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San Diego rolls out TOUGH new Requirements for collectives!


Active member
North County Times said:
The Board of Supervisors on Wednesday ruled that dispensaries in unincorporated areas of the county must be located at least 1,000 feet from homes, schools, playgrounds and churches. Officials say that leaves only 16 available sites.

The dispensaries also must be licensed -- at a cost of up to $20,000 each -- and must undergo inspections, have security measures in place and keep precise records of transactions, according to the newly adopted ordinance.

The new regulations include limiting dispensaries to industrial zones, requiring a licensed, armed guard; video monitoring; precise records of all transactions, including the names and addresses of marijuana suppliers; and no selling of any marijuana-laced food or drink products, which places a hardship on many patients who prefer not to smoke.

read MORE over HERE


Active member
Sounds like the way it will work in AZ if the MMJ bill passes.

That's the whole problem with legalization/mmj etc. The police state just views it as a way to get more into your life, as in having to have police in dispensaries, which is the way the AZ bill is written i think. And video you and get all personal info on all 'users'


San Diego. That should say it all. They realllllly don't like it. They have fought it tooth and nail the whole way. This is just another way from them to fight it. They will just make it so hard that most people won't do it. Of course the ones with the connections and the deep pockets will be able to do it. I am sure that a couple of these shops are already paying into the elected people pockets. Oh yeah don't forget that once the law is passed you can expect to see this type of thing for all the state. They are going to want MONEY and Control. Basically you have better have deep pockets and lots of connections or your not going to be able to play the game anymore.


its technically not law yet, its simply an zoning ordinance. Of course its also against the principles of safe access. WHEN WILL SOMEONE SUE THESE MORONS!?? HIT THEM WHERE IT HURTS!


Active member
These officials in San Diego are the greatest example of bad government. One that goes against the will of the people. They think they have superior perceptions and that they answer to nobody.


It's apparent to anyone with eyes to see and ears to listen that the members of the San Diego County Board of Supervisors have no intention of obeying the law if they disagree with it.

It's an odd position for folks charged with enforcing the law to take.

And yet we the voters have only ourselves to blame, as we continue to re-elect Bill Horn, Dianne Jacob, Ron Roberts and Pam Slater-Price to office every four years, despite their proven track record of refusing to abide by the voter-approved medical marijuana law.

Only Greg Cox has, however tepidly, shown any willingness to defer to the voters of this county, a majority of whom voted for Prop. 215 back in 1996, legalizing medical marijuana in California.

The rest of the supes continue to thumb their noses at the law, and at the very voters who put them into office.

The latest act of defiance from these four came last week when they approved new restrictions on medical marijuana dispensaries in the county's unincorporated areas. Cox cast the lone "no" vote, saying, "I think we're violating the spirit of the law."

Not to mention the letter.

The fact that the same voters who continue to elect these four also overwhelmingly approved term limits earlier this month says something about the public's patience with insubordinate public officials. The further fact that enough voters signed petitions to put another measure on November's ballot to legalize marijuana for personal use says something further about the philosophical divide between San Diego's elected help and those of us who hire them and pay their fat salaries.

Look, I voted against Prop. 215. The supposed benefits of "medical" marijuana are almost entirely anecdotal. And any doctors who advise their patients to smoke cannabis - with all the carcinogenic and cardiovascular risks that entails - rather than ingesting it probably ought to lose their license to practice on scientific grounds.

But most of the voters in the state disagreed with me, and now medical marijuana is the law of the land, at least in California. For elected officials to still be fighting this law 14 years on is ridiculous.

And with California voters poised to legalize marijuana in general come November, this entire bout of political petulance will have proven fruitless.

Not that anyone should believe for a second that San Diego County's elected officials will feel themselves bound by the new ballot measure, should it pass.

Fourteen years from now, we may well be having the same conversation about legalized pot.

Source: North County Times (Escondido, CA)
Author: Jim Trageser


Sounds like the way it will work in AZ if the MMJ bill passes.

That's the whole problem with legalization/mmj etc. The police state just views it as a way to get more into your life, as in having to have police in dispensaries, which is the way the AZ bill is written i think. And video you and get all personal info on all 'users'

I just have to laugh sometimes but get used to it.
The 2nd admendment is a right, but I have to submit to the tough and strict regulations to exercise my 2nd admendment rights. So last time I checked pot wasn't a right so get used to the regulations. I can only imagine pot heads having to do a background check, 10 day waiting period and only being able to buy three 1/8th's a month and not being allowed to carry the weed and smoking device on their person at the same time or risk being arrested for a loaded bong!!
I know most of you won't ever understand what I just wrote cause you have never tried to exercise your 2nd admendment rights.


These officials in San Diego are the greatest example of bad government. One that goes against the will of the people. They think they have superior perceptions and that they answer to nobody.

Where I live....and why I don't trust...the DEA put a gun in my face in OB about 5yrs ago....while raiding a club....but told me to walk away. What do you think I remember? The gun of course. Keep playing with this government thing. I wish you the best. They are not any different anywhere else....it is the exact same rabid animal throughout the state. Slow and low....that is the tempo.

I really have better things to do in life than mess with these sort of people....and give them more power to regulate my herb. All the idealism will take a back seat when they get serious about cracking down. Just the beginning. You don't have the $ to feed those dogs. Get serious and open your eyes....your best friends are in the underground.....but keep shaking hands with Big Bro..he's your dear friend....respects the will of the people and wants you safe.