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Scrub's Perpetual Outdoor


Grow like nobody is watching
Hey all! Good to see ya's :) Pedro, I'm not certain but I think it's like 13 hours or so. Well, some bad news, of the very berries, earlier #2 and today #4 (my favourite!) popped bananas. Oh well. Here's the photos of the flowering/vegging very berry cross #1 which I seemed to forget last time:

And the new pics, which are actually quite old now:

Dynamite x Princess Diesel which has been chopped now :) plus a dead caterpillar

PK #1:

PK #2:

#1 is all green, wide chunky buds, but some trouble filling the lengths of the stems.

#2 is darker green, almost blue. The tops of the petioles are deep purple, and it has no (no, noooo) problem filling out the stems and the buds are also very chunky. They both smell similar, kind of like the first pheno I ran in the cupboard, but less grapey. I see people on your old thread, Hydro, saying a lot about coffee, but I get no sense of coffee smell with any of my PK seed plants.

All the caterpillars are gone now and I lost virtually nothing to them. Woohoo :woohoo: I'll get some newer pics for next time. Peace out.


I love my life
#1 is more like the pheno the beans came from.

#2 Well if the smell is the same it probably means that the beans / phenos are pretty stable. Very glad to see no nanars on the PKs.

The size of both plants look really impressive, how is the crystal production on the ladies?



Grow like nobody is watching
Death by cannabinoids! :headbange

:D Hell yes

Not too many crystals so you were spot on HS, and we've had some rains so that's lessened them more it seems. The buddage is normal - good crystals but not much on the leaves/trim. The plants would be the same size but #1 lost a few big, key branches during training. Normally a snapped branch is no huge deal but the PK stems are sort of solid but brittle, they literally snapped off down low. The #1 plant is very similar to the Aussie Blue I got the 18 oz from.

I will measure them one day but the big PK2 is approx 3ft round and about that high, maybe less.

Haha I met boom a few hours ago. Bloody top bloke. Enjoy the DPD bro and the rest of your time in the garden of Eden. That ogre/snoop whatever it was had me pretty messed up, haha. :tiphat:

Rock on! :dance013:


I love my life
I bet there are some rather dry parts of your country. I'd love to see them in dry region :D



~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
Heya scrubz :tiphat:
Great to catch up with ya bro finally, yeah that snoop can have that effect on ya :biggrin: hope the drive home was ok :) anytime bro give me a ring :)
That Dynamite x Princess Diesel bruz is topnotch work mate :good: very very good wake and bake material, puts a smile on my face straight away, you got a different pheno to the sour lemon candy one I had, but it still has that same dank :) awesome job bro


Grow like nobody is watching
Cool as :) Here's some shots from day 43 for the PKs

And here's a.... Smart Hempy... I have planned for a 10 gal smart pot:

My watch dogs:

Here's a (Leb47 x PTK) x Erd clone. It seems to drop out of veg very easily:

Top 44 x Big Bud male, nearly as high as me and has had some flowers removed:

Trainwreck x Princess Diesel !:

Trainwreck x Princess Diesel 2 in a 20 litre perlite/vermiculite hempy:

Very Berry x Erdpurt 4. Very sad to lose this one:

Very berry x Erdpurt 5. Went out later and is huge and pinned down:

Peace out

(back to one bulb) :wave:


~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
Damn shame about that VB x Erdpurt #4 throwing nanners bro, looks like a stunning plant for what she is though, that VB x Erdpurt #5 looks huge hopefully her harvest will make up for the indecisiveness of #4.
TW x PD looks like a winner :good: wish I had some more info on the Top44 x Big Bud for ya bro, another couple of days I'll be back home and ready to harvest the OGer99 :jump:
:smoke out:


Grow like nobody is watching
Cheers all :)

Johnny, I have two types but the GCP bags are best quality. I bought them from a local gardening store. Now that I know, I would rather use smart pots any day, but the bags do the job. I think I have the WB35G. The GCPs are shorter and squatter than the other type I have, dunno what brand they are.

Anyway, here is an update, and things are getting close.

PK2 has gone quite purpley - these are all shots of PK2:

Damn yummy lookin' :tiphat:

This is the best of the Top44 x Big Buds - my first try at dirt/organic hempies. Didn't go too well but it's a great looking strain:

And a (I think) (Leb47xPTK)xErdpurt:

Fully seeded :yes: It's also dirt/organic and didn't have such a good trot early on. I planted a clone of the T44xBB pictured earlier into my smart hempy thing - coco/perlite/DE & hydro nutes.

Gonna be very busy very soon :D :tiphat: :wave:

Oh b00m, I ended up keeping a clone of the VB 4. I think it was me letting them dry right out as to why they hermed. Gonna try running it again isolated. Not much pollination seemed to happen from the bananas, except for one tiny bit where I pulled one off and some pollen escaped. The nana's are sort of half wedged in the flowers so maybe they can't pollinate properly. I'm pretty new to hermies so I dunno. Any thoughts? Glad you are home safe. Peace out. :wave:


Grow like nobody is watching
Still trimming VB 4, I chopped PK1 yesterday at day 55, and started trimming PK2 today at day 56. The pics were taken yesterday.


