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Scotland Yard Accused of Waterboarding During Drug Raids!

Owl Mirror

Active member
The following articles present allegations that Scotland Yard officers were involved in waterboarding suspects during drug raids. If so this is a very disturbing development in Britain. The motive for the torture were unclear, but possibly related to theft of property by the officers.

Six officers investigated for alleged mistreatment of suspect arrested in drugs raids ~ 09 Jun 2009

UK police officers accused of waterboarding ~ June 9 2009

Six Scotland Yard officers have been suspended over allegations of "waterboarding" drug suspects ~ June 10, 2009

VIDEO: London's Metropolitan Police accused of waterboarding suspects ~ June 10, 2009


The gist of the story above is this: Six police officers at the centre of a corruption inquiry are being investigated for the alleged mistreatment of suspects arrested in drugs raids, including a claim of ‘water torture’.

Naturally, the point of this article goes beyond the inclusion of drug suspects.
"The accusations suggest they were simulating the notorious "waterboard" torture techniques employed against al Qaeda suspects by CIA staff."
"The Independent Police Complaints commission is investigating claims that Metropolitan police officers mishandled prisoners and submerged the head of one man in a bucket of water
during the course of a raid. "

My first gut reaction is, being reminded of the chilling words found in the poem First they came.... by Martin Niemöller


Once a culture justifies abusing one group of people it is easier to justify abusing (TORTURE) the next group and the next.........The USA has set one more of many bad examples of human rights abuses and the Brits just can't wait to crawl up their arse.

Owl Mirror

Active member
Once a culture justifies abusing one group of people it is easier to justify abusing (TORTURE) the next group and the next.........The USA has set one more of many bad examples of human rights abuses and the Brits just can't wait to crawl up their arse.

I thought the concept behind Democracy was, to prevent such abuses by those entrusted with the power of the state? Seems collectively, we simply want to remain in our tiny bubbles and wish the world to just leave us alone.


New member
we did this?

we did this?

Once a culture justifies abusing one group of people it is easier to justify abusing (TORTURE) the next group and the next.........The USA has set one more of many bad examples of human rights abuses and the Brits just can't wait to crawl up their arse.

did we do this, really, the us, did we?
This can't come as a complete surprise.

Given the psyche of the average cop, it's a wonder it doesn't happen more often.

I strongly suspect that high stress and low IQ are the major contributing factors.

If the cops in Britain are anything like the cops in the USA, then they deserve a just a little slack.

Dig it:

Being a cop substantially increases the odds of divorce, suicide, alcoholism, drug addiction, and ... suicide.

Most of the people that cops have to deal with on a regular basis are illiterate half-wits. Even when cops are dealing with bright, aware, law-abiding people, it's when they're behaving at their worst.

"Domestic Violence" calls are a case in point.

How would you like to mediate between two out-of-control spouses?

It's not as easy job.

The next time you get pulled over for speeding, try to feel what the cops feeling. He knows that the vast majority of fatal police shootings happen when they pulled over the "wrong car". No wonder they often appear to be "on edge".

( Domestic violence calls are also hazardous duty. )

Just for the record, you should know that police departments are the only employers in the USA that can, by order of the Supreme Court, refuse to hire a person because they scored Too High on an IQ test. Think about it.


This can't come as a complete surprise.

Given the psyche of the average cop, it's a wonder it doesn't happen more often.

I strongly suspect that high stress and low IQ are the major contributing factors.

If the cops in Britain are anything like the cops in the USA, then they deserve a just a little slack.

Dig it:

Being a cop substantially increases the odds of divorce, suicide, alcoholism, drug addiction, and ... suicide.

Most of the people that cops have to deal with on a regular basis are illiterate half-wits. Even when cops are dealing with bright, aware, law-abiding people, it's when they're behaving at their worst.

"Domestic Violence" calls are a case in point.

How would you like to mediate between two out-of-control spouses?

It's not as easy job.

The next time you get pulled over for speeding, try to feel what the cops feeling. He knows that the vast majority of fatal police shootings happen when they pulled over the "wrong car". No wonder they often appear to be "on edge".

( Domestic violence calls are also hazardous duty. )

Just for the record, you should know that police departments are the only employers in the USA that can, by order of the Supreme Court, refuse to hire a person because they scored Too High on an IQ test. Think about it.

LOL I did not know that ... says enough


They should count themselves lucky.

Having had a mispent youth (and a few years beyond that!!!!) I had several runnings with the police. Regularly I was booted as the cell door was shut....by then it didn't matter the battering they had already given me far surpassed that final blow.

All the time they jeer their justification as they pound you about.....pretty much defenceless with arms far too tightly cuffed behind your back. What was their justification???? My accent!!!! LOL

Maybe they would have only done it the once only every time faced with the police from then on it was swinging arms first!!!!! Then and only then did they have the right amount of justification in my eyes!!!

So to sum up....

Anyone faced with a police raid involving several officers should know that whatever happens your head is coming out of the bucket before you cop it so just hold your breath and keep your mouth shut.

Open Eyes

This can't come as a complete surprise.

Given the psyche of the average cop, it's a wonder it doesn't happen more often.

I strongly suspect that high stress and low IQ are the major contributing factors.

If the cops in Britain are anything like the cops in the USA, then they deserve a just a little slack.

Dig it:

Being a cop substantially increases the odds of divorce, suicide, alcoholism, drug addiction, and ... suicide.

Most of the people that cops have to deal with on a regular basis are illiterate half-wits. Even when cops are dealing with bright, aware, law-abiding people, it's when they're behaving at their worst.

"Domestic Violence" calls are a case in point.

How would you like to mediate between two out-of-control spouses?

It's not as easy job.

The next time you get pulled over for speeding, try to feel what the cops feeling. He knows that the vast majority of fatal police shootings happen when they pulled over the "wrong car". No wonder they often appear to be "on edge".

( Domestic violence calls are also hazardous duty. )

Just for the record, you should know that police departments are the only employers in the USA that can, by order of the Supreme Court, refuse to hire a person because they scored Too High on an IQ test. Think about it.

What utter bollocks!!

Are you suggesting that the cops be given a break and be allowed to get away with crap like waterboading simply because their job is stressful and the fact that they face danger? If they do not like the job then they should get the funk out of it before they go skitzo and do people harm as was the case where they waterboarded people.

I dont give a flying funk what a cop has to go through on a daily basis as he chose the life and job he has.

I have been subjected to the police in both countries and i have far more respect for UK cops than any nitwit with a badge in the US. But it is the USA and their supposed LEGAL torture that is showing the world that the leader of the "free" world is just another bully with despicable morals.

Funk the USA and their morally bankrupt leaders. You will get what is coming to you soon enough.