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San Diego and San Bernadino want to overturn prop 215

Mr. Burgundy

Active member

U.S. Supreme Court rejects Prop. 215 challenge

Bob Egelko, SF Chronicle Staff Writer

Monday, May 18, 2009

California's medical marijuana law survived its most serious legal challenge today as the U.S. Supreme Court denied appeals by two counties that argued they were being forced to condone violations of federal drug laws.

he justices, without comment, denied a hearing to officials from San Diego and San Bernardino counties who challenged Proposition 215, an initiative approved by state voters in 1996 that became a model for laws in 12 other states. It allows patients to use marijuana for medical conditions with their doctor's recommendation.

The counties specifically objected to legislation requiring them to issue identification cards that protect holders from arrest by state or local police for possessing small amounts of marijuana for medical use.

The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that the federal government can enforce its laws against marijuana to prosecute users and suppliers of the drug in California and the other 12 states. The Obama administration has said it will target only traffickers who violate state as well as federal laws, although it has not stopped U.S. attorneys from raiding dispensaries that operate with local government approval.

Prop. 215 remains in effect despite federal enforcement efforts that began as soon as it passed. In the counties' case, the Supreme Court left intact a state ruling last year that said California remains free to decide whether to punish drug users under its own laws.

"The purpose of the (federal law) is to combat recreational drug use, not to regulate a state's medical practices," the Fourth District Court of Appeal in San Diego said in the July 31 decision.

In seeking Supreme Court review, San Diego and San Bernardino counties argued that the federal drug law overrides Prop. 215 and that they should not be required to issue identification cards allowing conduct that violates federal law.

Medical marijuana advocates were relieved by today's order.

"This was the most threatening case to state medical marijuana laws, the only one that tried to invalidate state laws," said attorney Graham Boyd of the American Civil Liberties Union, which defended the California law in the appeals court.

"No longer will local officials be able to hide behind federal law and resist upholding California's medical marijuana law," said Joe Elford, lawyer for Americans for Safe Access, which also took part in the case. He said the decision would strengthen his organization's case against the two counties and eight others that have refused to issue the identification cards.

The cases are San Diego County vs. San Diego NORML, 08-887, and San Bernardino County vs. California, 08-897.
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Patient Grower
OK, so what's they're next lame ass attempt to delay the inevitable?

What kind of message does it send the children when state officials refuse to obey the law?

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
this is cool because if the supreme court already is making a pro pot move then it is gonna be even better when obama appoints a new judge. hopefully.

Oh, man I cant wait till the movement is big enough to have big weekly protest Smoke out rallies. If they wanna arrest us all then thats just fine. we can flood the court with so many small, charges that will have to just give up, and let everyone go, weekly. Massive civil disobedience is the way to go!

Train 2 Bangkok

New member
This is another positive step in the right direction! I'm in San Diego county and unfortunately we still have a few uptight conservatives on the county board of supervisors.

Blue Dot

and unfortunately we still have a few uptight conservatives on the county board of supervisors.

not anymore :)
There is absolutely nothing Bill Horn, Pam slater price or any of the other assholes can do now.
This means they have exhausted every legal avenue.
If they try to pull anything else they will be held in contempt of state law and removed from their seat.

This ruling means they MUST follow prop 215 to the letter.




this is cool because if the supreme court already is making a pro pot move then it is gonna be even better when obama appoints a new judge. hopefully.

Oh, man I cant wait till the movement is big enough to have big weekly protest Smoke out rallies. If they wanna arrest us all then thats just fine. we can flood the court with so many small, charges that will have to just give up, and let everyone go, weekly. Massive civil disobedience is the way to go!
that's Ghandi style to fight government corruption.
I hope we in WA adopt ID cards, I don't really feel too comfortable walking around with a doctors note in my pocket. I mean, what am I supposed to do, post my doctors note next to my medicinal grow op? What's sad is I'm guessing that's exactly the degree of protection I'm afforded.

What lawmakers need to take into account, is that by the time we're allowed to defend ourselves in court and get off 100%, we've already lost BIG TIME, lost crops, lost equipment, lost time, lost jobs, lawyer fees, and trauma, all of which I'm going to guess we are prohibited from recieving ANY compensation for. I mean, is LEO really supposed to look at a bunch of plants, and then look at a note and say "oh ok, we're all good, NM, my bad". Or is he going to arrest first, and let you prove your legal rights later?

