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Searching the Growers Forums Easily and Quickly with Firefox


Hello everyone.

Quazi here with another tutorial to help you along in your travels!

But first:

As you're getting familiar with the forums and starting along your travels in this hobby, the forums can be rather daunting with their many posts, stickies and categories.

If you use Firefox browser, then you are in luck because there is a neat trick that will make all of your questions about cannabis be at your fingertips. Not only will this prevent you from posting a question that has already been asked, but it will quicken your ability to find the answers you are looking for.

Instead of wading through menus and clicks and searches, you can go to your title bar and enter:
mari purple kush
...instantly I am presented with a ton of relevant information about Purple Kush.

How? Follow along...

First, go up to the "Search" link in the top right corner:

Click "Advanced Search:"

If this is your first time here, familiarize yourself with the page a bit. It's actually pretty powerful and handy. Now then, under the search box on the left there's a drop-down menu:

Select "Search Titles Only" from the menu:

Now, right-click in the search bar and select "Add a Keyword for this Search:"

You can enter whatever you like for the "Name" portion. The "Keyword" is what you would like the shortened search to be. I like to use "mari" because it's easy to remember:

Now when you have a question about cannabis, you can easily find the answer. Let's say you go to check your plants and things don't look quite right. You remember hearing something about "nute burn" but you can't remember. Instead of taking 20 seconds to write a post like this:
Hey...everyone....Ichecked on my plants today and ALL OF A SUDDEN tehy look like this:

CAN SOMEONE HELP? PLZ? Is this what nute burn looks like? What can I do to fix it!?
...you can take 5 seconds, open a new tab (Ctrl+T), and enter "mari nute burn" into the title bar:

Then you can bask in the results of your ingenuity and the results of your search as you learn what "nute burn" may actually look like and what you can do to fix it:

Once you have learned how to do this, you can use this trick in other handy ways. There are quite a few good threads in these forums that make excellent resources on their own. One good example is:
Marijuana Garden Saver: AKA The Complete guide to Sick Plants,pH, and Pest troubles! by MynameStich:

This thread is a great resource in case anything bad happens to your plants. I like to have a keyword search just for this thread in case something should happen or if my fellow growers have questions. On the right hand side, you can click on "Search this Thread:"

From there, you can create a new keyword for the search. I use a keyword like "marisick" in case things go wrong. If I thought my plants had a magnesium deficiency, I could just open a tab and type "marisick mg" and hit enter:

I am then greeted with a screen telling me where "mg" is mentioned in the thread. Clicking the first and most obvious link will take you to the thread:

Be sure to let the thread load all the way as it will jump to the location that you clicked on. Now you can scroll down a bit and see mg mentioned as well as highlighted:

Pretty cool huh?

Hope it helps to make things quicker and easier in your travels!

Let me know if you have any questions or want any more details.

-Q :rasta:
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half cat half man half baked
Thanks Quazi! Your tutorials are always top-notch. Keep up the great work!


Just tried it THANK YOU for the new tool you did a great job explaining very detailed and most important very easy to understand.


Glad you all like it! I use it all over the internet so I don't have to go to search engine pages anymore. Dictionary.com (d), images.google.com (i), Wikipedia (w), etc.

It saves me time every day.

-Q :rasta:


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Leave us not forget step two to all this. In order for search to work, we need to use searchable titles.

Please, do NOT use titles like:

Quick, someone tell me the exact questions discussed here. Those do no good and actually harm us by hiding info.

Use proper titles like:
Searching Forums Easily
250w Freezer grow THaze x Skunk
DIY fan muffler (30% noise reduction) for $30

Is there ANY doubt what's under discussion in those titles?


FreezerBoy said:
Leave us not forget step two to all this. In order for search to work, we need to use searchable titles.

Please, do NOT use titles like:

Quick, someone tell me the exact questions discussed here. Those do no good and actually harm us by hiding info.

Use proper titles like:
Searching Forums Easily
250w Freezer grow THaze x Skunk
DIY fan muffler (30% noise reduction) for $30

Is there ANY doubt what's under discussion in those titles?
Agreed. Rep++

This will aid everyone in the future.

-Q :rasta:


mihakt: thanks for stopping by. Glad you liked it!

janedope: great to know you're finding it useful in your travels. I guess I'll look forward to the ++rep! :wink:

It really does save me a lot of time every day for all kinds of sites. Not just ICMag.

-Q :rasta:


Active member
Nice feature in the new Foxfire. Thanks Quazi for posting about this. However, now I get an error message when I try to use the ICM search with the keyword. Something about the token has expired??? Other search engines work fine.

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