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Sea Solids make plants EXPLODE in hydro!!


Active member
hey i had to rip down my setup as my roommate lost mind.. I did not want my setup compromised...

I ended up chopping them 1 week after last post ended up with 9 ozs from 5 plants.. not bad for a early harvest and my first time..

The weed is potent and tasty for sure, I only need 1 small pinner to get retardly blazed...
I will take some pics of the cured buds...

I have a new setup as of last week even better this time, more watts and more buckets....
I have started 8 strains and i plan on resuming my testing..
They are all seedlings still but by next week the should begin to explode..
Right now i am only using Guano tea and SeaSalt..
The Seedlings are growing pretty damn well..

I will just continue this thread with this new setup....
I am in a cheaper state now so i can use more watts..
And i will be doing alot of growing outdoors this season using seasalt so this should be quite interesting....


Active member
Crystalline Comparison of Salt

Crystalline Comparison of Salt

What do these magnified pictures of salt crystals tell us?

Common Table Salt

The unnatural crystals are totally isolated from each other and dead. In order
for the plant to try to metabolize these crystals, it must sacrifice tremendous
amounts of energy with very no results, resulting in a damaging loss and zero
gain.The salt deposits in our bodies look similar to this photo, isolated and
dead. This type of salt will cause nothing but stress to your plants and bodies...

Sea Salt

Irregular and isolated crystalline structures disconnected from the natural
elements surrounding them. Because of this, the vital minerals, however many
it may contain, cannot be absorbed by the plant unless the plant expends
tremendous energy to vitalize them.

Himalayan Crystal Salt

The balanced crystalline structure reveals fine branching, no shadows or
rough edges. The crystal is not isolated from the inherent mineral elements
(84+) but is connected to them in a harmonious state. This tells us that the
energy content, in the form of minerals, is balanced and can be easily
metabolized by the plant. Without a loss of yield but gain.


osirica where you been man
hope all is well
the salt structure pics
i don't know that you can get all that info out of em
bud you did sell me on the salts
i read maynard sea energy agriculture book
and have ordered some salts to give them a try
maynards claiming the made plants more pest and disease resistant too
sounds pretty good
definitely worth checking out some more
thanks man and bump


Hey sorry guys....I had problems rooting the clones I had, and had to make room for other work besides. I do however, have 2 nice Bubba clones in cups, that will be needing transplants in a few weeks. I shall do a side by side, using Fox Farm Grow Big/Tiger Bloom/Big Bloom. The salt grown plant will be getting much less food, than the regular feeding schedule recommended by FF. Any advice on how much less I should use for the salt grown Bubba osirica420? Maybe none during veg because I will be using FFOF soil, with a few Tbsp's/gal of salt added to the mix.



this is super interesting stuff i want to try this myself, i just love experamenting its like searching for new hidden treasures.


Active member
I got a new setup going, smooth at that around 7 strains..
going to take 100 clones tonight..

will post pics later, as soon as these clones root the testing shall begin for real..

BrotherMonk - I would use about half to one third of what you would normally use for ferts if main feeding is mineral salts from ocean...

Right now i am using PBP bloom 6ml per gallon, and sea minerals 1500ppm.
I also have some GH nutes i have not used yet i might redo the rez and add some tonight to see if it improves anything..
Salt Water Irrigation Yields Tasty Tomatoes

Salt Water Irrigation Yields Tasty Tomatoes

I was peeping the seacorp website and the article in acres http://www.acresusa.com/toolbox/articles.htm a couple of weeks before your post. I noticed alot of doubters, but as you can see by the amount of the post their was alot of interest, way to go for owning your forum! if people are still skeptical here's a link to a science friday segment on NPR.

Salt Water Irrigation Yields Tasty Tomatoes

Researchers report that growing cherry tomatoes in salty water can make them tastier and richer in antioxidants. Using diluted seawater to irrigate the tomato plants puts an environmental stress on the plants that causes them to produce higher levels of certain compounds in an attempt to cope with the stressful conditions.

Happily for humans, those same compounds are thought to have healthful effects when consumed, and some of them improve the flavor of the tomatoes as well.

Riccardo Izzo, a professor of agriculture at the University of Pisaone in Italy, talks about the findings, which researchers hope will encourage the use of slightly brackish water in tomato agriculture, extending precious supplies of fresh water


Seawater grow my weedseed into seaweed


Active member
This is the new grow around 31 plants and 26 days from seed currently veggin and will so for another 2-3 weeks.. pics are about a week apart..
These have been given salt from day one.. 31 out of 36 germination rate
I took around 70 clones last night from them all and will soon be ready for the real test...

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Using diluted seawater to irrigate the tomato plants puts an environmental stress on the plants that causes them to produce higher levels of certain compounds in an attempt to cope with the stressful conditions.
That actually does not sound very good. The end result is tastier more phytochemical rich tomatoes, that are actually smaller though.


Active member
Whatever said:
That actually does not sound very good. The end result is tastier more phytochemical rich tomatoes, that are actually smaller though.

Thats not correct if the process is done correctly as Dr. Murray states in his work...Yields will Increase...

I will post a new thread about my new seasalt grow & clone testing to get some real results in the differences... :rasta:


Slap-A-Ho tribe
Point us to the new thread when it is startedplz. With the plants being pulled early and no side by side comparision, I didn't see any dramatic results


Active member
These babes are 6 days into flowering and exploding!

