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samsung omnia from verizon for free, yay



just ordered this phone cuz i think it looks pretty sweet and it was free with the internet discount and new every 2 thing. i love verizon but it is shitty how they lock the gps on their phone so you cant use a 3rd party gps nav. i'm not paying 10 extra dollars per month for something that is free. other than that i'm pretty excited. anyone have this phone...thoughs?
Well, not to be totally down on cell phones, but you did ask for "thoughts"...

Cell phones are a great way for people to find you. Especially those people you don't particularly want to find you. Once you sign on to a "plan" you're in the grid and can be tracked at any time.

Pre-paid phones however don't work this way. Well, they can but since you don't have to sign your name and info when getting a pre-paid, you're relatively safe unless someone you know rats out your digits.

And since we're on the topic of phones, I absolutely love it when someone brags about how bad ass their phone is, and that it works in places that no other phone does.... then they start to come back to where I live and lose any and all service they once worshiped. Its hysterical, I love living in a dead zone.

Anyway that's my thoughts, congrats on your new phone. Sounds like you're happy with it and that's what is really important.



thanks for the reply! i know what you are saying and if i thought someone was actively following my every move, i would opt for prepaid, or none at all. if anyone really wants to know where i am (work or home) they can follow along for the ride


i've been considering grabbing this phone. i was going to get the lg dare but lg has a horrible track record. whats your take on it so far?


cant stop wont stop
looks pretty fuckin nice, what would you rate the texting ability? i fucked around with the blackberry storm and it sucks - so im kinda weary about touch screens for texting


sorry, havnt got it yet, they are overnighting it today. its cheaper to order it online than it is in the store or over the phone. so thats how i always get my phones. ya i hear bad things about every touchscreen as far as texting(which i do way to much of) except for maybe the iphone, which i cant get in my area. i will let you guys know the lowdown when i get it. also you are required with verizon to get the web even though it has wifi capability... kinda sucks too.


first impression: gonna take some getting used to. this phone has a lot of stuff and the all touch screen is different. pretty cool tho


New member
Nice phone my best function is the camera you can turn greens into reds wile the pic is being taken makes the plants look realy trippy LOL deffenatly a cool phone, good purchase

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