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Saving info from the forums in case the worst happens

Desert Hydro

Well-known member
due to paranoia because of all the BS goin on i deleted my acct and started fresh. maybe it was all for nothing. who knows. we all know the stuff going on is complete and total bullshit. i thought it was getting better for patients as well as general users but then THIS???? anyways.....whats the best way to save a bunch of useful threads and info off the forums in bulk? zip drive? separate hard drive? or similar. do i just copy and paste?

i hate to think that IC would go down, but just as i became a lurker on OG they were torn apart. i still remember their soil vs hydro thread. thats THE reason i got into hydro and where im at today. IC soon took its place in its stead and ive been here ever since. there are tons of good people here(and a few not so good lol) and i would hate for something to happen. books can only lend so much info. they dont show the countless experiments and new methods made by us. this is an awesome community. just in case, thanks to everyone

Desert Hydro

Well-known member
just had a thought..... if anyone is reading this and feels they know a thread worth saving like any of the DIY's or just bad ass usefull info that we are incline to forget because of our chosen hobby please post a link!
Your absolutely right I never thought about that... I enjoy reading the endless information provided here by its members. And would hate to to IC gone


Active member
probly just copy paste good question tho?

When overgrow went down the community didn't really lose much information I think most of it was able to b saved. I remember at first it was a lil hard to find answers I needed cuz my giant overgrow database was gone, but that didn't last long. The good thing about overgrow going down in a way is it kinda split the community into multiple websites with lots of people having handles on more than one site. Lots of the growing info is duplicated across the sites so if one goes down theres others to get the info from.

Things are better for patients for overall. I hear ya on the paranoia tho. Ive been a prop 215 patient since 99. If we can make it through 8 years of George Bush we can make it through this. There have been lots of announcements by the feds/state about medmj over the past decade, but it's mostly been a bunch of empty threats.

Desert Hydro

Well-known member
sooooooooo.....copy and paste?? lol any computer literate people around? ive copied and pasted but with no pictures but i would like to know how i could get pics and all


sooooooooo.....copy and paste?? lol any computer literate people around? ive copied and pasted but with no pictures but i would like to know how i could get pics and all

well you could try "showing printable version" and then save as complete web page. you can find this option in thread tools.


I've Copied and Pasted whole threads from the IC pictures and all then Pasted them to a Word document. It worked great.
Good Luck
i've heard of software used to "rip" or backup websites. mostly people used it on pay porn sites, they would get a weekend pass, and then rip all of the content. This was 10+ years ago, so i'm sure many programs have been created since then, some may be designed for exactly the purpose of "backing up" the information on websites.


Download truecrypt and create a hidden container on your hard drive. You can keep all research and journals about tomato's there.


What Goes Around Comes Around. But Am I Comming Or
If you use firefox, you can try pixlrgrabber

Install it as an addon and you have the option to save the entire page as a pic.

I make a folder with the thread name then name each page 1,2,3.......and so on.

Im looking for a way to rip entire threads, but this has meet my needs till I find that.


Active member
I tried HTTrack Website copier on a few threads I wanted to save for offline viewing a couple months back. It was a no go. IC mag will shutdown the copy process quick.


i've heard of software used to "rip" or backup websites. mostly people used it on pay porn sites, they would get a weekend pass, and then rip all of the content. This was 10+ years ago, so i'm sure many programs have been created since then, some may be designed for exactly the purpose of "backing up" the information on websites.

Please don't- this site is enormous, and shit like that will pretty much crash it...


New member
Download the UnMHT addon for Firefox. It lets you store webpages as a single file, pictures and all, perfectly intact. You can even open up multiple pages in different tabs and save all the tabs to a single file, like for a single thread. You're welcome :)