I am using damn near full strength of PBP bloom soil version mixed with the hydro version for the higher p , and almost full strength seasolids and they are showing no sign of burn and look very healthy!!

I have 100+ clones rooted after i am done with my outdoor plots i will start the testing...

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Did someone say side by side?? If you show up at my door, there's gunna be trouble! :spank: Sorry it took so long to get this together, but I have other priorities first. I will pay close attention to this project besides. Now that I've started it.

Both containers are 8L. The control bucket has just FFOF, with no added amendments yet. The Sea Solids bucket, has 2Tbsp of the experimental material added. I will only feed this experimental plant, 1/4 recommended ferts. They will both be getting the same type(Fox Farm) nutes throughout flower. I'll try not to feed anything each during veg. They should be fine with what's in there already.




I know one is a little bigger, with more tops than the other. I will be pruning a little, just to keep it fair. Once they go into flower, I'll make sure they both have the same ammount of tops.



I'm beginning to think Sea Crop is actually a type of Ormus product more than a straight sea solid. I'm pretty sure that's the case. In digging around a bit it seems they're using a wet method, if I'm remembering right, for concentrating the Ormus in the seawater and that's why they say it takes gallons of seawater to make a gallon of Sea Crop. You can also concentrate Ormus from dried salt. Ormus is also found in high concentrations in streams that run through gold bearing soils.

...and as for doing a 'controlled' experiment the larger the population the more credible the test results. You always get a significant enough variation in a set of clones even if you treat them all exactly the same that would make any small test almost useless IMO.


Active member
Nice we got a soil side by side.. :headbange

I will have the hydro side by side up soon, we can get both going at the same time!!
Please stay tuned i just been running around like a madman!

whatever: i have read about that ormus stuff its all theory lets stick to the facts...
i am sure it does something but no one can tell u...

Also FYI i am doing a larger scale comparsion for the side by side....

they use no wet method for extraction....
they only thing they do is get rid of most the sodium so its mostly sea
minerals... This is easily done by slowly evaporating the water so the sodium
falls out, sodium always falls out first good minerals last.....they save the mineral water
and either bottle it or dry it...So in fact alot of the sodium has been removed
but not all...

I am sure once you get this technique down you will have hardly any sodium in your 90+ mineral tea..
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Active member
Here is more info on the ORMUS on what they do know..
It can be found in Sea-Minerals too..

David Hudson spent 8.7 million dollars learning this Scientific Information.

He used the BEST Test Equipment we have here on this planet !!!

He documented that ...

There exists in nature large quantities of atoms that exist singularly — They are not bonded to anything — "Mono-atomic Atoms." ( ORME – Orbitally Rearranged Mono-atomic Elements )

The transition group of elements have a large population of these mono–atomic atoms ( monatomic ) existing naturally in nature.
[ Hudson found large quantities on mono–atomic elements in the soil of his farm.
6–8 oz. per ton of Palladium ( 187.5–250 ppm )
12–13 oz. per ton of Platinum ( 375–406.25 ppm )
10–12 oz. per ton of Gold ( 312.5–375 ppm )
150 oz. per ton of Osmium ( 4,687.5 ppm )
250 oz. per ton of Ruthenium ( 7,812.5 ppm )
600 oz. per ton of Iridium ( 18,750 parts per million )
1,200 oz. per ton of Rhodium ( 37,500 ppm ) [ 3.75% !!! ]
Since plants contain some of all the elements that are present in the soil in which they are grown, we need to learn the role these elements have in our biology.

These tests only measured Rhodium and Iridium.

4 oz. Carrot Juice — Rhodium: 127 milligrams ( aprox. 1,133 ppm ) — Iridium: "small amounts"
4 oz. Concord Grape Juice — Rhodium: 127 mg — Iridium: 48 mg ( 429 ppm )
4 oz. Essiac tea — Rhodium: 12 mg — Iridium: 120 mg ( 1,071 ppm )
1 oz. Aloe vera Gel — Rhodium: 60 mg — Iridium: 10 mg

Compare these numbers to a generic hydroculture solution.
Note: One part per million of the essential element Boron, in a hydroculture solution, is Toxic to plants. ]

ORMUS Effects On Plants

Elements do not display metallic properties until they group into clusters of 2 – 33, or even more atoms.

Most of our scientific analytical instruments are only calibrated to detect the "metallic groupings" of elements and fail to report "high spin mono–atomic atoms" and single atoms (or small groups) as being present in the sample.

Some of these elements can become "High Temperature Superconductors" when their nuclei are in "High Spin State." ( S-ORME [ A many atom system of ] Super Conducting Orbitally Rearranged Mono-atomic Elements )

Mono-atomic Rhodium and Iridium have been found in pig and cow brains at a rate of about 5% of the dry weight matter. This suggests that these elements have a very important function in higher mammals ( at least ). [ Mirror Neurons ]

Many food plants, herbs, etc. can, and do concentrate these elements, when they are present in the soil. This is one indication of an essential element.

Optimal Health most likely cannot be achieved without these elements in our diets — there are more than 34 different atoms involved.

Super Conducting mono–atomic elements show great promise for advanced technology devices such as fuel cells and batteries and also, for the creation of new advanced materials.
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