Blue Dot

What lawmakers need to take into account, is that by the time we're allowed to defend ourselves in court and get off 100%, we've already lost BIG TIME, lost crops, lost equipment, lost time, lost jobs, lawyer fees, and trauma, all of which I'm going to guess we are prohibited from recieving ANY compensation for. I mean, is LEO really supposed to look at a bunch of plants, and then look at a note and say "oh ok, we're all good, NM, my bad". Or is he going to arrest first, and let you prove your legal rights later?

The sad thing is, down here in san diego, even after they issue us cards, they still have a provision in their city ordinance that says the cop is allowed to look at the plant and make a determination if that plant is going to yield more then the weight limit imposed by the county.

It's F'ed up because even though state law says we can have 6 mature plants, and that is what the county issued card will allow, the city ordinance also says we're only allowed to also have up to 2 pounds max.

So if some local leo wants to be an ass, and you have 6 plants he can say that those six plants are going to yield more than 2 pounds and therefore you are over the limit.


Having lived in Ontario ( San Berdo county )

I can understand that Medical is just the same as decriminalization from the point of view of Law enforcement IMO.

They cover a lot of territory with thin police coverage. So for them it has to be all one way or the other to make sense I would assume.

Yet, I cannot cry any tears for them.. Cannabis prohibition is a house of cards and if San Berdo and San Diego fall because of it so be it IMO.

I'm also sure that the percentage in favor of decrim/legalize is way over 56% down there.



The real question I got is now that the U.S. Supreme Court has told San Diego it will not hear the case for the final time, how long it it going to take San Diego City Council and the San Diego County Board of Supervisors to start obeying Prop 215 and SB420 all the time? I hear to many stories on plant numbers allowed during veg or flowering or stories of some people who have no problems when the cops find out and others who get screwed for small systems. When will they get fully back medical marijuana?

P.S. the courts are going to decide on gay marriage today and if they don't over turn prop 8 they gay activists and ACLU said they will run a recall campaign against any judge that rules in favor of prop 8.

Look I am not hear to debate the gay issues. What I am saying is look at how organized they are. They say straight up they will run you out of town and your job if you rule against gay marriage (even though gay marriage was voted down twice). So how come we can't organize like that? San Diego needs to find a candidate who is not afraid to openly back medical marijuana.


The real question I got is now that the U.S. Supreme Court has told San Diego it will not hear the case for the final time, how long it it going to take San Diego City Council and the San Diego County Board of Supervisors to start obeying Prop 215 and SB420 all the time? I hear to many stories on plant numbers allowed during veg or flowering or stories of some people who have no problems when the cops find out and others who get screwed for small systems. When will they get fully back medical marijuana?

P.S. the courts are going to decide on gay marriage today and if they don't over turn prop 8 they gay activists and ACLU said they will run a recall campaign against any judge that rules in favor of prop 8.

Look I am not hear to debate the gay issues. What I am saying is look at how organized they are. They say straight up they will run you out of town and your job if you rule against gay marriage (even though gay marriage was voted down twice). So how come we can't organize like that? San Diego needs to find a candidate who is not afraid to openly back medical marijuana.

I'm watching CNN and waiting for the Courts decision this morning as well.

I'm into the female kind but I can't see blocking others from doing what makes them happy.

But picking up on your theme I too believe we need a more Liberal cycle in our legal events...

If we have rights for all we have rights for all IMO..

With Cannabis "all we are saying is give peace a chance..." http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I-NRriHlLUk

Sorry couldn't resist.

So far this morning we have a Hispanic Judge on the US Supreme Court.. Prop 8 is being decided and the forward movement of Cannabis Liberty is alive and well.

That an a cup of great coffee and I have nothing but best wishes for everyone this morning.



Patient Grower
Look I am not hear to debate the gay issues. What I am saying is look at how organized they are. They say straight up they will run you out of town and your job if you rule against gay marriage (even though gay marriage was voted down twice). So how come we can't organize like that?

Because it's impossible to make possession of a penis against the law? Well, at least the one for personal use. I suppose having more than one around could be construed as 'intent to distribute'.


Because it's impossible to make possession of a penis against the law? Well, at least the one for personal use. I suppose having more than one around could be construed as 'intent to distribute'.
hmmm wtf was that reply for? I said we need to organize for what we believe in.
You can debate the the issue of gay marriage somewhere else.
I used them as an example of how people who want to get laws changed etc... organize and get off there butts to fight for what they believe in.


Patient Grower
Umm, it was a joke, as well as reality. Gay people can't get arrested for being gay. Potheads can and do get arrested for possession of pot, and that's why it's so difficult to get people to 'come out of the closet'. No comment on gay marriage was intended or implied, and I find it remarkable that you inferred such. All I can say is lighten up dude.

Please let me know when you figure out how to talk people out of their paranoia.

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