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san diego dispensaries being raided today sept. 9 2009

Jalisco Kid

Active member
I totally disagree with the above post. I would say easy Easy 50% of the people with recs are abusing the system. Sure they might gain medical benefit from it but they have conditions where most healers would just tell them to go out and use their bodies, exercise.
The law was written for people who are seriously ill. These punks that tell the dr they need it for sleep just because they are on a whole lazy assed bitches to want to grow or want to hide behind the law so they will not get busted for recreational use.
It is the Drs who need to be schooled in passing out recs because that is where the lines should be drawn. I know everybody has the right for this but when kids getting meds because they have that right blow it for people in hospices or suffer long chronic disease,that's where I get pissed.
I wish I had this protection in the 60's but some how I got thru 40 years of burning without needing some law to protect my bogus ass. Now with the pain this keeps me from popping heads from the assholes I run into in life.
Next time you see some kid coming out of a club skipping down the street because he just scored some og for 5 bucks off, think of that hospice patient puking their guts out from all the meds they take. JK
Edit: I see from above I did not have my meds with me, did not to mean it that harsh.
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Active member
i use cannabis all day everyday and it enables me to not have to use half a dozen prescribed pain killers and anti spasmodics. it also gives me an appetite that the one pharmaceutical i must still take causes nausea and anorexia from complete loss of appetite.

i look young and healthy. you wouldn't know i was sick by looking at me.


Active member
maybe it's the doctor's who recommened cannabis to 20yr olds for insomnia and PMS should be more regulated if this is really an issue. hammering the providers of cannabis is regulating at the wrong end of the spectrum if we are talking about "illegitimate patients" which is a slippary slope but take it to the doctors if its an issue.


Active member
I totally disagree with the above post. I would say easy Easy 50% of the people with recs are abusing the system. Sure they might gain medical benefit from it but they have conditions where most healers would just tell them to go out and use their bodies, exercise.
The law was written for people who are seriously ill. These punks that tell the dr they need it for sleep just because they are on a whole lazy assed bitches to want to grow or want to hide behind the law so they will not get busted for recreational use.
It is the Drs who need to be schooled in passing out recs because that is where the lines should be drawn. I know everybody has the right for this but when kids getting meds because they have that right blow it for people in hospices or suffer long chronic disease,that's where I get pissed.
I wish I had this protection in the 60's but some how I got thru 40 years of burning without needing some law to protect my bogus ass. Now with the pain this keeps me from popping heads from the assholes I run into in life.
Next time you see some kid coming out of a club skipping down the street because he just scored some og for 5 bucks off, think of that hospice patient puking their guts out from all the meds they take. JK

maybe today's women would learn some lessons by repealing their equality by your line of reasoning. just because you had to live in the shadows for smoking leaves your whole life (as did i and continue to do so) doesn't mean we should continue failed illogical policies. adapt man.


i know insomnia sounds like no big deal, but heres something to think about...
michael jackson and heath ledger are dead because they couldn't sleep...

you know i hear you loud and clear JK

it only takes a few bad apples to ruin the whole bunch...

my wife and i were talking about 'how come only young snappers showed up for the LAKE FOREST rally?'. Well, i think the reason is this: the people who really are in what i call the "extreme medical need & use" category marijuana (the home bound terminally ill folks) cannt just get out and protest - they either CANNOT because they do not have the mobility, or they do not have the energy.

the whole things if fucked for everyone...
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Jalisco Kid

Active member
I am one adaptable mf. Decriminalize it or change 215. But do not blow it for those who are ill,because you can. If any of you seen a patient break down and cry just from the relief the herb just gave them you would not push your right to "fudge" the system. JK
Where I really see the abuse is when the sissy boys in hollywood will point out a small sugar leaf on a bud and complain. I can give the most leafiest ugly bud to a "real" patient and all I hear is thanks.


