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ScroG - Super Cheese; stretch much?


Thanks mate, she is doing alright. I can already see I'll get probably twice what I got off my standard non-scrog grow, last time around :)

She has between 3 to 4 weeks left max. I noted she started flowering after about 1 week of 12/12, but I think it was actually more like 10 - 14 days, as I counted the second I could see a tiny bit of pistil. I'll get some more pics up later


Hmmm, 8 weeks of flower will be this Sunday, and the strain says between 6 - 8 weeks, but the buds don't look complete and the trics are still clear. I'm going to wait until I start seeing cloudy before I flush. I'll get some pics up tonight, just charging the battery for the camera now :)



OK, a google suggests that cheese can take up to 9 weeks to finish, so I'm going to plan to flush from this weekend. Once I get some pics up someone might be able to voice a better opinion :D




This is one of the nicest buds I could get at in terms of space to shove the camera. Looking at the pistils and their sacks, they look really fat. I will start flushing this week, hopefully it will give me a week or so more of growth. Obviously I'll check the trics with my jewellers microscope as well. This particular pheno hasn't got all the buds nice and tight unfortunately, but Scrogerman thinks it might be this particular seed. Everything about this grow is nearly identical as my last, accept I'm using Scrog and have used Canna Terra Flores for flower. Mind you, I've not been able to check all the buds at the back so there are probably some much tighter ones there :D



High country cat herder
With all the foxtailing and new flower production going on in that bud I'd let it ride at least 10 weeks and see where it's at.

Looking nice and frosty tho!


Active member
Yeah, flowering times will vary, esp with seedplants/pheno's etc. dont always take what the breeders say as law, to look at em they have a couple of weeks, just keep watching.


Thanks guys. Yeah I'm going to give it two more weeks and flush starting this weekend. I'll post some more pics as she increases yield in the next 14 days or so :D



Well-known member
this looks like one hell of a dam good garden u have. thouse flowers look killer too. Id love to grow flowers that grow that nice.


Thanks guys. Yeah I'm going to give it two more weeks and flush starting this weekend. I'll post some more pics as she increases yield in the next 14 days or so :D


How long have they been flowering now?
Too lazy to look it up :p


This Sunday, 28th, will be 8 weeks. They have some time yet to grow. Its so easy to see all the crystals and want to cut it down, but I know there is more in her yet. Some of the trics are turning cloudy, but its not an overnight process so I will just keep an eye on her. The HPS when it is on doesn't give a realistic idea of what color the buds are either, on my honey b grow it wasn't until I took the plant out the attic that I realized how close she was. The HPS gave a more yellowy tint to the buds making them look a bit more immature than they were :)



Active member
Wheres the pics bro, i hoping to see some today;) yeah i like 60-70% cloudy 10-20% amber, usually a few clear left.


This Sunday, 28th, will be 8 weeks. They have some time yet to grow. Its so easy to see all the crystals and want to cut it down, but I know there is more in her yet. Some of the trics are turning cloudy, but its not an overnight process so I will just keep an eye on her. The HPS when it is on doesn't give a realistic idea of what color the buds are either, on my honey b grow it wasn't until I took the plant out the attic that I realized how close she was. The HPS gave a more yellowy tint to the buds making them look a bit more immature than they were :)

Wait, there aint no Sunday 28th.. :p
Id say flower them for 10 weeks+!!

Upload some more pictures, looking at the last one it seems it need some weeks more, 10 weeks should be ok dont you think?

Wheres the pics bro, i hoping to see some today;)


Active member
i was thinking at least 65 days, but they could go 70+ days yeah, be patient!¬) Pics? the one pic last time wasnt enough!


OK - flushing. I have no idea how I'm going to do it with this setup. With my old grow, I could remove the plant in its pot to the bathroom, and no problems. However with this setup its stuck in my attic until harvest time. I have the main container sat in an old cat litter tray, so I could put a piece of plastic hose in there and siphon off water as I flush.

What are thoughts on just watering with pure water from now on? Will that slowly flush it out if I overwater, just enough so that I get a decent bit of run off into the litter tray so that I can clean that as and when? Hmmm. Puzzled.

I'm thinking I'll have to hose it, but its a two man job if I do and I'll have to get the wife involved which she'll love no doubt ;)





Camera is shite, and the space is tight to get decent angles. I can't get the ones at the back, and the focus is terrible, but here are three decent ones.

You can see that the genes are completely fucked on this grow. The tall spindly bits are on a lot of tops, and some of them have growth on the side of the cola's growing outwards. The plant hasn't been stressed so maybe its just a bad seed? My last grow using the same environment didn't have any of this strangeness and in fact that one was stressed. Unless cheese doesn't like being scrogged??? But its frosted up good in there though, and stinks to high heaven. I expect the smoke will be good, and I'd like to try another of this strain to see if it was just the pheno - I've heard great things about cheese. Anyway, I digress;




Also on some of the more stereotypical buds, there is uneven growth where there might be a small chunk of bud missing where it hasn't grown... odd



Moar PICS again

Moar PICS again

OK, so I took a cutting (smaller one) which I won't miss, because I wanted to see it in day light. Here are some pics taken on my Samsung Galaxy S. I'll try and get some more. You'll probably agree that this isn't ready at all. Its still too green, and from the trics you can see that only some are cloudy so at a guess I'm looking at another 2 weeks?

Here they are :D

2011-10-21 11.08.06.jpg

old grandad 011

2011-10-21 11.10.08.jpg

2011-10-21 11.10.26.jpg

2011-10-21 11.10.58.jpg

2011-10-21 11.11.29.jpg

2011-10-21 11.12.44.jpg

2011-10-21 11.12.56.jpg

2011-10-21 11.13.51.jpg

2011-10-21 11.15.23.jpg


Active member
OK - flushing. I have no idea how I'm going to do it with this setup. With my old grow, I could remove the plant in its pot to the bathroom, and no problems. However with this setup its stuck in my attic until harvest time. I have the main container sat in an old cat litter tray, so I could put a piece of plastic hose in there and siphon off water as I flush.

What are thoughts on just watering with pure water from now on? Will that slowly flush it out if I overwater, just enough so that I get a decent bit of run off into the litter tray so that I can clean that as and when? Hmmm. Puzzled.

I'm thinking I'll have to hose it, but its a two man job if I do and I'll have to get the wife involved which she'll love no doubt ;)


You should'nt really need to leach the soil unless you think youve got alot of build-up in there. just flush with plain water to run-off like you said, the plants should take care of the rest.
You using soil right?