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School me on Sweet and or any other carb loaders....

Botanicare is known for making super strong concentrated solutions. i.e. PBP, Cal-Mag, Hydroplex, and Sweet.

Sweet is NOT a carbohydrate product, but a magnesium sulfate additive to be used when the plant needs it most during flowering. I would recommend to start with 1ml/gal.

Your PPMs shoot through the roof because you're adding salts to your mixture (not sugars). Watch your PPM meter for a final count.


Power Armor rules
PoopyTeaBags - Yes, Hydroplex is a pk booster plus more. Here is what is stated on the back of the bottle:

"Hydroplex Bloom Maximizer is a premium, plant nutrient supplement formulated to push your crops to their limits. Hydroplex contains optimum levels of potassium and phosphorous to encourage rapid bud formation and amplified flower size. In addition, Hydroplex contains a vast array of the essential acids involved in the transfer of ribonucleic acids (t-RNAs) and DNA synthesis; high potency vitamins; and a broad range of trace minerals"

NPK = 0-10-6
Directions: Use 1/2 to 1 teaspoon per gallon of water during fruiting/flowering.

Hydroplex is GREAT stuff. I use a little bit of it during week 3-4 prior Top Booster.

It's super concentrated stuff and I start at 1/2 of the recommended dose, 1ml per gal.


Active member
if u have healthy plants, they naturally produce more than ample amounts of sugars...sorry 2 burst yer bubble, but complex carbs r a scam ;)

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