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scoring shanghai bejing hang zhou


New member
going to china, shanghai bejing hang zhou in march, does anyone know if you can score, where you can score , what you can score. how to say marajauna in chinese manderin and cantonese


Active member
going to china, shanghai bejing hang zhou in march, does anyone know if you can score, where you can score , what you can score. how to say marajauna in chinese manderin and cantonese

Hey'ya man...China's weed scene isin't bad at all, despite the fact that they have an "UN drug day" where dealers are shot w/ firing squad. Fuckt up shit for sure, but in our own "democratic" societys, if a dealer is caught, he gets shipped to a state pen for 25-30 yrs. of his life where he gets to be a sex slave to "big ol' nasty bear."

In China's citys the guys who usually have the score are the Uigurs. Find an Uigur who sells lamb kabbabs on a small stall and bring up the topic. But NEVER take a Chinese w/u when you go buy off an Uigur. Chinese and Uigurs don't have much love for each other. An Uigur I scored from would warn me with the lines along "You're cool, but if u bring a Chinese, u can kiss ur supplies from me and every single Uigur in the city goodbye." I'm pretty fuckin sure you won't have difficulty finding an Uigur w/ a food stall, but if you wanna ask around, try and find a few chill stoner type international students in the colleges. I got intro'd to an Uigur thru a Turkish girl who studied as intl. exc student in Beijing U (Bai-wai).

You can't score weed offa Uigurs most of the time, it's almost always hasheesh. There's simply no way to judge what kinda quality you'll get. The impression I got from China, regarding the "official" standpoint is "leave us alone and we'll leave you alone." As long as I didn't have any locals w/me, the cops never really gave me much attention. But when I was chillin' w/a Chinese (especially a girl), I'd get followed sometimes, and most certainly, always glanced at.

Hang out w/ local Chinese by all means but be a bit careful when u involve them in ur smoking activities. Remember, a local Chinese'll get into ALOT of shit if u get busted!!! But gettin stoned in China can be a rewarding experience indeed. For one the food tastes FUCKIN' good (unless u go ultra exotic). Do you have any specific queries??


Active member
My advise... a friends did it. Get a book with pictures ... like "a taxi", "a hotel" It will help you on your first steps on Chine, you just have to ask by showing the picture... I think chinese is too difficult so this is the easier way of comunication.

Good Luck !!


one in the chamber
I think they say DAA MAA in Mandarin. Uighurs are definitely the people to go to. They show me so much love when I'm up there..heh. They all wave and say Salam aleikum. There are tons of Africans up there who sell pot too, but I think you'd be better off dealing with the Uighurs.

Friend of mine said he got some knockout Indica hash in Beijing from the Uighurs. Good luck man, let us know how it goes.


Active member
Uigurs are very helpful. But if u take a Chinese along, they won't cooperate a single bit...Glock is completely right about them.

Also, befriending an Uigur is very helpful because these guys are never dry. Some of the Chinese locals I met over there, who can't score off Uigurs did complain about dry spells in Shanghai and Beijing. So, knowing befriending one ought to make your canna trip to the Peoples' Republic of China alot more interesting.

Also, you can proceed towards South China, near the Indian border. THe area is called Nathu La. It's a trade route (mountain pass) and is shared jointly by India & China. Back in the days, you had merchants hauling sleds and carts manually, w/ a horde of TIbetian mastiffs as escorts. Now, you have jeeps and 4*4s. This route is simply....awesome!

Not sure about the Chinese side, but on the Indian side of the Nathu La, finding smokes ain't an issue at all. The quality of charas here is very, VERY good.

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