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Saibai vs. the monkeys



kallenavndk said:
oki hhee i was started to think you was gone more crazy hehe lmao

it's got to be all those crazy monkeys rubbin off on him!!



Drying in my secret batcave, the entrance of which is hidden behind a waterfall.
After hanging them here for a couple of days while I trimmed them, I cut off the trimmed buds and moved them to a more controlled environment.

The haul...not very much, actually:redface: ...but very sticky and smelly.

Nice growing you, HB.


Went out and got some alcohol to clean the glass pipes and to make some iso oil. :)
99.5% Alcohol.

So I thought I'd take some pics while they were clean.

Hash pipe, on a bed of trim and popcorn buds:

Mini bubbler:



Thank you, theres more to come...will harvest the others this month prob. too. :)
Looking forward to it.


Nice haul there Saibai, some good bud and the trim with popcorn jibs will make some nice honey. I use a square pyrex dish on a coffee mug warmer with a fan blowing over the top of the pyrex dish. Takes about 6-8 hours to evaporate, I then place the pyrex in a dresser drawer for a few days until the honey hardens up.


Hey Ymi, GG: I'll smoke one for you, and one for everyone on this thread. ;D
Expert: Yeah, I thought I'll save my lungs all that smoke and concentrate it down to oil.
I have to read more on it before doing it. Is water purging a good idea?

Slight security scare at casa de saibai...:badday:
Will see how it pans out.


please get the best only then friend!

love this one, is there a lil story to it?


hi esben :)
I hate any trouble. :L
That one is a pic of hemp legally grown in Gunma Prefecture for use in religous rituals. That thing above the gate is a Shinto symbol usually seen at the front of shrines.
You can get a licence from the government to be a "hemp handler" or grower and be allowed to grow it for certain purposes. But those licences are not given out very easily.

Another view of the pic:


These are the farmers that grew it:



Washing the stalks:


Stripping, peeling:


After harvest (note the two people trying to catch some smoke from the burning leaves etc :D)



Hemp fibres.


Nice photo series Saibai, they look like they are living the farmers life of hard work and good sleep.

I would say steer clear of water cure or purge as it is very easy to have a problem. I fill my mason jar to the top with trim and popcorn and then chop it up with scissors. When the jar is 60% full of chopped material I add the 99% ISO until there is about 1" of the ISO above the trim and then shake for less than 1 minute. Drain through cheese cloth into second mason jar. I do a few batches until the second mason jar is full to the top and then use the full jar in the pyrex. I find that a full mason jar of this ISO thick with resin oil will produce about 7-10 grams of honey.


Active member
Saibai 1 - Monkeys 0

Nice Saibai I was cheering you on there my friend you did good and your buds look delicious.

If you winter those plots of yours with some organic ferts the holes'll be twice as good next year. Some lime and alfalfa, kelp meal....

Nice iso oil! Nicest I've seen, actually (saibai this man is worth listening to).

Cheered my day up, you enjoy dem buds now.


Woooow saibai tha show is better than ewer lovethose pictures af the japanesse growers u must get a license m8 :)

I come work for food and then no need for burn the good stuff on a field i burn it me self :muahaha:


Nice thread u got here main! Really educating to see those "old school" pics :)

Im planning to go to japan for about 3 month to work and learn alot about the country... is it possible that we might could hook up with some PMs?

Feel free to look in my last grows

peace :rasta:


one in the chamber
Konbanwa! Great pics! That HB looks pretty nice. I'll send positive vibes your way to keep you safe. :)


Expert: Hi, thanks. I can't take credit for the pics but sometime I would like to visit the village where they do this. I think there's a hemp museum there too. :) Thanks for the tip on the oil, I'll post my results when I get around to trying it.

MrFista: Thanks for the compliments! I'm glad to have buds finally after the long wait. :D Don't forget, I still have more plants going! Show's not over yet. :D I'd been thinking what was the best way to keep the organic matter going over winter.

kallie: Don't hold your breath on the licence. :D

Dhor: Check yr PMs.

THoC: I am certainly loving it too. Thanks for dropping in.

cellar: Thanks bud.

glock: Konbanwa! Thanks for the kind words and vibes.

Plan to hit the plot this afternoon, haven't been up since I harvested the SW and HB. Lots of things on my plate atm.
At least the weather has been perfect so they should be going OK...maybe the Skunk, Satori indica pheno and the tiny MaT will be ready... :chin:
Can't promise today but will update anyway. :wave:

Prof Sublime

Hard working pothead
Nice pull man, those buds look tasty. I know your gonna enjoy all that goodness. Take it easy for now. :joint:

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