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Saibai vs. the monkeys


Well, I've been smoking the HB (all gone, I think), SW and Zamal.
The Zamal is just way too early , but the HB and SW, especially the SW, are pretty good. The SW is already super-dense, and definitely has power to it. Looks pretty, too. Now I wish more plants had germed/were female.

It looks and smells what people in Australia would call "Hyge", short for hydro. No-one would pick it as dirty old outdoor "bush" weed in a million years. ;D


This is what I started with this year:

Coming along oh so slowly, lots of nice big colas, going to yield pretty well I think. Leaves showing signs of bugs.

This is the more indica "bat" pheno Satori, main cola. Sorry about the sideways pic. Again, more leaf damage, I didn't spray this until today, but theres no webs or any other sign of mites.



Menage a Trois, with the pink-purple pistils.

Damn, these pics really bring out the leaf damage. It's not as bad as it looks. :bashhead:
Everyone got a good spray, and lots of water, nutes and molasses. A very productive trip. :)
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Active member
Looks almost like spider mites. Glad to hear it's not as bad as it looks, cause it looks pretty bad!

Some damn good looking plants otherwise!

All the best,


The trouble is, even with the mites/thrips gone, the leaves don't recover. Heres a pic that slipped through the net last post:

Skunk, looking down. Only a little girl, about 2-3ft.

ps. also labelled most of the pics in the post above.


stoke this joint
ICMag Donor
Those girls are filling out nicely saibai, wont be long now, maybe crack a bottle of vintage Saki & go for it! :yummy:

I recently watched a program called 'Kenny's World',, typical aussie doing a show on Japanese toilets. lol... the japs have some pretty freaky dunny fetishes!!!
From swinging troughs to whole walls that close in on you while you're on the throne! hehe.. the 2nd episode is on next wk.

I just remembered the anonymous Japanese gentleman that leaves money in toilets all over Tokyo. All up he's left a couple million yen?,, usually with a note attached telling people to be kind to others etc. In fact its a sad story because the authorities think he may be dying due to the slow deterioration in his hand writing.

R u familiar with this story saibai? :joint:

edit; I just found a link of the video kenny's world (1st episode Japan), only 22 mins but its a good laugh.
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Thanks Smurf, they are definitely starting to add mass now, I'm thinking the indicas can be harvested around the first week or two of October. I like how you can see the pistils of the buds below in the Skunk pic. It looks pretty healthy, and that one and the Satori have been almost completely hands-off in terms of nutes, bug spray etc. Coincidence? Maybe not. :chin:

I'm not sure about the Satori/Zamals, but I'm not going to take any premature, thats for sure. Apart from the little sample buds, heh.

Is that Kenny the fella who was on TV, speaks with a kind of a lisp and fixes toilets? I didn't know he had his own show now, lol. The toilets here are pretty weird I suppose, but then again everything is pretty weird. :rasta:

I haven't heard anything lately about the money in the toilets, but it is interesting. "Hope this will be useful for your pursuit of knowledge" and "Please be happy"...

He must be "flush with cash".


best wishes for a fast recovery bro. the yellow leafs might indicate that the plant is getting ready and is sucking the last nuts out of the bigger leafs.


Thanks guys!
The yellowing is from the nitrogen being used up, but the Zamal and HB have this yellowy-mottled effect on the leaves, mites or thrips I think.
I:m not too worried. :)


Active member
Saibai said:
The trouble is, even with the mites/thrips gone, the leaves don't recover.
Leaves don't usually recover - the plant will just grow some more. Of course in flower it won't;p
I'm happy to see that you have some smoke ready soon - smoking your own is really the best.


Blackone: Thanks for stopping in again, and believe me I'm counting down the days to harvest! Don't want to pull em early though. :nono: Just got to make sure the bugs don't come back.
And I will do my best to stop from stealing buds. Scouts honour.

I can't believe the wait is almost over...I haven't smoked any decent buds since January this year, and I haven't smoked my homegrown since last year when I ran out! (Although I did have a couple of hits of some really nice hash a month or two ago)...and I love Mary. Perhaps need is a better word, but it suggests an addiction, which its not. Its just love, baby! :p

I don't really expect any to be properly finished before the first week or two of October, when the SW and HB will probably come down.
Damn, I want to smoke some of that SW again, it was very nice. Having sampled the HB though, I may leave it to amber up more than I usually would...
The Zamal was too early to even have much potency. :confused: Smells good though.

