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Sarah Palin, Marijuana Law Reformer?


The cat that loves cannabis
I don't give a shit how any of you vote,but must you attack women and say such vile things about them?

Hey Mary, guess what?
This is a vile woman, who would roll back progress to the dark ages if given the chance.
She is a political cancer, and should be treated as such.
And the sad thing is some people can't see her for what she is and actually believe she thought of the stuff she says herself(except for unscripted interviews, then the true moron shines through)

Do a little research and don't accept what she says at face value, think for yourself mary, don't let others do it for you.

If a person is a POS, then they should be open to attack, and the fact that they're a woman should have nothing to do with it.
Equal rights remember mary?
The post you made is sexist
palin is a greedy know nothing pig talking, anything the pig does has no validity, it is null and void. To even bring up its name with any cause hurts the cause and makes the cause less valid. ICMAG please keep that palin thing away from these forums. I might be more American than marywhata. I'm Mescal Apache. I don't have no politics. I call'em like I see 'em. A pig is a pig is a pig is a pig. Maybe you need a med adjustmet marywhata. By the way I run an animal rescue group. The pig is beyond rescue or redemption.

I Harvester

New member
Is that so? Hows it feel? EQUAL RIGHTS??? please,what a joke. Oh,forgot,only PROGRESSIVE LIBS have an opinion that matters,right? Okay to tear up anybody that isn't in agreement. Call her a pig,yet if anyone dares to speak out against your Messiah,ooh that can't be. Even Dems attacked Hillary when she had the balls to run against Barry.Now thats sexist.

You speak many truths in this thread.


Registered Non-Conformist
As one of the nation's premier panderers... And as a "politica" in Alaska (where I have heard pot is rather popular, lol), it surprises me not that she would be OK with pot. Tood looks like a stoner too...

She still is diametrically opposed to almost each and every one of my beliefs otherwise...


crazaer at overgrow 2.0
ICMag Donor
I'd rather do nancy reagan then that nasty, narrow minded puppet.

you sure about that? she might give you the alzheimers.... lol


She's a tool, she's a poster child for the nasty cynical side of the conservative party. She's good at slinging mud, dismissing facts, making rhetorical jabs and being crude - hardly a progressive person. Who else could bomb so many media interviews, where the goal is to show her command of the political system and good judgement, with prominent journalists and still be so loved?

So why is she popular? There are a lot of people in this country that have no idea what is really going in the world on but they are scared and easy to manipulate - they are generally spoon fed their attitudes and beliefs by the media. She's not all bad though - She has a really strong and enthusiastic energy that engages people. She is pretty and almost mesmerizing to watch at times. She is an awesome media presence. Too bad there is no substance behind the facade.

This move to get Palin behind the marijuana issue is really sad and short sighted.


Still attacking,huh? Why don't you post pics of Mrs. Barry like that? Oh yeah,I forgot,she looks like JAMES BROWN. Get over your fright of strong women.....does it make your dick limp? Like any of you even know one thing about Sarah Palin. All you do is post fake dirty pictures of her,and believe what you read in the PUFFINGTON POST. Okay to attck Palin,but don't say ONE WORD about Barry The Socialist President. I don't give a shit how any of you vote,but must you attack women and say such vile things about them?

We talk mad shit about Obama what are you talking about? The thing is is that this thread has nothing to do with Obama it's about Palin. "I can see Russia from my house" Palin. "I don't know what the role of a vice president is even though that's the office I'm running for" Palin. Not "I'm going to pretend I might do something about the drug war but not really" Obama. You're showing yourself to be a really ignorant person... much like most of the other people in your party. Now stick to the subject. Palin and cannabis reform (god I never thought I'd be putting those words in the same sentence).


wow you are one crazy bitch aren't you! forget palin I want a whirl with this girl! :whip: :nanana: :moon:

There's a reason Palin didn't get elected. They couldn't figure out how to fit a kitchen in the oval office! :biglaugh:

I'm a libertarian we don't appreciate that commie talk of yours :shooty: You're just mad because I'm right and you're wrong. get lost chica :wave:


Active member
Palin polarizes people. She gets people fighting within their own backyards and communities.

wow you are one crazy bitch aren't you! forget palin I want a whirl with this girl!

Who are you? The guardian of the internet? yes of course! Gee thank you so much for pointing out how insignificant my views are,oh Knowing One! Now go back to reading your Little Red Book,comrade.

Just like that.

I doubt she'll support MJ legalization, and I pray that I'm right. If she does, she'll give it a bad name, IMO.
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Active member

If that's directed at me, Marywanna, I didn't call you anything; I used the words you and ChronJohn directed at each other as an example of how Palin, IMO, gets people fighting amongst themselves. She gets people riled up. She makes them want to take sides against each other.

I participate in these forums because I love marijuana - growing it, smoking it and everything about it. I think everyone else is here for those reasons, too. I don't identify strongly enough with any political candidate to hurl insults at other cannabis lovers in defense of politicians.

I also think Palin is a fucking moron who somehow manages to fascinate and mesmerize her supporters and detractors equally. But if anyone thinks she's great, I'll respect that person as a fellow human being and just move along...


don't be such a drama queen mary

but by all means, keep it up. I'm getting mad positive rep cuz of you. But oh, all I see is negative rep on you =( none of which is from me, because I'm not enough of a whiny bitch [<-- there it is again! :nanana:] to take it personally when someone has differences with me (can't say the same for you, only neg rep I've ever gotten!)

Yes men are afraid of women in power. Because they think with their emotions and make drastic decisions based on them (like you calling me a communist??). You know the joke about how everyone was scared of Hillary being in office cuz once a month they'd have to take away her access to "the big red button"... true shit.

but really now why can't we all just be frennnnz? enough of this :fight:

Truce? cool
see is annoying as all hell and you may feel differently, that's ok, but I think she is an idiot as well, a female version of Dubya! I don't think she is playing with a full deck to be honest, and so if she has one redeeming virtue and that is reform, that's great but it's not going to get me to vote for her as I think she would cause far more problems than she solves. I would vote for the right Libertarian, or too bad Barney Frank wasn't running or I'd vote for him. Conservatives as a whole are far less marijuana friendly than the liberals, especially the most liberal ones. Barney Frank, Kucinich, and remember Nader way back when? And of course the Green Party.


Active member
ICMag Donor
Most excellent displays of hate filled ignorance!
How can we lose with folks like you on our side? Why, with minds like this...you'd think we'd have MJ fixed up long ago, aye?


The Aardvarks LED Grow Show
The conservative platform, limiting federal power to the explicitly stated terms of the constitution, is completely in line with legalization of marijuana.

Too bad we don't have a real conservative party in this country.

she is a puppet just like the rest of the republicans, democrats and supposed independents these days.

the real candidates are currently NOT in office BUT will be soon enough.