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San Diegos Finest Cuts #2

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Well-known member
ICMag Donor
this is what ive been doing:
collect the pollen
set it out for 24 hours on notebook paper bindle-opened up
seal bindle with small as possible strips of tape sealing the edges(all on one side)
place bindle in a film cannister (or any plastic container) with a small dessicant bag facing the side of the bindle w no tape
place cannister in ziplock bag
place sealed bag in fridge for 24 hours
place in freezer
....now, im learning as i go, but i have deduced from others who know more than i that this may be overkill, but it should be a pretty safe bet....good luck...those possibilities sound awesome man!


I have Rx containers with pollen and a dessicant. I usually let it sit out a day, add a gel dessicant then into the freezer. I have used pollen up to 2 years old this way. There are different methods that work, but they all try and get the pollen dry before storing it in the freezer. Also Be sure when you finally do pull it out to use let it sit without opening for about 15-30 minutes. If you open the container/baggie before letting it defrost it will attract moisture, just let it sit and sweat for a few first.
thks sub and diddy much appreciated. you guys are the shiznit. just thought it would ne more exciting to pop a few if my own crosses since i got this giant space to work with. dnt wanna breed to sell just to get the joy out of growing my own select crosses and medicsting to help with this lower back pain that at times almost feels like its killing me.

thnks sub. people might say is overkill but as long as ut works for you thats what matters.
diddy one ? gel dissicant... were can i find it.



similar growing structures in veg, however flowering patterns are entirely different, cantaloupe haze - if related to C99, has been def. crossed out with a haze.


Picture speaks for itself. If you're wondering, thats Albert Walker breaking branches at the 4 week mark.


CFL color temperature growth comparison. This is the "Purple Widow" I have in flower - sub, yours is the one on the right.




Much better, now this "outdoor only" strain is ready for CFLs.

Have a great comic con weekend guys!


thnks sub. people might say is overkill but as long as ut works for you thats what matters.
diddy one ? gel dissicant... were can i find it.
No worries!
Subs method maybe overkill but if your storing pollen for a long extended period of time I would probably use his method to ensure the longevity of the pollen. You would be fine with drying it and adding the dessicant pack to pull out any excess moisture. you can find them at auto parts store, computer repair shops and most likely in any electronics boxes you may have bought recently.


Looking good voo! How is the con this year? I heard its huge!

Thanks bud. As for comic con, I wouldn't know. I was going to dress up and work there this year but decided against it last minute. Of course, we are going downtown tonight to have a couple brews and check out all the people going to bars in costume..

Best thing I've seen from the con on the net yet: Comic Con attendees stage fake protest next to Westboro Baptist Church @ comic con (yesterday)


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
that albert under the CFL's is awesome man! broken branches under floro's! holy fereakin shit....that was the durban lights i sampled correct? i really liked the high from that...sweet old school nl taste too...funny i knew i had tasted it before, just been so long i couldnt place it! haha...but i was seriously impressed by that strain...when i do have room i will def be runnin a cut or three...

Shan Diego

Thanks bud. As for comic con, I wouldn't know. I was going to dress up and work there this year but decided against it last minute. Of course, we are going downtown tonight to have a couple brews and check out all the people going to bars in costume..

Best thing I've seen from the con on the net yet: Comic Con attendees stage fake protest next to Westboro Baptist Church @ comic con (yesterday)

Dude, I was standing there working the entire time...can't see me in the vid though. I love the fake protesters...the group they drove away is totally hate filled. Nice job, nerds...
Im looking for a strain that will produce a strong body numbness type of high. A few years ago i smoked a strain (dont remember the name) that gave me a very strong body numb high like my whole body was getting shocked with a strong tingling numbness feeling throughout my whole body even my face felt numb and it made it very hard for me to move but my whole body was feeling very medicated. Kinda hard to explain but its kinda like the feeling u get when u slept on your arm for a period of time and then u get this numbness tingling feeling. Im a legal patient living here in california and i've gone to numerous dispensaries in search for this strain that will give me the same type of high but i have no luck of finding it. I've tried over a dozens of kushes, og's, different types of indica's, hybrid's and sativa's but no luck. A lot of the indica's that was recommended to me gave me a slow lazy couchlock high which is kinda like what im looking for but the numbness is not there. I need a strain that will give me that numbness body tingling type of high. Please post up any strains that u experience with this type of high. Thanks.


Hey SB,

I know voodoo had some info on WT bout his Alien Dog, said he's been able to drop everyone who's tried it. I know what you mean about the numbness feeling, but everyone is different and if you single out a particular strain and let 3 people try it, you will probably get 3 different reviews of the high. Just keep trying different gram samples instead of buying full sack until you find your holy grail.