PK 2:

And a semi dry cola of the Very Berry x Erd :dance013: smells delicious

I was trimming PK1, and what a glorious job that was - smiling the whole way, and I realised something - I've never actually seen a pistil on PK1, that I can remember. The calyxes are quite puffy and inside there is like a second calyx. Seems cool. It's not a seed inside, it seems like calyx material. The buds are so cool, perfectly round like they went through a trimming machine. PK2 is not so dome-llike, a little rougher but still that nice puffy quality.

The Very Berry Erd #4 smells like berries and to save typing, it's a lot more like the usual buds I've grown. More conventional I guess. There was more pollination than I thought so ehhhh, I will have to lose that one after all. It's a hard thing to do!

I can water all my flowering plants in two trips now so hopefully this means I look after them better :tiphat:

Till next time :gday:


great looking plant you got there! i am also growing outdoors and am quite new to this... ive been smoking for 13 years now and its only been months since i started growing... i got my first budding plant now after a couple of tries... how do i take care of the pest problems? what organic pesticide or what plant can i put beside it to ward of potential pests? thanks so much! hope i would hear from you soon!




I love my life
Everything looks wonderful, I can't wait to see the smoke reports. It is so great to see the plant growing all over the world.



Grow like nobody is watching
Thanks all :) Well I got VB4, and both PKs all trimmed. While I was trimming PK #2 it hit me that it smells exactly like bleach, it even stings the nose during trim. It was so overpowering I suspected the buds were mouldy or something but they aren't. VB #3 gets the chop next. I've put a few new plants out too. Will show some next time.

Hey there Areebok, and congrats on your first grow! Well, I would wait until you see signs of pests, and then identify them, maybe using a scope like used for checking trichs, or a microscope or whatever. Then if I know it's say, "Whitefly" then I type in 'cannabis whitefly' to google and start reading. Most pests have an organic or at least "soft" solution. The Infirmary part of this forum is great for identifying pests too.

I've had a lot of issues with root pests in the past so I add lots of coarse (0.9 to 2.0mm) diatomaceous earth to the coco/perlite. I also sprinkle it on the surface, and I also use the fine powdery grade sometimes. The coarse grade is slow release (of silica, a nutrient which also increases your plants health and disease resistance). Don't inhale it and don't use pool DE.

Spinosad is great and should work on most things that have a grub/worm/caterpillar stage. Also very effective on thrips.

Its probably not organic but H2O2 (hydrogen peroxide) is a great safe pesticide too, in terms of breaking down to harmless ingredients. Be sure to use "food grade" h2o2. Spray it directly on pests or in serious cases you can drench the soil but this can kill everything including beneficial bacteria etc. I haven't tried spraying yet but I know it works because I've been using it to kill scrub itch - hundreds of itchy microscopic ticks all over my body - a world of fun.... I have to mention - I started drinking h2o2 last night, lol. Also good as a mouthwash.

For grasshoppers I've used chilli/garlic spray and it works but needs regular reapplication. That about covers all the pests I've had :)

Molasses in foliar form is meant to be good for general pests too, but I haven't tried it yet.

Have a fantastic day :tiphat:

Oh PS: I think PK #1 is sterile due to the no pistils thing - I had sprinkled (very berry x erd) pollen on a branch but no seeds. I put the same pollen on PK #2 and there are seeds formed. A lot are mongy, but some are ok and should shoot. One crazy idea I had is to spray a PK1 with colloidal silver, and if it generates pollen, use it to fertilise PK2. Kicks and giggles etc. :tiphat:


Grow like nobody is watching
Wassup dudes. Here's a lil udate. I chopped vb3 and there's quite a bit there! Probably the biggest yielder thus far:

And here is the VB5:

^It's bigger than I can portray in a photo. Will be the biggest yield I'd say. And up next we have VB1 which was the autoflowering one. I'm pretty sure it's like, part auto because it's flowering in veg like last time. Of course, I keep several males in veg and they seem to flower all the time, so I have a 1ft high plant loaded in seeds. Great, lol :D But it is a pretty cool plant I'm sure you'll agree. It may be too much trouble to keep around though. Anyway, here is the dang ol' thing :)

Aaaand next is the Trainwreck x Princess Diesel 2 in a 20ltr hempy - perlite/vermiculite:

Enjoy :bump:

Oh, anyone read about how you can use pond enzymes instead of canna zymes? Muuuch cheaper and apparently the same thing. I started using Aquapro Bionatural Sludge Away. 20 bux does 12,500 litres. Have never used proper zymes before so I can't compare it to anything. Just a heads up for the cheap-asses out there. (search for a thread called Cheaper Enzymes" for more info) eace out. Fuck! Peace out too! PPPPPP!


Pond enzymes sound great! Just another sign of cannabis products being ridiculously overpriced.
Very nice buds mate.


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