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SATIVA Vs INDICA { WHO WINS } personal choice ??

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
I like sativa x indica hybrids.....

I like indica's.....and sativa's.....

...I like cannabis....

.....your Sativa V Indica title is like saying......Granny Smith Apples V Golden Delicious Apples.....and I like all apples.....


Lammen Gorthaur
What about those so-called bad apples? How about the ones that spoil the rest of the barrel? Are all apples to be counted the same? Should there be a plebiscite on the peck of apples versus the barrel marketing method? Then there's Bob n' apples. Should we wait to here from Bob before we consider whether or not you really like all apples, sir?

Just sayin'.

Now back to the corner, my dunce cap and writing 1,000 repetitions of:
"I have to get a life. I have to get a life. I have to get a life."


like you say, but i dont like red apples and i am sure there are other people with preferencecs ,senior presidente


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I like sativa x indica hybrids.....

I like indica's.....and sativa's.....

...I like cannabis....

.....your Sativa V Indica title is like saying......Granny Smith Apples V Golden Delicious Apples.....and I like all apples.....

Could not agree more. I like them all


I like it all. Its a great thing to have the option of a Sativa or a Indica. I have both around most of the time and use them accordingly. Usually the Indica in the evening or on Sundays when I want to be a lazy ass. Or the Sativa during the daytime when I want to get things done.

Like Gypsy said.....I like Cannabis


New member
Both have their uses, I would generally prefer not to smoke indica dominates or indica hashish until the later hours of the day, closing in on my astral realm visits.


I wish more satvia dom strains were used for "cash croppers". Basically all the bud you find that is bought on the street/dealers is potent, mind bending, indicas.

I think people would have a different opinion of cannabis if they knew what the experience of a sativa was, since its so rare to come by.

On a personal consumption level I prefer an sativa dom strain most of the time. I want to be "enhanced", ameliorated, something that helps me function on a higher level. I don't really suffer from anxiety in my day to day life so indicas just tend to really sedate me, they have their purpose from time to time. Sativa dom strains are my mainstay.


During the day I prefer a nice sativa.. If I have to I will smoke hybrids, but I actually like reallly powerful sativas. I like to feel productive.. At night a good indica or hybrid will work to wind down & relax & get a good nights sleep....but fuck I just love mary jane


Lammen Gorthaur
I'm with you on this one, KK. When I retire, I am going to be stoned to the bone all day long. Why not? When I am going to class (for my second and third PhDs) I am going to be tokin' and when I get back to the retirement community I am going to have a nightly pot party with all the kool residents... Hmmm...

Maybe that should be my next market. Developing retirement living communities for people who are stoner retirees.

I wonder how big the market would be?

Oops, thread pirate!


lol, Im in school currently and am baked usually all day. I work best that way I find.. I'm more creative(Im a graphic designer) anyways, I have my associates, bachelors in psych, and eventually going to go into drug research, my whole goal trying to find a cure for bipolar or at least controlling it with marijuana.....


I Love Cannabis!

I Love Cannabis!

I like sativa x indica hybrids.....

I like indica's.....and sativa's.....

...I like cannabis....

.....your Sativa V Indica title is like saying......Granny Smith Apples V Golden Delicious Apples.....and I like all apples.....
My vote goes ta both as well! They are both Great in their own wayz.:biggrin:


Lammen Gorthaur
lol, Im in school currently and am baked usually all day. I work best that way I find.. I'm more creative(Im a graphic designer) anyways, I have my associates, bachelors in psych, and eventually going to go into drug research, my whole goal trying to find a cure for bipolar or at least controlling it with marijuana.....

Fascinating. K+ and much respect. You sound like you would be an excellent conversationalist and probably are an in-demand dinner companion there in tokeville. Bipolar, eh? That would be great as it can take a terrible toll on one. I'm getting much better at managing it, but it can really make life hard. I am really impressed.


during the day sativa that way i am able to still do all my stuff and at night a indica .but over all sativa


ty mpd

and I just think that I am in love with mary jane(sorry IW jk):comfort:


Active member
I prefer Sativa dominate hybrids most of the time.

I am really digging Mr Nice's new hybrid "Neville's Skunk". It has the nicest high with just a bit of stone to take the edge off.

Indicas are great for when my health is acting up and I need to stay laid up.

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