.5 after topping with RO water today). 2 Tbsp of hydroguard today as well with the top-off. I've switched to Lucas formula full for flowering and don't see any nute burn or reaction from the girls (other than continued growth). I am using FloraNova Bloom liquid nutes with RO water ONLY now (and some hydroguard).

I am 98% sure that issue I had with stalks turning purple is slowing going away. I was previously having large temp swings from day/night (from 80F day to as low as 59F night). Adding a temp sensor relay to my outlet I am now able keep my temps with 8-10F degree swings all day and night (lowest temp is about 71, highest 80F). Stalks now look pinstriped again instead of SOLID purple, and basically all newer growth stems are bright green (some purple areas). I can also a see the spotty green color coming back now (GCA#2 is greener than GCA#1).

Hoping that they haven't been nute locked since the temp swings were bad, but they seem to be growing and on track...I think...

Flower Day 15 (Week 3):

GCA #1:

GCA #2:

GCA #1 Root Growth (roots are stained from dark FloraNova solution):

GCA #1 Top Flower:

More to come! Hope to see lots of progress this week.


3/10/2016 Update - Day 22 flower (week 4 day 1). PPM~920 @.5. RO Water with Hydroguard and FloraNova Bloom ONLY.

They seem to like the 4200K CMH bulb and GB reflector - I am seeing nice even bud site development and things are getting frosty!

Low Temp - 70F

High Temp - 81F

Low Humid - 16%

High Humid - 31%

Flower Day 22 (Week 4):

GCA #1:


GCA #2:


GCA #1 Top Flower:


GCA #2 Top Flower:


Thanks for looking! Feel free to comment!
Looking good man, starting a medical grow myself soon as my current lease runs out, eventually want to run 6, 3x3 1 plant scrogs under a Greenbeam, but cant afford 6 at once, so will run 3, 2 plant 4x4 or 3x3 scrogs.


Looking good man, starting a medical grow myself soon as my current lease runs out, eventually want to run 6, 3x3 1 plant scrogs under a Greenbeam, but cant afford 6 at once, so will run 3, 2 plant 4x4 or 3x3 scrogs.
Thanks Crazy! I wish I could afford that many GBs...but plan to use a 630W double cmh fixture in addition to the gb for my next grow. Thinking about SCROG too!


3/17/2016 Update - Day 29 flower (week 5 day 1). PPM~750 @.5. RO Water with Hydroguard and FloraNova Bloom ONLY. Downed the PPM a little as girls started to show slight nute burn on the tips when running around 850PPM.

My original plan was to use the 4200K for the entire grow, BUT, I decided to spoil them and starting today they will be under the 930 3100K agro bulb instead of the 4200K.

I am thinking they are on track to finish around 60 days, but will be starting to check trichomes in the next week or two to know exactly when to start flushing. Let me know what you guys think!

Low Temp - 68F

High Temp - 82F

Low Humid - 14%

High Humid - 28%

Flower Day 29 (Week 5):

GCA #1:


GCA #2:


GCA #1 Top Flower:


GCA #1 Top Flower (side):


GCA #2 Top Flower (side):



Also - I have defoliated them slightly. The plants weren't very full to begin with (more tall than wide), so I have only been clipping larger fan leaves that are shading bud sites. This CMH bulb has excellent canopy penetration though!


NEW Nanolux 630W Dual Spectrum CMH Light!!!

NEW Nanolux 630W Dual Spectrum CMH Light!!!

3/24/2016 Update - Day 36 flower (week 6 day 1). PPM~700 @.5. RO Water with Hydroguard and FloraNova Bloom, added 1/3 tsp/gal gh liquid bloom.

Some serious changes in the grow room - I have a new light :) Nanolux 630W Double CMH running 1 4200K and 1 3100K phillips 315W bulbs.

I am still using the C/GB but have recommissioned it as a 4200K veg light that is currently starting an Advanced Seeds Feminized Honeysuckle sprout (a little over 2 weeks from planting). Some of our veggies under there too.

New Lighting Setup:

C/GB veg setup and Honeysuckle:



Nanolux 630W CMH Dual Spectrum:




Thanks! New update coming tonight once lights are on. Added some tomato cages as some buds are getting large and causing branches to lay sideways!


3/31/2016 Update - Day 43 flower (week 7 day 1). PPM~700 @.5. PH stable @ 5.8. RO Water with Hydroguard and FloraNova Bloom ONLY. 2 of the main branches on GCA#1 were getting heavy and falling over - so I added a tomato cage to both plants and tied a couple buds up loosely with some plant ties.

Low Temp - 64F

High Temp - 84F

Low Humid - 16%

High Humid - 26%

Flower Day 43 (Week 7):

GCA #1:


GCA #2:


GCA #1 Top Flower:


GCA #2 Top Flower:



Here is my little honeysuckle growing under the C/GB 4200K lamp. Getting ready to top her after the top node grows a little further.


Thanks for looking!


4/7/2016 Update - Day 50 flower (week 8 day 1). PPM~90 @.5. PH stable @ 5.8. RO Water with FloraKleen ONLY (flush time!). Next update maybe the harvest update depending on my schedule in the next week or so. Have been checking the trichomes and today they are mostly cloudy, a few clear and almost no amber.

Low Temp - 68F

High Temp - 88F

Low Humid - 16%

High Humid - 26%

Flower Day 50 (Week 8):

GCA #1:


GCA #2:


GCA #1 Top Flower:


GCA #2 Top Flower:


Here is my Honeysuckle a few weeks old from seed under the C/GB light with 4200K bulb:

Are you using a GB for flower as well? 2 GB? I decided to jump the gun, and not wait till I move, I picked up a 3x3x6.6 tent, and a single GB. I ordered C99 seeds that just arrived today, but i was impatient so i bought a couple of older Orange Diesel's about 5 days ago. Wish i would have taken a better look at the plants before i bought them, fighting multiple deficiencies right now, but i am getting a handle on it.

Going to germinate the seeds tonight, need to pick up a compact CFL for that, then i will most likely buy/build a shorter tent for vegging, as well as a light to veg with. Not sure what kind of light i will be going with, T5's or perhaps LED, but I am trying to keep the veg expansion to under $300.

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