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Sammet's Sensational Sensimilla Shindig

Sammet said:
And the money shot.... and yes that is a door in the background for scale :D

I hope you're all doing well and smoking plenty o' bud. Catch you guys soon. :joint:

i think that is great! very nice job on the cheese. that door in the background must be to a water heater! ha ha jus playin. kick ass thread man keep it up!


Med grower
ICMag Donor
Cheers guys. I was expecting an indica dom from the Cheese beans and I'm still shocked at how sativa they were. The largest one has very little smell and a whiff of cheese. The smaller plant smells intensely of fruit, with a really sweet note to it, no cheeseyness at all. I wonder how they'll smoke? Can't wait to find out. :D


awesome sammet!

looks like this test match should turn into an interesting match!
i cant believe we folded like that lastnight... must have been coz i stopped listening after Flemming went out :(

damn sidebottom... who the heck has a name like that anyway!


Grower of fine herbs...
Awesome Harvest dude cant wait to hear the smoke report and final #'s, and your under a 600 right, wow that is a really huge plant dude, great job again!


Registered Medical Patient
:respect:...WOW Sammet, what a killer yield u pulled off of her!!!Beautiful plant, shes gonna be dank as hell..I cant wait to hear how she smokes...Congrats...Peace

- Z


Med grower
ICMag Donor
NZJay- yea SiBo rocks, I love his 'fro. It's been a good display of mediocrity from both teams this tour, maybe the series will be better in the summer?

NK- thanks mate, I hope they smoke as nice as they smell.

DD- Thanks man, it's all in the hps, I'm nothing without it :D I'm looking forward to seeing what you get up to in your new room, I can already tell it's going to be quite the show. Cheers for stopping by. :wave:

Zeus- snuck one in there! :D It's two plants I harvested, but still I'm a bit surprised by the yield. Thanks man :joint:
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go on .. pull my finger
ICMag Donor
great work sammet
u should get some good flavours after a nice cure
Hey Sammet!
Sammet said:
(Super sunday - Manchester United vs Liverpool, Chelsea vs Arsenal - real football :smoke:)
I'll second that!!:D

Sammet said:
Cheese Harvest - Day 83

Some prechop shots:

Beautifull much respect man!

Sammet said:
Me Likes! :biglaugh:

Sammet said:
And the money shot.... and yes that is a door in the background for scale :D

:jawdrop: Yowzah!!!That one is going to LAST you quite some time yes?:smoke:
:wave:, Low


Awesome stuff man, that BBCheese hanging therelooks a lot like the UK cut...:yummy:


Med grower
ICMag Donor
Real - Thanks man.

High - Thanks too, It's a bit more than I'm expecting but I always stock up some close friends when I can, so I think they'll appreciate that she grew tall :)

BeAn - Cheers mate - Your UK cheese always looks awesome, but this BB stuff didn't really smell like Cheese and I got a lot of variation between the seeds I germed. I think I'll explore some other stains before I give a Cheese-based seed another run, it's just not the original.

Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
Hey man, nice looking harvest. How did you like that root juice? Your going to have some choice smoke in a while... looking forward to seeing those vegging ladies flowered out.



Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
great looking haul Sammet...much :respect:
ohw yea,that BB is that Big buddha cheese?

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Sammet again.


Med grower
ICMag Donor
Thanks Core - yea it's Bud Buddha Cheese. :wave:

BR - Thanks mate, the root juice is pretty good - I only use for around transplant time.

Here's a little update from yesterday:

Green Spirit:
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Med grower
ICMag Donor
Hi Low - looks like the picture hosting I used is temporarily down. I'll re upload them when ICMag upload is fixed.


Snow Grower ~OGA~
Congrats on a fabulous harvest Sammet :yes:

Your grows have been nothing but impressive. You're a man who knows how to rock a grow tent :headbange

Best thing about perpetual grows from the spectators point is constant flower show :lurk:
Keep up the great work!