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Sea Kelp and Molasses Addition in Hydro?

So I tried SOO many snake oils in my life... actually I still experiment...

I run rDWC (hydro).

Right now I basically use only a few things
MaxiGrow, MaxiBloom (Nutrient)
phUp, phDown (ph Adjuster)
Silicon (stronger stems, helps with stress)
Cal-Mag (Calcium and Magnesium, helps with deficiencies and helps maintain pH)

I do great with these products. I see results with each of these products. They are all cheap except the silicon and Cal-Mag which I will make in the very near future.

Is Sea Kelp and Molasses for DWC? I know a lot of products just use basically these as the main ingredients (some products work, some not so much). I want to basically cut my cost and improve weight of harvest. The question is...

Can these be used with hydro (DWC)?
Are these worth adding?
How much of each per gallon?
What kind should I get?
Where can I get it cheap?
Do you think it will improve weight of harvest?
Do you think a lot of supplements and expensive "snake oils" basically just use these two ingredients too?

What else should I add? I used so many products without great improvements. Many of the products are so expensive too.


New member


in my experience with indoor hydro, adding mollassus in a reservior with air stones has caused a thick frothy layer of gunck that likes to make a huge mess and clog up filters and pumps but indeed a finer end result (in my opinion anyway) now on DWC i image the complications to be a bit more extreme considering the constant airation necessity in a shallow container. i use DWC only with my mothers and i love how maintainance free it is... although i have not added mollassus to my mothers and being that DWC is a somewhat sealed enviroment you may not experience the mess i have.


I would not recommend using organics supplement in a reservoir where the nutrients are chiefly chemical. In such a situation your reservoir fairly quick becomes more like a sewage treatment plants aeration chamber. Stinky messy slop. Chemical reesrvoirs most generally are kept as close to sterile as is practical. Sugar/molasses causes a rapid growth of bacteria like one would encourage in a waste water treatment chamber to break down organics. Sea weed extract is better used as a foliar applied supplement.