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Sea of Green Question!


New member
Hello! My name is BoomBang718, and as you see that I'm a new member of this wonderful forum. I was doing some research on the "SOG Method", and was wondering was it possible to use this method from seed being that I do not have any clones to utilize. Your info would greatly appreciated. Thank You very Much!!!!:pimp3:


it is possible, but your sea may become much less dense when you have to pull out your males. This is why most SOG growers use clones. Seeds will also not form as uniform of a canopy as clones, since even a proven strain will produce multiple phenotypes.


New member
Thanks Dimebagg. I did read that seeds will not be as uniform as clones, but it would be a bit fun to try and manage the growth of the seeds, being they are more youthful and more energetic than clones. I'm thinking about planting some Alaskan Ice in a DR80 setup, Do you think I could get a decent yield still?
As a new grower, I went with 5 seeds from seed in a scrog. Even with the screen and lots of LST it was damn near impossible to keep an even canopy.

One seed was a behemoth, another seed was a runt, and then the other 3 turned out to be all about the same in the middle. I even put the runt in the most lit area and the hugey hugerson in the least lit area. No amount of tweaking would keep the big'un down and the little'un up.

BUT! in the time since I've started these, I've taken several clones and am working on getting a couple good Moms going, all the while growing some good bud and getting lots of real world experience. I have a list of mistakes to clean up when I start my next round which will indeed be a SOG.

note: total nub grower here on my first grow still. :blowbubbles:


New member
Perhaps since all you have are seeds, go ahead and do it this time but keep a couple off to the side to turn into mothers so you can use clones the next time around. Seeds tend to have different traits, or phenotypes that can make a SOG garden very uneven in terms of canopy height and such. Using clones from one or two very similar mothers will likely give you a more productive garden. Peace
Sea of Green Question!

Germinate alot of seeds. 3-4x as many as you need. Cull the males, move everything closer together to fill out the gaps. Take any rowdy females and get rid of them and only keep the ones that grow similarly. It won't be as nice of a sog but it can still be very rewarding. Do this for bagseed not for expensive ones. If they are expensive you should keep a mother and grow clone only.
Thanks Dimebagg. I did read that seeds will not be as uniform as clones, but it would be a bit fun to try and manage the growth of the seeds, being they are more youthful and more energetic than clones. I'm thinking about planting some Alaskan Ice in a DR80 setup, Do you think I could get a decent yield still?
Seeds grow slower and produce less than clones. Check out something called clone vigor. You should try and flower the seeds after taking clones off them then find a pheno that produces well in small spaces with no veg time and then try to run a SOG setup. Not all strains are good for SOG grows and sometimes a strain may be know to be a good SOG producer but particular phenos don't do so well. You might want to try a scrog instead with those seed plants.

High Country

Give me a Kenworth truck, an 18 speed box and I'll
I use clones from identical mothers for SOG'S. That way I know they are all females and all will have identical growth characteristics.









El Toker

Seeds grow slower and produce less than clones. Check out something called clone vigor.

I've never heard of it, and when I Googled it, there were references to it as a concept, but nothing that said a clone would show more vigour than the mother. A clone is just a genetic copy of the mother, it doesn't have any special additional properties. It may flower more quickly than a plant grown from seed of the same size, but that's because it takes it's age from the mother plant. Where you thinking of "hybrid vigour"?