Possession for up to an oz is already decriminalized of course but I think you are right - in order to get past all this nonsense we need to just legalize it period. Its ridiculous that good men & women are going to jail or otherwise having their lives ruined over a plant...its just plain insanity.

Blue Dot

Its ridiculous that good men & women are going to jail or otherwise having their lives ruined over a plant...its just plain insanity.

Well some are good and some aren't.

Isn't that the scam, that if they are distributing under prop 215 that somehow this automatically makes them good?


Active member
Isn't that the scam, that if they are distributing under prop 215 that somehow this automatically makes them good?

No actually the scame is Proposition 215. You said that you have a hard copy of the 1996 ballot materials so you can verify this for yourself.,


  • Federal laws prohibit the possession and cultivation of marijuana. Proposition 215 would encourage people to break federal law.
  • Proposition 215 will make it legal for people to smoke marijuana in the workplace . . . or in public places . . . next to your children.
Past President, California
State Sheriffs' Association

Chairman, The International Drug Strategy Institute GLENN LEVANT
Executive Director, D.A.R.E. America
my wife and i were talking about 'how come only young snappers showed up for the LAKE FOREST rally?'. Well, i think the reason is this: the people who really are in what i call the "extreme medical need & use" category marijuana (the home bound terminally ill folks) cannt just get out and protest - they either CANNOT because they do not have the mobility, or they do not have the energy.

the whole things if fucked for everyone...

There were several adults there, 2 elderly sick people spoke out, Another parapalegic patient was there as well, Sure there were young folks there but older ones as well, The next meeting is on tuesday the 15th and were rallying as we speak to get folks out there.



The really sad fact is that despite San Diego being a military town and supposedly all patriotic, these people are precisely the opposite. They trample on democracy, spit on the Constitution, and ignore the will of the people if it does not coincide with their own will. They are spoiled little children that cannot accept the spirit of democracy and MUST have it their own way regardless of the will of the people.
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Things are becoming clearer & clearer....at first I thought Blue Dot was just another troll trying to spread negativity and division...now I think BD stands for Bonnie Dumanis!!!! You are outted Bonnie you gestapo bitch!!!

Moldy Dreads

Active member
Oh now MMJ is only good for terminally ill and super sick people only? You guys are delirious..

Things are becoming clearer & clearer....at first I thought Blue Dot was just another troll trying to spread negativity and division...now I think BD stands for Bonnie Dumanis!!!! You are outted Bonnie you gestapo bitch!!!


BD = ?


Well-known member
I just pulled up to a dispensary in the SFV to dump clones and while searchin for a parking parking spot 8 unmarked cars pulled in the lot and raided them. I forget the name but it's off wilbur & Sherman wAy in tarZana. Also 3 more on reseda blvd were hit. After the recent robberies in west valley co-ops I am beginning to believe local law enforcement is behind them. They are just too professional to leave a trace.


Yea...I'll go along with that...

Yea...I'll go along with that...

Well some are good and some aren't.

Isn't that the scam, that if they are distributing under prop 215 that somehow this automatically makes them good?

Those that are very egregious jeopardize the situation for those that are truly in need...

But I think it's important to keep in mind 1) SD county has made it exceedingly difficult for any dispensary to operate in a "correct" way and 2) that the Sheriff's department can't keep busy enough these days.

Is it job security? I don't know, but the Sheriff's dept is to the freakin' right of the John Birch Society (ala old CHP) and are chompin' at the bit to take lib-er-als/ crim-in-als down. Cash strapped cities are all too eager to oblige 'em. Where the hell's the money comin' from? California's broke, I thought.

I mean, sh*t, Sheriff's dept was in my already well policed neighborhood last week (pullin checkpts) and I believe they (Riverside County Sheriff's dept) were spear-heading avenue gangland busts in LA today. WTF, man, I better not be payin these ass-clowns overtime.

Sheriff Out of My Neighborhood.

Somebody forgot to tell these jackanapes that we got a little situation called prison overcrowding.

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