For me bro, I like the numbness I get from a good mj brownie. I've tried a few at dispensaries around town and was dissappointed with the potency overall, so I make my own and get fabulous results :) I just use the revape I save and let it sit in melted butter in the oven on 160 over night. I then strain it and add another round of fresh revape and reduce the butter even more. I'll reduce a stick and a half or 2 sticks of butter down to one stick and use it with the trader joes truffle brownie mix. I crush up almonds and a few hazelnuts and sprinkle them on top of the brownies then bake em in the oven. The nuts cover a lil bit of the smell so I can take them on road trips or on a plane without anyone raising an eyebrow.

If I make the brownies just right I can eat one before bed and have the most restful, deepest sleep ever. I don't know how mj does it in brownie form but damn it makes my muscles feel like I just took a valium or a vicodin, and makes me sleep more restfully than ever before. I wake up without woozinees or a hangover of any kind and completly full of energy, I love it. Hope this helps a lil,

On a side note, if you guys had to get 32 clones from ape for a one off commercial grow indoors, what would you choose? I thought maybe alien dog or albert walker. Gotta try to come in at 60 days or less, peace to all BL

Shan Diego

Big props to Obsoul33t...creator of the A Dog...

Big props to Obsoul33t...creator of the A Dog...

Dude, you cannot go wrong with the Adog Ether. Grows like a champ, and everybody I know hits a qp per plant with her... Plus, the smoke is divine. Moms are a dream too...chop em back to nothing and they just put out three more shoots where there was 1...a dream plant from a grower's, smoker's and cloner's perspective. Definitely my #1.

Jalisco Kid

Active member
I have 16 flavors running like a nubie and the ether cut is one of my more vigorous in veg and surprised that the dud is in the top 5. Then on the other end I have some tahoe and HA that is slower then my bubba and I did not think that possible. Thanks for those putting them out there. JK


If you love life, don't waste time. For time is wh
....I found my ADE to be a slow cloner. Maybe it's because i just used the lower stuff that i was chopping anyway before i threw her in flower but she came in pretty close to last when everything else rooted in the normal 10 days - 14days for me.

Not that it's a huge negative but it was an observation on my end.


go padres..

go padres..

Go padres..ya there behind but they will win!!

...something wierd happened at a collective I go to.. A patient heard about a strain that I crossed called the Sour Fornicate... anyway we talked and he came up with an Idea,

He met me at the collective a few days later and I gave him about 4 huge leaves from the bottom of the sour fornicate female i am growing..only one that I am growing from 600 seeds, anyway he is from the Downhill laguna beach skateboard crew..ya the ones that were at LAGUNA BEACH city hall the other nite,

anyway he has made me a skate board with one huge leave glassed in it with all the graffix and hopefully ill get a pic up soon..he said he has made 3 more and hopes to make 420 leaf skate boards!!!

you have to have a valid 420 rec to own one of these boards!!

its allready patentednow..we sent papers and notrized all the concepts..wow..is all i can say..

Voodoo..I havent forgotten about u..give me some time and ill have your request soon.

anyway here..THE SOUR FORNICATE!!
smells like lemon ,mint and bubba funk...rock hard nugs..






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Shan Diego

....I found my ADE to be a slow cloner. Maybe it's because i just used the lower stuff that i was chopping anyway before i threw her in flower but she came in pretty close to last when everything else rooted in the normal 10 days - 14days for me.

Not that it's a huge negative but it was an observation on my end.

I concur. Perhaps I overreached with 'dream plant' by including the cloning perspective. The extreme branchiness makes a great mother, but you are correct, she's not quick to sprout new feets. Also, there's always a crinkly effect on the leaves during the hardening off transition. Not so pretty at that time, but things quickly turn around.


Nice medfinder! So my latest run was the worst I've ever had....Don't know what happened to tell ya the truth, everything just turned out to be horrible. The Blue Dreams and Larry Berry were the best, smelling decent but still off. The SSSDH and chem were big nugs that smell of hay. The C99 was awful, so small and skimpy. The Alien Dawg (e) has a slight smell to it, but also is horrible. This was my fault not the genetics....I once taught the student that is now giving me advice for nutrients and he has surpassed the master with his dank buds, so hopefully my next run will be good....Cross my fingers. Peace


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
hard for me to imagine your crop being off man...you think you overfed and burned em? still the h & g? never had anything but fantastic smoke from your garden...weird...EDIT-FOUND YOUR THREAD...END EDIT
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