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scrubbing inside a pvc manifold


Active member
Thanks Maynard...

I have seen it in the detergent isle though...!?! Is that the stuff?

When I read the label, it seems like it IS a detergent...not sure, just want to grab the right stuff. Are there a number of products that say Oxyclean? Or am I seeing the right stuff...Sorry, I seem to be making buying it "rocket science"...haha

Thanks again

Well, the stuff I buy comes in cardboard boxes and it just says 'OxiClean' and under that it says 'versatile stain remover' .. I get the 11 pound size because I go thru a lot of it. Walmart has it's own brand of the same product that they call 'SunOxi'.. This stuff has no smell (or not much) and does not 'suds' like a regular detergent. It's easy to rinse and leaves very little residue if any at all.. I'm gonna stop before I start sounding like a shareholder in the company.

mgk :tiphat:

EDIT: Be sure to do a thorough rinse/flush before exposing your clones to the pipes. Sorry AG..
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Keep goin

Cool...yeah, it is on the detergent isle. I grabbed some, thanks for the info I will give it a shot. Hopefully Avant is still checking in and he will also.

I am going to use it on my feed and drip lines. That seems to be the only place I can't get clean after bleaching, or H2O2.


avant gardener

as far as i can tell it worked marvelously. obviously i can't see inside the manifold or the lines, but all kinds of nastiness came out that the bleach etc left behind. i used it on my glassware too. if what it did there is in any way indicative, the guts of my aero system are sparkling. THANKS MAYNARD! :tiphat:

long as we're talking about bleach here, i'd just like to throw something out there. a lot of guys seem to be convinced that bleach is the be-all end-all of sterilizing agents. it really isn't though. while it's decent for general cleaning and disinfection, there are pathogens that don't respond. i'm a nurseryman by trade (before prop 215 even), and quaternary ammonia is the industry standard. physan is the one i use, but there are lots of others. just thought i'd throw that out there.


Active member
as far as i can tell it worked marvelously. obviously i can't see inside the manifold or the lines, but all kinds of nastiness came out that the bleach etc left behind. i used it on my glassware too. if what it did there is in any way indicative, the guts of my aero system are sparkling. THANKS MAYNARD! :tiphat:

long as we're talking about bleach here, i'd just like to throw something out there. a lot of guys seem to be convinced that bleach is the be-all end-all of sterilizing agents. it really isn't though. while it's decent for general cleaning and disinfection, there are pathogens that don't respond. i'm a nurseryman by trade (before prop 215 even), and quaternary ammonia is the industry standard. physan is the one i use, but there are lots of others. just thought i'd throw that out there.

Hey AG! Glad to hear it worked for you.. my little niece has a fixation on Oxiclean and is like a little advertisement for it when 'laundry' comes up. You shoulda seen the look on her face when my mom gave me an 11 pound box of Oxiclean for Christmas.. it was hysterical.. I used to use a very expensive alkaline cleaner for my fermenters and tried the OC when I ran out once.. at 10% of the cost of the other stuff.. I never bought any again.

Regarding the bleach part of the discussion.. one downside to bleach is it really needs to be rinsed off the surface of what ever you use it on.. especially in any sort of 'food grade' level of use. And.. like you pointed out.. there are some bugs it does not touch without extremely long exposure or exposure under pressure or heat. I use a product called 'Star-san' in my brewery as a sanitizer.. it's 15% Dodecylbenzenoesulfonic (say that 3 times fast) acid and 50% Phosphoric acid with 35% inert ingredients.. This stuff is 25 buks a quart, and it takes 1 oz per 5 gallons in use, so it's not cheap, but I don't have to throw away any beer. I'd like to try the Quat, but have not found a source for it at my level.. most people want to sell it by 25 gallon or more size containers and I don't have the capacity for that quantity. Anyway.. glad to hear it worked for you.. it's cheap, readily available and very effective..

mgk :tiphat:
This may sound dumb, but have you tried running a strong brine solution through it.

You can buy salt in 40lb bags (water softener salt). Salt pretty much is toxic to anything that will grow in a hydro system, and you can just thoroughly wash it out. It's not overly toxic (I wouldn't have any qualms about washing it down the drain).

I'm certainly no expert, so I'm sure someone else will chime in about whether this is a good idea or a bad idea.

avant gardener


this stuff got the insides of my pipes glimmering clean, but apparently it's also terribly phytotoxic and leaves a residue.

after running the oxi, i flushed the system with clear water twice. when i added plants a few days later, everything looked ok at first, but after 4 days, there was still no new root growth. started to get chlorosis. inside a week, 3/4 of my babies were dead.

i flushed the system another 5 times.
everything is back to normal now.

make sure you flush thoroughly after using oxiclean.


Active member
Good to know.. After I use it in my brewing equipment, I use an acid sanitizer which I'm sure leaves nothing behind.

mgk :tiphat:

avant gardener

Good to know.. After I use it in my brewing equipment, I use an acid sanitizer which I'm sure leaves nothing behind.

mgk :tiphat:

apparently i missed that part when you recommended the stuff.
it would have been useful information to have.
just saying.

fortunately i'm overboard with the propagation.
otherwise i'd really be up shit creek right now.

thanks for that.


Active member
apparently i missed that part when you recommended the stuff.
it would have been useful information to have.
just saying.

fortunately i'm overboard with the propagation.
otherwise i'd really be up shit creek right now.

thanks for that.

sorry.. my bad.. I'll try hrder next time...

mgk :shucks: