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seattle and its vibe now that its been legalized there.


Active member
My g/f and i are going on vacation to Seattle for a few days at the end of the month and was wondering what herb related activities are available and just how things work now with the legalization. I'm from Humboldt co, CA and , well, im used to things being "different" here. I am just not sure what to expect. I'm not worried about getting medicine there so no worries there but i am interested on how things work as far as how they get the medicine to those who need it and now want to use it for recreational purposes. I am familiar with the laws there but am just wondering what the vibe is like now and do they have shops/museums/ activities that are celebrating or honoring herb.
ill be going at the end of the month for just a few days... any ideas and tips would be greatly appreciated! thanks everyone!

I'm not sure this is the right spot for this so mods please help me out here...


Señor Member
This is not meant to discourage you in any way, but in the interest of truth, it's worth mentioning that the "legalized" aspect of cannabis won't be visible until 2014. The whole recreational thing won't take effect until the state-run cannabis stores are in place, and they won't be until early 2014 at best, according to most of the articles I've read.


I am surprised there will be state-run cannabis stores

I would think that people would be much more relaxed since I would consider charges not to be laid for small sales


Active member
thanks for the info... like i said i wont be needing to get medicine while im there but i dont want to be fined for possession. i have my 215 here in cali, will a cop seize my meds if he finds it on me? i hear the SPD is really cool but i know that there are dickhead cops everywhere. and what about concentrates in Washington. do they treat hash and oil differently, legally speaking.(that is the one part of the Washington laws i couldn't find an answer too.)

really i was just wondering if there was any thing like a small museum dedicated to it or just something herb friendly to do. ill only be there 3 days and then i come home.


To Have More ... Desire Less
theres a museum all right... just not of the normal kind.... jimmi Hendrix's grave...
the house where Cobain died...
the house bruce lee was raised in...
and several other various... counter culture points of interest


Kiss My Ring
byo no prob.

no public use, just like big brother wants.
put it in the open and people will recognize it as benevolent...jus' sayin.

washington legal pot is months away (unless you're medical), no legal sales for recreational.

spd is not cool. not even.

it's a bit like exhibitionism...feels better out in the open, but still fringe.

check this: https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=264792

"As for private clubs, the new pot law does not allow consumption “in view of the general public.” Other state laws allow landlords to bar tenants from smoking, and they prohibit tourists from lighting up in bars, restaurants and most hotel rooms. ”For renters and tourists, allowing marijuana use in certain types of establishments other than private residents (sic) may be the only mechanism to enjoy marijuana.”


Active member
thanks, so ill just medicate discretely... im def going to go to the EMP, been wanting to see that for a while now. i do want to swing by kurt's place to pay my respects. any other ideas or cool places to see besides the obvious tourist stuff?


To Have More ... Desire Less
lots of things... seaplane trips are fun...too the San juan islands...
gas works park is unique...ballard locks is amazing... space needle is a icon,fremont is fun,
uwajimaya downtown is amazing shopping... see a game...2 stadiums right down town...
phinney ridge zoo...,greenlake, for hipsters and people watching..
or....take a ferry for the afternoon over too vashon or bainbridge island....
drive down to olympia WA... and head toward the coast.... amazing true rain forest...
all kind of fun out of town....
it's just a hope skip and a jump up too Vancouver BC...

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