It would be great to have the willpower to harvest, dry and cure for a month w/out sampling any buds, and then open the jars and see what my blood sweat and tears for the last year (almost) have amounted to. Not likely to happen though. :D


Wow guys, I've just finished reading this thread(offsite):


about an Australian med patient in Canberra who was getting tinctures sent to him, noticed his mail being opened, and...well, just read the thread. This is real-time, the raid happened in early July 2008, and I believe this is a major event in Australian med-pot history...


I forgot about the mushrooms. I got about 1/2 a flush of Golden Teachers, but my bad pratice meant that I had to put the cake outside.
It rained all yesterday and last night, so I made a little spot this morning, just about where I put my the other bit of cake/spores. I'm not worried if nothing pops up (although secretly hoping), cause I got my money and times worth out of the growkit.
I ended up with about enough for 7-8 trips in total. I have about 2-3 left. :laughing:

Although I've only had about 10 trips on mushrooms, I would say that I like them. With the ones that I grew, once or twice I seemed to get some weaker ones, but they nearly always showed me some things about myself, the world and people, some rather profound, some not so.

I would recommend them to anyone. If its your first time, take a low dose. Depending on the strain and whether they're fresh or not, dosage can vary wildly. Research first.
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Prof Sublime

Hard working pothead
Dang those plants are looking very good. Im very impressed. I was hopin to see the SW plant but, w/e next time Im sure. Take it easy and enjoy your buds you deserve it. Peace :joint:


Active member
I think Saibai is secretly smoking the Snow White and is going to blame the monkeys when he can't deny our demand for pictures of her anymore.

The Monkeys are probably stunt monkeys, hired to promote the thread. And Saibai is really here to sell funky Ninja galoshes!

I'm onto you mate! :muahaha:



The charade had to end some time. Mention ICmag and get 5% off! :jump:

And I have a sneaking suspicion that SW might not make it to full maturity. :chin:
Although its been raining the past 2-3 days meaning I havent been up the mountain. She's safe for now...:D

But the monkeys would make good scapegoats for a lot of things, now that you mention it. I might get committed if I keep blaming everything on the monkeys though.
"The monkeys did it! They toooooold me to embezzle the company's money in bananas and fertilizers! They said they thought a new RooR was just what I neeeeeeded! They're up on that mountain, can't you see them? Monkeys, laughing monkeys, dancing away…they're after my weed, I tells ya..."
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stoke this joint
ICMag Donor
I've been waiting for "the monkeys must have taken it" scenario, I'm surprised its taken this long! hehe
It would be great to have the willpower to harvest, dry and cure for a month w/out sampling any buds, and then open the jars and see what my blood sweat and tears for the last year (almost) have amounted to. Not likely to happen though.
By all means have a smoke first,, that goes without saying,, then think about curing some so you can personally vouch for the difference... depending on how much you have to keep you going, definitely a challenge! I know you've smoked everything except monkey hair!,,, try to hold out a bit longer. :muahaha:

I wasn't gonna get into your mushy convo, but hey I'd be a fibber if I didn't say I enjoyed them back in the day... when a hunt with friends into a local forest would yield the blue meanies & bullets, powerful lil suckers! I learnt a lot about myself too. :D

Thanks for the heads up on smoking moose, finally a LEA that not only has compassion but they are willing to go that little further!... we're still a long way off but it does say volumes for the AFP.
I don't like to think about when I was busted by the afp,,,, but I must admit I do have much respect for them.... simply by how they conducted themselves.


Smurf: Yes, the AFP seems to have handled the situation with rare grace. Then again, they're the feds, not your local redneck coppers. Then again, they only have feds in Canberra, so I guess they are the local redneck cops. :)

I'm sure I'll have enough to jar up for a good cure, even though I know I'm going to go a little harvest-crazy when I get those suckas in. :D Hell yeah.
I was very impressed last year with how the buds developed in the jars over the month or two that they lasted me :bashhead: So much better, and you really realise what a difference it makes, and how few, if any dealers dry and cure properly.

Typhoon moving up from the south of Japan...