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Sativex to be approved this year in the United States


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Sativex = A cannabis tincture that most anyone can make in their own home, with a little bit of knowledge or instruction. There are some very good instructional videos on YouTube.


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weird, this is why i never stood by Sativex if they are going to throw it on shelves all of the sudden it must not be that great for you.

for my pain i was prescribed 10mg Marinol, so expensive... now that stuff id love to see on shelves. 1 10mg pill and your fucked beyond repair... a good non sythetic feeling fucked also.

i hear a lot of people put Marinol in the same category as Sativex but Sativex has seemed like a knock off to me ever since i was prescribed Marinol. dont like sativex that much at all really.

and for those junkies out there i have to recommend if your going to be a junkie the best opiate you can get prescribed to you but again is extremely expensive is Fentanyl. i have the 200mg, i dont know if any of you have ever tried this stuff but its so addicting.

its literally a heroin lollipop, it tastes hella good and you just rub it on the inside of your cheeks, if you come across it which is really rare anyone gets Fentanyl illegally or even Marinol for that matter.. but just make sure you never swallow it. gettin it prescribed isnt easy though my nerve damage is the only reason im able to get such potent prescriptions, because the pain literally kills me and it would if i didnt have such strong pain killers, normal pain killers that kids are usually popping thinking are serious literally have no effect on me..


Sativex isn't made to "fuck you up". The balanced level of CBD in it opposes the psychedelic effects of THC.


I have a Marinol script for cyclic vomting due to high dose opiate therapy.It is worthless and makes me paranoid.Good old Ma Nature is what works for me.Could save my health insurance company thousands of dollars but Nooooooo BigD


I also took Marinol briefly, and the effects were uncomfortable. I felt lucid and uncomfortable in my own skin, like I needed to run and jump out a window or something. It was too strong, but not in the same way as if I smoked more weed than I needed. I also don't like the fact that you can't titrate your dosage depending on how you feel, same goes for Sativex which I haven't tried.

What does this all boil down to? America has become a nation by the corporations and for the corporations.

I really can't wait until it's approved though. Some are saying it will derail the cannabis movement, but I don't think anyone will be able to deny the hypocrisy any longer. It's okay to have it if you pay $1000 a month for it, but you must go to jail if you grow it yourself. Stinks beyond belief. But I digress. I still think Sativex is a wonderful idea, just the herbal medicine should be an option as well.

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