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Sandy soil


Outdoor Grower, C99 Lover
ICMag Donor
Hi there
I have been growing outdoors for a couple years now, in the same wonderful area of southeast Poland. My only problem was the soil, as it is very sandy, 90% easily.
I used to bring tons of soil and some additives like chicken&cow manure, bat guano, dolomite lime and water crystals but this year I want to omit the part with 50 kg of soil in my backpack :D
Do you think that some Biobizz PreMix, bat guano powder and chicken manure would be enough to turn my unproductive soil into fertile one ?


all praises are due to the Most High
hello thor, sounds good to me, so long as the proportions are right, enough sand and enough organic matter, you should be good. do you go back to the patch to fertilize them later on though? if so, seems like you could try a different soil mix for sure.
good luck,
much peace!


The Soapmaker!
Lots of organic matter is key. Without it, any ferts you add will leach right out of sandy soil.

Good luck, be safe, have fun!


Outdoor Grower, C99 Lover
ICMag Donor
Ahh, I decided to go with the 'usual gardening style'. I won't have too many plants this year, thus I can bring in some soil and organic fertilizers :smoke:

I already decided on using seabird guano, bat guano, worm castings, cow manure and probably chicken manure. How easy is it to overfert while mixing in nutrients ? I suppose one or two tbsp/gallon of each won't hurt

This year I am going to grow some sweet strains, I can't wait till I plant these magical beans :D